• Member Since 24th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 7th, 2019


May the Sun illuminate your path and the Moon guard your dreams. Let the Love grow strong and the Magic roam free.

More Blog Posts38

  • 372 weeks
    I am Alive.

    Hey, all! I'm back... sorta:applejackunsure:

    I know the last time I made any sort of major appearance was near the end of October with the publication of Seeker. After that, well, this can explain what happened:

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    2 comments · 419 views
  • 393 weeks
    Love Your Family

    Go hug your parents, brothers, or sisters and tell them that you love them no matter what. It might be the last time you see them. :pinkiesad2:

    0 comments · 400 views
  • 398 weeks
    Grave News

    I regret to inform all of you that my computers are currently inoperable. I will have access to school computers tomorrow with which I shall write like no one has written before. The good thing is that I have written notes so I should be able to whiz through my stories and publish them throughout the day. Otherwise I hope all of you have a glorious time.

    0 comments · 447 views
  • 398 weeks
    51 Followers and the Bearer of Bad News

    So, at 9:28 p.m. EST ArcherSmash0582 broke the 50 follower mark. I Thank you, or rather, I thank all of you for choosing to follow me. Now, I would've done a Q&A special; however, I broke my laptops... that is right, I broke my laptops as in multiple, in this case two of them. I have my suspicions for one of them (Broken on/off button or broken Hard Drive because I dropped it:facehoof:)

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    1 comments · 359 views
  • 401 weeks
    So, I thought of something...

    I just though of a phrase.

    More precious was his life than all the joy in the world.

    Also, the next one-shot should be out soon. It concerns the affairs of dragons. But beware for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

    0 comments · 322 views

April's (Belated) End of the Month Amalgamation (EMA) · 3:57am May 2nd, 2016

The blog's kinda long-ish. ge

So yesterday it was the end of the month of April. No EMA blog because reasons. However, the seventh chapter of Letters From a Princess to a Dragon Lord is up! Go read it! There be dargons!

Besides that, the report for the month of April is fine and dandy. Five stories were successfully submitted. Thirteen chapters were published. They contained roughly 31,732 words. That's like half the amount of words needed for a book/novel. Last I check the suggested numbers for that was between 50,000 and 80,000 words.

In other news, some other story was put on hiatus. But that's not important. Well, it kinda is but meh.

I do need to get to the meat of this whole blog. Pretty much an exposition on, Back To The Stars; Culmination of Actions Past; As Time Flew By; The Final Setting of The Sun; and Letters From a Princess to a Dragon Lord.

I'll start with the fic that has received what seems to be a very little amount of love:

Back To The Stars.

I know the description is very clunky and it obfuscates what the story is actually about. I fix that some time soon. Besides that, here is a general description.

Back To The Stars follow Luna as she struggles with an identity of self and the forgotten history of three ancient races. The Terrans, The Protoss and the Zerg. She survived the fight as Nightmare Moon but now she must not only struggle with her past, but she must also struggle with the past as it was thousands of years ago. Luna will delve deep into the history of three mysterious forces that influenced life as she knew it. Luna's discoveries will reshape both her and her world. And whether she uses her 'gifts' for good or for ill is yet to be seen. En Taro Luna.

Looking back on it. That is probably what should be in the description... I'm sure I'll get around to it sometime or other.

Culmination of Actions Past.

Well. I know that some of those who have read it have expressed confusion and do not know what's going on. That is my fault and I take responsibility for it because I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I did it. In other-words, yes. I wanted people to be confused. Not my best moment. But it has its uses. Anyway! A Brief description: SPOILERS!!!

Sunset Shimmer is informed of the deaths of Princesses Twilight and Celestia. She is then taken back to Equestria in order to heal and rest and do some stuff that was left for her by the dead princesses. All that is a lie. Before and during Sunset's time as Celestia's student she got forcibly involved in some rather heavy magic/pony trafficking, thievery, robbery, general punkery. In the end she pissed off some ponies in the Equestrian Intelligence Service (EIS) and they started tracing crimes back to her. So Sunset looked for a way to undo several of her mistakes and that is where Celestia finds her in the restricted section. They have a spat and Sunset is escorted away by Royal Guards. Sunset fights them and wins.

What she does is she goes to the mirror room, locks and bars the door. Casts memory charms/blocks on herself so she won't remember anything of what she did. The unfortunate part is that she locked away her old personality leaving her with her current one. That old crotchety sunset from the first EG movie. Besides that, the EG stuff happens then the Culmination story arc happens. That's it.

As Time Flew By

I don't really have plans for this one. It's pretty much just stuff that I can skim off the top of my head. I'll work on it when I can I guess. But I hope some of you found/find it interesting. It's a different genre then what I normally work with so if ya'll want to have input as to certain elements/plot story stuff. Comment or something.

The Final Setting of the Sun.

Like I said in the Author's Note, I got the idea for it from the WarCraft 3 'Betrayal' Cinematic and the StarCraft 2 'Tychus' Cinematic. Also, I really couldn't figure out an appropriate ending. I didn't want to use the regular WC Ending because that's kinda predictable and I couldn't get into that state of mind to write that part so I settled on a rather open ending. I might do something else with that later.

And now for the one that has gotten the most love:

Letters From a Princess to a Dragon Lord.

Apparently people like dragons. Who knew? I sure didn't. But still, Dragons!

But yeah, the general thing behind that is that the whole story is still in my head. I really need to get it out on paper. But yeah I know people have enjoyed the story so far. More will be coming. Soon.

And now for this second to last last bit. (Heh. bit. Heh... ow)

I have some unpublished story ideas(25). Some are good. Some... not so much. If any of you want to see them. Message me or leave a comment. I'll try to get back to you. Also. If you do see them, please don't go yelling the ideas out to everyone you see. It's annoying.

And onto this last bit.

I won't be able to get much stuff done cause my schedule's wacky. 9-5 week job now, then part time after that and that's generally the same for most of the week and weekend. I don't like it. But it's money. Oh and WISDOM TEETH!!! So, yeah not going to be getting much done over the next 2-3 weeks. But by Faust I will cry try.:rainbowdetermined2:

But for now. Cookies for all of you. (What's your favourite type of cookie? Mine's Snickerdoodle.)

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