Dragons! · 5:28pm Oct 10th, 2016
Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers him
It took a lot of will power, not to go anime nerd while looking for these pictures. I'm reading Eragon, so I tried to stick with fantasy. Along with Spike and a blast from the past.
- HUG 
4249903 Eragon is a good book as were the rest in the series. The movie as terrible though. Don't worry I won't spoil the ending of the last book. PM when you're don't with the last book.
4249924 I'm 1/2 way through the 3rd book. So give till the end of the month.
4249947 will do. PM me when done
4249970 Ok.
I remember them, I also remember Kirins
This is about what I expect a foal between a pony and a dragon to look like. Who am I kidding, this creature is from mythology.