• Member Since 19th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2017

Insanity PKlegend

I'm 22, Female, kind, loyal, and a gamer.

More Blog Posts8

  • 405 weeks
    No one remembers me ...

    I get back and try contacting who I can with what I can and nobody remembers me. Absolutely nobody ... this ... kinda hurts. I've been away so long it's numbed the blow. I partially expected it ...

    8 comments · 222 views
  • 406 weeks

    Hello everyone! I'm sorry for my friends on here I have been unable to contact. My house was burned down from electrical fire and later found out it was deliberate and the person who did it deliberately also wanted me dead ... anyways ... I don't have access to my old skype any more but that's ok. I made a new one I just need to get re added to the groups and add you all again. Yes, I had access

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    0 comments · 277 views
  • 533 weeks

    I'm sick right now and I keep losing focus every 5 minutes and staring straight ahead lost. My sickness isn't why I'm upset though. I'm upset because I miss my best friend. She just disappeared one day. Last time I heard from her she said she was sick. It makes me worry what happened. I'm not sure how but after I met her I became more open about my past, my hurt, and some how changed me. Me and

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    0 comments · 304 views
  • 533 weeks

    I'm sick right now and I keep losing focus every 5 minutes and staring straight ahead lost. My sickness isn't why I'm upset though. I'm upset because I miss my best friend. She just disappeared one day. Last time I heard from her she said she was sick. It makes me worry what happened. I'm not sure how but after I met her I became more open about my past, my hurt, and some how changed me. Me and

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    3 comments · 279 views
  • 548 weeks
    Double post! 1. I'm an idiot. 2. Happy late birthday to my best friend blackflames!

    Ok. Long story short I had done a birthday post for her before. Why does no one see it? Well me being a real big fuck up didn't hit POST BLOG ENTRY at the bottom in green.

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    12 comments · 318 views

I'M FINALLY ABLE TO BE ON A COMPUTER AGAIN!!! <3 · 7:26pm Oct 13th, 2016

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for my friends on here I have been unable to contact. My house was burned down from electrical fire and later found out it was deliberate and the person who did it deliberately also wanted me dead ... anyways ... I don't have access to my old skype any more but that's ok. I made a new one I just need to get re added to the groups and add you all again. Yes, I had access on that phone I had but who I was with threw a bitch fit when I was upset because I was upset and told me to cheer up as she took my phone and smashed it repeatedly against my dresser. WHO IN THERE RIGHT MIND DOES THAT?! Anyways I went through the 18k+ blogs, story posts, and such and chat with a few of you if I could tell who you were. It's good being able to chat with my friends again, read their stories, and hopefully re-add you to skype.

Report Insanity PKlegend · 277 views ·
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