• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2494

  • Thursday
    "Hey, you think we can get away with this headline?"

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

    3 comments · 77 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: Tiny Trot

    This week, we're back at the magical theme park... Again... The ponies turn themselves into foals... Again... And we've got a cutie mark poem... Again.

    My inner ageplayer should be squeeing, but we've got another week of meaningless fluff where the overall story goes nowhere.

    But at least it's a little cute, I guess.

    18 comments · 113 views
  • Tuesday
    That's the look I would have, too...

    18 comments · 237 views
  • Sunday
    Happy 10th, Avalice!

    Happy 10th anniversary to one of the best damn indie platformers ever. Of all time.

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    3 comments · 126 views
  • 1 week
    No Man's Sky 5.0

    So, Hello Games, in their typical fashion, stealth-dropped the 5.0 update to No Man's Sky today, and apparently this is just part 1, with more coming later this summer.

    All planets have dynamic wind now, with plants and grass being affected.
    Water is now volumetric, with waves that intensify during storms.
    Asteroid density has increased substantially.
    Clouds look amazing now.

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    2 comments · 152 views

Warzone Firefight · 2:35pm Jun 30th, 2016

Halo's glory days are long gone.

Four Warzone Firefight matches so far. Two won.

I'm sorry, I'm just not having any fun. After two months away from Halo 5 to come back to this, I honestly think I'm done with it. I've got a brand new camera and three amazing-looking games coming in August and October.

I remember being able to strategize and kite enemies to a specific area of the map to give you the best possible advantage in ODST and Reach. But this? This is nothing more than cheap, bullet-sponge artificial difficulty scaling, with the longest respawn timer in the history of Halo matchmaking (30 seconds on Round 5).

Sorry, 343. This was supposed to be the update that brought me back, but it's too little, too late. Thumbs down.

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