First time for everything... · 11:28am Jun 8th, 2016
Today I'm going to have my first surgery. It's just a small oral surgery, but I'm most likely going to feel like s#it afterwards...
Greetings, Agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read. Read as much as you can in your time. You may end up learning a thing or two.
Today I'm going to have my first surgery. It's just a small oral surgery, but I'm most likely going to feel like s#it afterwards...
Yeah.. surgeries are shitty..
I had one wich was the worst one ever.
I got my finger stuck between the car door. Luckily it wasnt broken but a lot worse...
The piece of nail that grows under your skin, it broke in 2 pieces and one half penetrated into my flesh. It got to the bone...
They gave me 2 shots of tranquilizer but i was screaming like a little pig when they pulled the piece out of my flesh...
It feels a lot worse then breaking something.. i have experience.. i broke my thumb once in a fight.. i won the fight btw XD
the guy thought he was the strongest in our school.. little did he know that i do bodybuilding and that im one of the strongest persons in our school XD. he thought it was funny to hit me in the face for no reason... so i hit him back and eventually i won the fight.. but i broke my thumb... but it was worth it! That guy was one of the most annoying persons that ever existed.. he bullied others, he hit others, etc, etc, etc. But after the fight he never said another word to me or my friends!
4011345 Hot diggidy DAMN! Remind me to not get on your bad side! XD