• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
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I like FiM, Star Wars, and Tarantino

More Blog Posts47

  • 328 weeks
    News for Spike gets ALL the Mares and sequel

    I intend to do some revisions for Spike gets ALL the mares in the (hopefully) near future. Also hopefully with some help.

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  • 343 weeks
    You wanna see Crystal Rose?

    There is now art of Twilight Velvet's nosy, nympho-ish neighbor.

    It was done by the artist MinFeru. You can check it out on Derpibooru here.

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  • 348 weeks
    Last Jedi trailer and tickets

    Presumably the last Last Jedi trailer is out. I tried not to watch it because the director said you shouldn't if you wanna go in clean, but he admitted that it was also really good.

    I tried.

    And to quote a certain cowboy jedi "If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed."

    And that rang true. Because I did only try.

    I watched it.

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  • 349 weeks
    Eh, why not?

    Since it's my birthday weekend, I've decided to release a chapter earlier than I intended.


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  • 349 weeks
    The MLP Movie

    So I saw the movie.

    It was fine.

    It was a-ight.

    Not really something I feel like watching again.

    Some of the Main 6 were just kind of there. Same goes with Spike, though he had a really badass moment at one point.

    Michael Peña's character wasn't annoying to me, maybe had one line or two I found funny, but overall he felt kind of pointless, as comedic relief at least.

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My OC's background · 8:20am Feb 26th, 2016

First design:

New design: By QueenCold on deviantart

New design (flipside)

Name:Drako, short for Drakomodo

Real world use:This is how I would view myself as a character in the show. I couldn't get it in my head how I would be as a pony and found that a dragon seemed to fit better. I also love katana's, hence why he has one. The markings on his face are inspired by Darth Maul. I won't be using him for my fimifc profile picture because my current one fits my fimfic name better.

His name came from my realizing the only other Draco I could recall in media was Malfoy from Harry Potter. Then I remembered Komodos, often referred to as komodo dragons, and came up with a head canon that in MLP, komodos were the very first dragons, and magically influenced evolution resulted in modern dragons.

In-Universe role:Drakomodo, most commonly referred to as Drako, is Spike's long lost older brother and only living relative. He is from a minority of dragon warriors called Draconians. (No connection or allusion to any other kind of draconian in fiction)

Draconians broke away from the commom stereotypical dragons to follow what they deemed a better path. The path of the warrior. They learned how to fight, heighten their senses such as smell, sight, and hearing and even learned to control their growth, allowing them to say closer to equine size even at an older age. A Draconian may choose to take a weapon so long as they make it themselves. Drako chose a katana and forged his own. His feet and tail are also prehensile.

Pictured in the second image(s) Drako has four gems magically imbedded on his arms, two on each arm. When in use, they glow.
Blue: the gem of mind. Allows the bearer to look into and project the thoughts and memories of others, as well as share their own.
Green: the gem of protection. Envelops the bearer in a protectove orb. It can withstand a full blast of alicorn magic if the bearer has the strength of will and peace of mind. Drako's not really there yet, it would hold for 2 maybe 3 seconds against a Celestia blast.
Red: the gem of power. Increases the strength, stamina and speed of the bearer. Least used by Drako, mostly for desperate situations. He obtained this one last for a reason.
Purple: the gem of teleportation. Pretty self explanitory. A purple mist is left behind when the bearer teleports.

A short time after completing his training, Drako discovered that his parents, common dragons, were attacked by a dragon hunting unicorn. The unicorn was easily dispatched, having gone into dragon territory filled with dragons. Unfortunately, he had already killed Drako's mother and left his father mortally wounded. In his last moments, Drako's father passed onto him a single egg containing his sibling and tasked him with raising and protecting him.

Drako went off on his own with his unborn sibling and made a home for himself out of a large tree in the Everfree Forrest. He made sure to pick a tree far into the forest and near where it became the hydra heavy Froggy Bottom Bog, knowing he wouldn't likely be disturbed by the nearby ponies.

Sometime later, he heard that an ancient magical item was in Canterlot Castle. This item he knew was originally owned by dragons. While modern common dragons cared mostly for their own hoard, Draconians had the care and appreciation of dragons past for important items. He took it upon himself to retrieve it during the night. He donned a cloack and chose to bring his unhatched sibling so as not to leave him unprotected.

Using the teleportation gem, he was able to easily dispatch the night time guards in the castle. ala Nightcrawler in X-Men 2 He entered the room containing the private collection of the lunar princess, who was still banished at the time. The item had been gifted to her by a thief, which she wasn't aware of. But that was irrelevant, he was still going to take it back.

The item was a magical blue gem, which had been fashioned into an alicorn choker and given the false name "Alicorn Sapphire" when it was in fact the gem of mind. Celestia entered as he tucked it away into his cloak. They faced each other down before charging at each other, and Drako teleported before impact. Unfortunately, when he returned to his home he realized he had felt something fall out when he charged at Celestia. His unhatched brother.

By the time he reached the outskirts of Canterlot, he saw multiple more guards had been posted, too many even for him, and a magical barrier prevented him from teleporing inside the castle. He returned to his home, spoke the words that would embed the gem to his arm, and cried himself to sleep.

He made acquaintances that could get him information and weeks passed before he learned what would become of his brother. Knowing Celestia was nearby, he didn't dare go further than a building across. He felt his brother being hatched, and couldn't believe when he suddenly grew through the roof.

His attuned hearing allowed him to learn what would become of the magically gifted unicorn filly and his brother. He could've easily taken him from her home, but he couldn't help but wonder how this would play out. He decided to leave this be while occasionally checking on his brother, now named Spike, from a distance. This became easier when they moved to Ponyville, which was practically anmeighbor of the Everfree.

It was during his time watching over Spike that he encountered a female zebra living in the same forrest. There was a mutual attraction and recognition of skill that lead to a relationship. It ended not too well, after Drako made off with the gem of power, or the Alicorn Amulet as it had been called.

Drako went back to his home, which the zebra knew to stay away from due to the heavy traffic of dangerous creatures. He then continued waiting for the right time to make his move. When he would befriend the element bearers and reunite with his younger brother and teach him the warrior way, and help him get a growth spurt and wings like himself, so he could actually be of more use than just a f***ing luggage boy or living pin cushion.

He's not too fond of Rarity. She convinced Spike to give her his fire ruby (which are important to dragons in my head-canon). And it was his birthday dinner.

His birthday dinner. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?!

Don't tell me it was his own decision. If she hadn't made a fuss about it and it was just a random act of kindness on his part, that would've been 100% fine. But nope, she had to fawn over it and flutter her eyelashes at him.

But.....he's decided to tolerate her. So long as she doesn't do anymore of that flirty, using her looks to her advanatage, manipulating his feelings shit with his brother ever again. Ever.

Want more? Got any questions? (about this, not story updates)

Report DeltaXeno1138 · 375 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

What does he think of the rest of the mane six?

3778301 Twilight: He's not entirely happy considering a few instances of Spike abuse, but since she cared for his brother and helped him stat away from the stereotypical dragon behavior, he would come to treat her like a sister once they meet. Unless Inwere to put him in a certain scenario where he's the bad guy, then she would be seen as Spike's owner, as in slavery.

Fluttershy: He has a big respect for since she stood up to a dragon, but does see her shy demeanor as a bit of a hinderance

Pinkie Pie: He finds her behavior amusing and cute. I actually had a fic with an early incarnation of Drako where Pinkie instantly fell for him, and after some very foreward advances, he succumbed. He was reluctant because he had somepony else in mind

AJ and Rainbow: He's fine with them. He thinks AJ's strength and Rainbow's speed are impressive.
He does however believe/know that dragons are superior flyers because their wings are strong enough to lift their heavy bodies, where pegasi are hollow boned like a bird, and from the season 4 finale and season 5 premier we see that magic vastly improves pegasus flight. Dragons are all natural

did he meet the princess again?
if so how did he and calest acked around each other since the event

3778550 Scenario dependant.
If he approahed this as a good guy, things would be a little tense between him and Celestia when they met, but she would allow him to stay since she knows the pain of being seperated from a sibling.

If he approached it as a bad guy, it gets a little complicated, but the gist would be, it appears as though he killed her, but he didn't.

So when he does start teaching Spike what kind of sword do think Spike would make, I think he'd either make the ones from his fantasies or a classic Knight's Sword and Shield?

Also would Spike use is connection with the elements to make his own gems that would simulate powers similar to the main 6?

Also are you going to make a story out you oc's backstory bacuse that would be an awesome story?

3790824 He starts teaching Spike pretty soon after reuniting with him. This would be scenario dependant. If Drako were good he would look to stay in Twilight's castle so he could start training Spike within a matter of days.

If he appears as though he's bad, he would just take Spike (to mess with his "slave owners") and take him to a Draconian training ground.

I said Draconians can choose a weapon, meaning any kind they want, but yeah I did imagine Spike forging his own sword. He would either have a double edged sword like a knight sword, or a cross between a katana and a double edge. So instead of a katana with the blunt, non sharp other side, it would be like the half of a double edge. Also, the weapon in his fantasy isn't a sword, it's a lance.

I actually never thought of giving him magic power that way. I was thinking Drako would infuse Spike with a small portion of power from his own gems that he could then grow and strengthen with training.

I actually had a fic with an early version of my oc a while back, the first fic I ever wrote actually, but I deleted it. I might make another fic with the current version, but that's not definite. Plus, I still have a couple more things planned with my Spike gets ALL the Mares storyline.

3791015 Personally I hope for the good story and not appear bad just to make the bonding between Spike and Draco easier.

Throw it would be cool with the mind gem that Draco makes Twilight see life from Spike's point of view and see all the horrible things she's done to him.

If Spike did a double edge knight sound would he do a shield or with that be like not agree with their code or something? Also it was just the word lance escape me at the time. So if you wouldn't call it a sword would you call it a type of spear. Speaking of spears would a trident works because in the comics Spike used one once.

I just thought it would be cool for him to have a different power set than his brother and something that would come from his connection to the thrones. Also do to how he was hatch would Spike have a larger mana pool than his brother?

Hey I can wait for ever for a story with Draco if we get more of the All the Mares series. I want Spike to punch Glimmer and for my hybrid babies.

3791383 Oh Starlight's gonna have a very interesting interaction with the guy whose unborn children were wiped out of existence due to her actions.

Whoa there. I'm not into fantasy that much, so I don't really have a knowledge of mana and things like that. But the way Spike was hatched did figure into his development (staying small, lack of wings) in my story.

A trident could be used. It's the dragon's choice. Shields aren't forbidden or frowned upon. I just never thought of having them since in my head canon dragons have diamond hard scales (kinda got that from lord of the rings), even Spike when he becomes stronger like his brother. But that doesn't mean they can't be harmed. You know how lizards can regrow limbs they lost? Well to me, dragons are big lizards, and that would've been included to the story. It actually was in my original.

3791433 Damn I was hoping that Spike would just beat her up for trying to take their cutie-marks and have her thrown in dungeon and skip the finally . Her reason was so stupid.

No mana pool is just my way of saying that Spike has more magic than him, like he can keep the force-field up linger than his brother. Draco can fix Spike and give him height and wings right?

Just think the shield would complete the look, also awesome that they can regrow arms and legs. He should so keep a few for pranks.

3791491 I know right?! Or at least not enough it was like 2% of what I was expecting. She didn't have her own versions of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She wasn't ignored or not taken seriously or ridiculed when she had her cutie mark. I was expecting years worth of shit. Luna felt unappreciated for years! But no, just a few minutes of childish bullshit.

Yes he can make him as tall as himself and help him get wings.

I agree for the pranks thing. I might do that. I know I could have Drako do it with Rarity since he don't like her too much

3791511 So after Draco teacher's Spike and makes him grow who will Spike be shipped with someone else?

3791544 It's crossed my mind. If I were to do it, it would be another draconian trainee that he meets.

But I prefer to stick with Sparity. After all that shit, he deserves something with her

3791546 I could go either way.

I thought came to me. So the dragon gem of power made a pony go mad, did the same thing happen to the dragon gem of mind and that's why Luna went mad. And if that's true what other magic made ponies go crazy, the Inspiration Manifestation and Sombra's magic. They book could have a dragon stone in it and Sombra could have had one on him, in his castle, or in his horn.

The stone in the book could be the dragon gem of change or alteration. When Spike ate the book the stone was stuck inside him do to his dragon biology/ inner magic the gem stayed in his system but do to how he was hatched he couldn't use it's magic and the it's magic stopped the stone from be digested. So when Draco does the magic that makes Spike grow and have wings the gem a merges. I was thinking the gem just gives Spike the power to change his breath from fire, ice, and lighting. Also shape-shifting if you want but that might be a little over-bored. So what do you think?

Also I wanted to know can the bend their dragon fire because that would be awesome.

3823000 Whoa, never thought that far. I would say no, I'm not gonna include that in the backstory. It is good but it doesn't fit for me.

Also, no, they can't bend their dragon fire.

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