• Member Since 4th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2022


What am I to say when my name states it all?

More Blog Posts4

  • 402 weeks
    I told you all!!

    I knew it, I knew it with all my heart!

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    0 comments · 471 views
  • 409 weeks

    Well, good news!

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    3 comments · 407 views
  • 415 weeks
    fun times!

    So I recently had a encounter with a SJW and a self-hating American and, my god.

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    5 comments · 398 views
  • 416 weeks
    So, I've never done this before.

    I've never created a blog post before in the history of ever, so I shall now do just that to allow those strange and depressed people who follow me know that I hate them all.

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    10 comments · 332 views

So, I've never done this before. · 5:48am Jul 30th, 2016

I've never created a blog post before in the history of ever, so I shall now do just that to allow those strange and depressed people who follow me know that I hate them all.

It has come to my attention that a certain set of trends in the fan-made stories has been reaching prevalence as of late, and this concerns me for the future of this fandom.
Things such as permanently unfinished stories are beginning to litter the pages as they have for years before, but, it's becoming far more common that writers are leaving the fandom and never returning.

So I shall begin asking people if they can say "Salty Walrus" to bring the strange and spontaneous nature of Fim back into its fandom and I urge you all to do the same!!......

Nah, I'm just fucking with you all.

Also, stop fucking following me, I have no stories and nor do I plan on releasing any on here from GDocs.

Comments ( 10 )

Nah, following you is fun


Why?!? You get nothing out of it!

No stories to read, no commissions, and nothing at all enjoyable!!

Just please stop following me as I have nothing to offer you.

You're a wizard, Harry.

I will always be with you.


I hate you all so fucking much.

4123045 I love you too babe

If I could, I would double follow you. :3

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