• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 12th, 2018


Look into my eyes... It's where my demons hide... Don't get too close, it's dark inside...

More Blog Posts48

  • 366 weeks



    2 comments · 503 views
  • 419 weeks
    I wrote a new story!

    The story is called Applejack's Wonderful Cider, and I highly recommend checking it out if you like grimdark horror stories!
    Can't link it here because it's rated Mature but I'm sure you can find it lol.

    Rating: Mature for graphic violence, gore, and disturbing themes.


    0 comments · 393 views
  • 420 weeks
    Tenebras Insurgere: Story update

    I am currently working on an extremely long fanfic called Tenebras Insurgere, and this is just an update to let you all know how everything is going with that. Here are some details about this new story that you may want to know.

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    0 comments · 388 views
  • 443 weeks
    Why haven't I posted anything lately? (Version 2.0)

    As I said in my last blog I'm writing a gigantic ass fanfiction. To give you an idea of how big, it is to be exactly ten million words by the time it's done. So yeah. I haven't had much time to do anything else :twilightsheepish:


    2 comments · 444 views
  • 443 weeks
    Soooo... Who's your waifu?

    Any of y'all have one?:trollestia::applejackunsure:

    7 comments · 416 views

Tenebras Insurgere: Story update · 6:58pm Sep 22nd, 2016

I am currently working on an extremely long fanfic called Tenebras Insurgere, and this is just an update to let you all know how everything is going with that. Here are some details about this new story that you may want to know.

Rating: As much as I would like to have this be rated Mature, I'm keeping the story at a Teen rating, so a wider audience of readers will be able to check it out. The rating may change to Mature in the future, but as of now, I'm keeping it PG-13.

Length: This is going to be the longest fanfic I've ever written, and probably ever will, write. I am almost done revising the 120,000 word prologue of the story, and it should be getting posted within the next few days. I will then work on chapter one of the story.

Readers: Readers of this story are going to have to have patience. The chapters are going to most likely be very long, and there will be a lot of chapters to write. I will need time to write and edit these chapters, so don't expect a new chapter every day, or most likely every week. Thank you so much for your patience.

Story outline: What this story is about is a secret. I'm not going to release the plot until the release of the prologue. I will say this, however: "Dark", and "Adventure" are just a few of the tags this story has.

Anyways, if you have any comments, please let me know, and keep your eyes peeled for shorter stories I am working on as well!

Peace for now,

Report Mudraynebow · 388 views ·
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