(Somewhat NSFW) On the topic of porn art · 6:46am Oct 22nd, 2016
I find something very weird about porn art, how people can come up with the most creative things that can make you think how you didn't think of this idea but you like it, and yet some of the stuff you'd expect to find, nada, or at least very little. Allow to me give examples. There's plenty of Rule 34 of RWBY for example, and yet, next to no rule 34 of Ragyo from Kill La Kill. Seriously, how does a character who dresses like this: have no Rule 34? It honestly is beyond me.
Another good example would be One Punch Man, there does exist Rule 34 of it, however, none of Slingshot S. To give you an example of what I mean, allow me to post this: This being official art from the manga. Which brings me to the question, HOW is there zero Rule 34 on her? Seriously, look at her, rule 34 is being all but GIFT WRAPPED for people who do this stuff, and yet, nada.
And despite that, there's porn of Camp Camp. Where the majority of the cast are CHILDREN.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?