• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
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More Blog Posts3

  • 410 weeks
    Phantom story updates AGAIN

    How can I get rid of these? The is no update up the site says there is, I don't want to have to move all my watched stories to a new bookshelf again.

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  • 450 weeks
    Phantom Story Updates

    How Do I remove phantom story update notices? I watch quite a few stories for updates but sometime I get a notice of a new update when there isn't one! The last one was there for a MONTH until I deleted the entire bookshelf. Now I've got another one. I checked every story I am watching, no updates, I even moved a bunch that changed their completion status. Is there any way to delete this

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    0 comments · 420 views
  • 451 weeks
    Can't submit my stories?

    I recently wrote two new stories and I can't seem to submit them. Both are over 1,000 Words and have Descriptions, but the site won't accept them saying I can't submit them now. What am I doing wrong? I can't use auto submission as far as I know and can't do it manually. Also I hope this is publicly posted, I've still no idea how blogs work here, So i dunno if anyone will see this.

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    8 comments · 838 views

Can't submit my stories? · 8:45am Apr 12th, 2016

I recently wrote two new stories and I can't seem to submit them. Both are over 1,000 Words and have Descriptions, but the site won't accept them saying I can't submit them now. What am I doing wrong? I can't use auto submission as far as I know and can't do it manually. Also I hope this is publicly posted, I've still no idea how blogs work here, So i dunno if anyone will see this.

Is it just that submissions are backed up?

Report Xanderfox · 838 views · #Help
Comments ( 8 )

I got a note saying I was now eligible for auto submission when I went to submit.. but I also saw a thing saying I couldn't submit. So, if you've heard any word on it, I'd love to know what in Equestria is going on..

also, blogs are pretty unfamiliar to me, but I think there's two ways to find 'em - find them on an author's page, or to search for something under "blogs". Which is how I found yours - I was having my problem with the approving thing and was looking to see if any staff had said anything about it.

Well. I feel like a complete idiot now. :facehoof: I forgot to hit publish on the chapter. Which meant it had 0 words.
I hit publish... and immediately I hit submit and was presented with the choice between auto-approval and manual.
... Yup.

Having a little "publish" box to tick next to chapters on the story main page where the submission button is would have helped SOOOOOO much in this.

I completely forgot about the existence of the publish button and the notice of inability to submit doesn't mention that. And like I said being on the chapter page but not the main story page is rather annoying. Rather have one on both.

Yeah, no kidding... It's really annoying. There is a small thing on the story page, I think it's a little red circle by the chapter name, but don't quote me on that.

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