• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2021

Moonlit Path

People are not born equal. That's the hard truth I learned at age four. But that was my first and last setback. -Midoriya Izuku

More Blog Posts588

  • 302 weeks
    I know I must be a stranger now

    Hi guys. Wow, it’s been a while. A lot has changed and for a while, I just had no interest in writing, or reading. I did miss you guys a lot though, although most of you probably won’t remember me or are mad at me for leaving. I’ve gone through a lot of changes. I’m working for a new job now, I’m also no married and have my first kid on the way. However deep inside, you guys helped me get where I

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    18 comments · 551 views
  • 377 weeks
    It's a weirdest feeling being scared, but also trying no to laugh at someone.

    So, it's been a...weird day at work today. Right as I got there this (I'm not being racist, just using description.) and this 6'2/6'3 black guy comes in, black hoodie with plaid jacket over it. He's just walking around, and just giving off this weird vibe about him. So trying to get work done, and he kept coming up to my friend and I asking random question. "Hey, you've seen my white bucket?

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    3 comments · 630 views
  • 377 weeks
    Which one should I pick?

    I need something that's going to help me get around easier, and that won't cost me 65$ a month. (Freaking bus pass). I"m debating if I should get a longboard again, or a bike. I used to longboard a lot when I was 15-16 but eventually my board broke and I wasn't able to replace it. Bike would be easier, but the last bike I had I didn't have a good experience with. In less then a

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    6 comments · 655 views
  • 377 weeks

    I guess my manager really likes me. I was told when I first started that I would be working Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I'm working 6pm on the 23 to 6am (when the store opens) on the 24th. So I only have to deal with customers for 4 hours of a 12 hour shift. :rainbowlaugh: Then I have the rest of Black Friday off, but I have to work that Saturday. Still, I feel like I'm getting off easy.

    1 comments · 644 views
  • 378 weeks
    I could use some advice...again.

    So due to the opiod crises they have cut my mothers pain meds. My mother has fibromyalgia. For those who don't know, is nerve pain throughout the entire body. So imagine sprained or pulled muscles over your entire body. Because of the fibro, she's been on her meds for 20+ years. However they cut them in half already because they don't feel that she needs them, and they want to cut her off

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    5 comments · 585 views

Dragons! · 5:28pm Oct 10th, 2016







Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers him :heart:

It took a lot of will power, not to go anime nerd while looking for these pictures. I'm reading Eragon, so I tried to stick with fantasy. Along with Spike :moustache: and a blast from the past. :pinkiehappy:

Report Moonlit Path · 1,050 views · #Dragons
Comments ( 7 )

4249903 Eragon is a good book as were the rest in the series. The movie as terrible though. Don't worry I won't spoil the ending of the last book. PM when you're don't with the last book.

4249924 I'm 1/2 way through the 3rd book. So give till the end of the month.

I remember them, I also remember Kirins
This is about what I expect a foal between a pony and a dragon to look like. Who am I kidding, this creature is from mythology.

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