"Embarrassing Things Happen Sometimes..." - My very first entry for any contest on Fimfiction!!! · 4:43pm Oct 4th, 2016
Hello everypony! (Man, that is SOO fun to say! I'm gonna say that instead of 'everyone' from now on!)
So, for those of you who are a part of the FlutterDash group, you probably know that there's been a contest there lately. The contest's subject is all about "Change". I feel like you know the many things that change can mean (but I'll list a few anyway): a physical change between them (Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash), a relationship change like if they break up, or an emotional change of some degree.
Anyway, I'm just gonna skip to the part that I really wanna say.....
The story is called "Embarrassing Things Happen Sometimes..." - an image of the cover artwork, as well as a link to the story, is below:
Embarrassing Things Happen Sometimes...
Anyway, rather than going hugely into the plot, I'm just gonna bullet point the main events (but not the ending!):
1. Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash go to a party
2. Rainbow Dash gets extremely drunk on 7 glasses of AJ's Apple Cider
3. The two ponies end up kissing in front of their friends, as well as their OWN parents (yikes... )
4. Once Rainbow Dash realizes what she's doing (and she's gone into hangover mode), she storms out of Pinkie's house, with Fluttershy running after her
5. Rainbow Dash flies to Mount Pony (a tall mountain, where an event called "Couple's Night" sometimes happens every now and then... Does that even exist in the show? The mountain that is.), where she plans to commit suicide
..... Woah, woah... WOAH. Suicide? Really? Yep, you heard me. But why, why would a pony like Rainbow Dash, be thinking such things? You'll have to find out for yourselves.
Will Rainbow Dash really kill herself? Will Fluttershy save her friend in time? Will Applejack and Rarity also make out? The story contains the answers to all these questions, + more.
That's all I have to say for now. But, in my next post, I'll probably either talk more about my 'still in production' story, Fluttershy's Secret, or just something else. I don't know yet.
Until next time, bye guys!