• Member Since 4th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2022


What am I to say when my name states it all?

More Blog Posts4

  • 402 weeks
    I told you all!!

    I knew it, I knew it with all my heart!

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    0 comments · 471 views
  • 409 weeks

    Well, good news!

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    3 comments · 406 views
  • 415 weeks
    fun times!

    So I recently had a encounter with a SJW and a self-hating American and, my god.

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    5 comments · 398 views
  • 416 weeks
    So, I've never done this before.

    I've never created a blog post before in the history of ever, so I shall now do just that to allow those strange and depressed people who follow me know that I hate them all.

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    10 comments · 331 views

fun times! · 12:51am Aug 7th, 2016

So I recently had a encounter with a SJW and a self-hating American and, my god.

It was the funniest shit I've ever had the pleasure to see in downtown Chicago.

Ok, picture this, a scrawny white guy is chanting in front of this Indian eatery about Black Lives Matter and banning all guns when a group of black guys shows up and ask him a few things that I dare not repeat but around half way through, one of them snatches up the 'ban guns' sign and just demolishes it with this man looking at the white man with absolute hate.
They all started yelling at him shortly thereafter and the little SJW(I guess he lost his brain for a few years) screams out
"you're all just a bunch of Cis-gendered males and you're the problem with this world!"

Now, at this point I thought that "white boi gon die"

Then I realized I was white too, and then remembered that I wasn't a idiot, so I was safe, the end.

Report Vitae · 398 views · #SaltyWalrus #SJW #WTF #funnyshit
Comments ( 5 )

Damn... Fucking dumbass... Gud thing ur smert doe... Dad gud.... Cuz u wont di
Iz reel gud


Why you be talkin leik sorby be4 he got litrosy in Sips' playthrough of prison architect?

Fockin' ell, mate.


That's hilarious

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