• Member Since 4th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2022


What am I to say when my name states it all?

More Blog Posts4

  • 402 weeks
    I told you all!!

    I knew it, I knew it with all my heart!

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    0 comments · 471 views
  • 409 weeks

    Well, good news!

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    3 comments · 407 views
  • 415 weeks
    fun times!

    So I recently had a encounter with a SJW and a self-hating American and, my god.

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    5 comments · 398 views
  • 416 weeks
    So, I've never done this before.

    I've never created a blog post before in the history of ever, so I shall now do just that to allow those strange and depressed people who follow me know that I hate them all.

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    10 comments · 331 views

yay! · 1:09am Sep 20th, 2016

Well, good news!

I'm 1,500 miles from home and I'm another year fucking older. Huzzah.

So yea, just thought you degenerates should know that. Happy Fucking Birthday!

Report Vitae · 407 views · #rant #saltiness #Happybirthday
Comments ( 3 )

Happy birthday!


There are times when I want to get mad but give up and just want to cuddle instead.

4222022 That's what I use pillows for, it never works

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