• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Just a guy who loves to read.

More Blog Posts26

  • 362 weeks
    Bronycon was great!

    Last year's was, that is. I didn't go this year. Next year I probably will though.

    This post brought to you by me noticing I hadn't made a blog post since Extended Bronycon Vacation. I did not go on a year long vacation, as disappointing as that is to report.

    0 comments · 637 views
  • 420 weeks
    Extended Bronycon Vacation

    Just in case anyone is wondering enough about where my comments are to come looking, I'm on vacation visiting family in the NYC area before Bronycon next weekend. It's kind of unfriendly to sit and read and comment on stuff instead of interacting with the people you flew across the country to visit, so I'll have a limited site presence at best for the next week or so.

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    4 comments · 735 views
  • 430 weeks
    Another Half Marathon Down

    This time it was the OKC Memorial Marathon. Last year I did the full and the year before that the 5k, so it only made sense to do the half this year to complete the set, especially since I hadn't even remotely trained up enough this spring to be ready for the full.

    As in previous races, I text-to-speeched some pony fic chapters, this time the following:

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    8 comments · 651 views
  • 437 weeks

    Zootopia was amazing. Go see it, you won't be disappointed.

    Judy X Nick, OTP.

    3 comments · 827 views
  • 447 weeks
    Some More Art

    This is a bit of a follow up to Another December Sunday Morning in Dallas. I was highly amused by the official race shirt, and when I managed to snag a commission slot from Sophie I knew what it had to be.

    1 comments · 592 views

Zootopia · 6:30pm Mar 6th, 2016

Zootopia was amazing. Go see it, you won't be disappointed.

Judy X Nick, OTP.

Report djthomp · 827 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Completely agree. It's too bad though there isn't a site such as this to sort out the decent fanfics for it.

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