• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2016

Bumblebee Tuner

I'm the son of a rogue and a social worker with a college degree and artistic license. The only people I don't get along with are autocratic dictators who think they're God, or know the will of God.

More Blog Posts53

  • 431 weeks
    Review: Army of Darkness RPG Take 2

    Let me start by saying I have three more chapters to read in this monstrosity before I can say I've read the whole thing cover to cover. Those chapters being ..Ash Rules'' from Wiseman's heads up display through the battle system and ..Once more into the breach.'' Let me just mention If I ever buy a book from Eden Studios again it will be softcover. I'll admit I liked 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

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  • 432 weeks
    Review: Bridges out of Poverty Chs. 1-10

    I'll start by pointing out that this book is written in a similar vain to 'Paved With Good Intentions' and 'The Myth of The Middle Class.' While I'm fairly certain I could make a decent argument that my father was merchant poor, my mother was farm poor, and I find myself (at times) resource poor, this particular book isn't about how poor I am. Where this book differs from those cited earlier is

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  • 433 weeks
    Review of Adlerian Family Counseling: 3rd edition

    I probably should have written this up monday, but there isn't much to say. This is a procedural manual, it is my second favorite after Skill Streaming the Adolescent. After reading this book full of flow charts and stage directions I have this weird theory that children in latency stage should be exposed to Montessori methods, children in elementary school should be taught debate if not rational

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  • 433 weeks
    I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

    The reason the first few chapters of Unremarkable Sparkle haven't changed is because I intended for Blood Diamond/Bakckstabbing Blade to go world hopping. The Goldfield Syndrome is actually the reaction of the assorted "Diamonds" finding themselves in Academy City for the first time, and eventually the cannon world will be hit as well...as the Mentally Advanced Series and Friendship is

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  • 434 weeks
    Home is where your curse is... And done.

    Perfunctory fan art ahoy!

    I couldn't quite get the anatomy right, the alicorn is supposed to be Princess Luna...

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Schizophrenia in Friendship is Magic · 1:04am Jan 15th, 2016

Yes, based on what I'm reading Twilight Sparkle is schizophrenic, Pinkie Pie is schizoaffective bipolar type, and her sister Maude is schizoid as well. As the percentage among humans is arguably less than 1 percent of the population, it occurs to me the percentage in Ponyville is probably much greater and somehow correlates with how popular you are. As much as I'd like to speculate on the causes of the madness among the ponies in Equestria, being able to identify a problem does nothing to alleviate it. So, why even bring it up? Well, I suspect the reason Chrysalis was able to pass for Cadenza for so long has more to do with the fact that being an alicorn does nothing to fix the pony brain, whatever cognitive or psychotic disorders and dysfunctions they have when they ascend are more or less permanent fixtures in their fragile little minds. That being said, I kind of wonder what Celestia's hang up is. Is it possible she's more criminally insane or megalomaniacal than Josef Stallin?

Report Bumblebee Tuner · 376 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

I heavily agree with you. As a sufferer of Schizoaffective Bipolor type. I 100% agree that pinkie has it. It is the main reason she is my favorite and its why i can 100% identify with her. But you have interested please explain to more aboit thus theory.

I wrote two whole paragraphs explaining why I was reading the DSM-IV, how I came to the conclusion that I did, had a brief discussion about Pronoia(which is the opposite of paranoia wherein you believe the world/universe/and people are conspiring to shower you with blessings), Rhonda Byrne's The Secret, Eric Berne and Claude Stiener's Transactional Analysis theory, and how I wouldn't mind having Sherlock Holmes ability to read people in 20 seconds... then the Flash plugin software crashed while I was trying to explain the connection a reviewer made to an MMORPG and the Secret and how it suggest's that you are supposed to use your observing ego come to the realization that you aren't an NPC or just another player in sandbox mode. Some players have moderation privileges and can interfere with one's ability to craft a world that makes sense to them, and I would have eventually tied the subject into Pinkie Pie's behavior, but since the plugin crashed, and I don't feel like writing everything all over again, I only wrote this paragraph to explain the slow response time and to apologize for a perfunctory answer. I'll try write you up a better and more detailed answer later.

the chapter in the DSM-IV covers soft signs that indicate schizophrenia and other psychotic symptoms. Pinkie Pie's eye's splaying apart was one of them. There are other criteria for schizophrenia, but the Auditory hallucinations was a major one. And, then the book breaks the psychotic disorders into typology. I'll probably be rereading parts of the chapter until I have the specifics memorized. Schizoaffective disorder has bipolar and depressive components that occur in episodes and more criteria is offered to explain how to differentiate it from another mood disorder or substance abuse issue.

But, I'm sure you might be wondering why I'm reading the DSM-IV in the first place. My mom has a behavior management degree, and she bought the DSM-IV something like 20 years ago. I've always understood the DSM to be a reference book of coping mechanisms that failed the individual using them because they couldn't adapt to changes in circumstance or environment. My interest was piqued while reading a book called 'Shifting the Blame.' There are other books I've read where the DSM occasionally pops up, but 'Shifting the Blame' in particular points out more non-professionals and lawyers, than psychologists and psychiatrists actually use and purchase the DSM. I assume by non professionals they mean social workers, but I can see the advantage it would offer to journalists and other media paraprofessionals. Shifting the Blame is about the "Abuse Excuse" used by victims of child and relationship abuse to justify their actions. The book (Shifting the Blame) goes over how the excuse was used successfully and when it failed.

There are multiple books titled 'Shifting The Blame' published by multiple Ivy league schools and independent press alike. Another 'Shifting the Blame' book has to do with the observable change in traditional perception of the chain of responsibility, command, duty, and honor, with respect to the double binds citizens were willing to take upon themselves with regards to the law of a cause and effect, as well as how the boundaries put in place by the law to protect people often created secondary victimization. I read the DSM-IV-TR In Action this past July and finally started reading the DSM-IV in December. I've actually been wanting to read it the last four years but only recently got around to it. I've read books like the encyclopedia of psychological disorders, the odd brain, and many interpersonal communication textbooks and pop psychology books over the years and throughout college. I've had the pleasure of sharing more than half a dozen classes with psychology majors, but I wanted to become a film director, movie producer, documentary filmmaker, anthropologist, or journalist.

Back to the subject at hand, yesterday I was writing about how I came to be interested in Pronoia. And I wrote out two paragraphs that explained the connection between that, Rhonda Byrne's The Secret, GURPS, and Transactional Analysis. And at the time I had somehow managed to link it to observable behavior related to Pinkie Pie, but the moment is kind of gone now so as far as making connections you're on your own. Okay so the purpose of The Secret and Transactional Analysis is to help you develop an observing ego, one capable of identifying double speak, duplicitous communication, logical fallacy, and games. There was this Review of 'The Secret' that explained it as an MMORPG, and while the review was in opposition to the idea that life is kind of like a game and people tend to act as if they are NPC's when they are in fact player's in sandbox mode, there are other players with moderation privileges that like to create an interference pattern like PKr's that harsh your mellow. Shockingly, the secret to god mode or moderation privileges for yourself is that if you believe well (pronoia) you can take advantage of a universe that wants to shower you with blessings. I thought I did a pretty good job explaining how my interest in GURPS was piqued while in my game design and development class, and how that and transactional analysis all tied together with the overall theme of pronoia or if you prefer a simpler word for it zen, Pinkie's observable behaviors, and more specific details.

I even had a link all set up and ready to connect you to a fun comic for you to read and everything. But, the flash plugin crash kind of bombed my trail of thought and I've since lost that particular muse.

3689955 The defining moment i realized that me and pinkie had the same disorder was the party episode. Ya knkw the one were pinkie went insane cause everyone avoided her party. Well in tjat episode she also showed symptoms of another disorder i have called D.I.D (its the new mane for MPD) but after a while we notice that she stops making the inanament objects move and they begon moving and talking to her on there own. I also wanna brong something to light...could it be possible that Fluttershy be the pony equivalent of severe anxiety. Cause as a sufferer of that as well i do notice she has the symptoms i have. This being said i feel as if Lauren Faust did this on purpose. On the surface she made MLP for kids but deep down sje made a few characters mentally troubled so thay those woth set disorders have someone they identify with. Hense why Pinkie will be always my favorite cause i identify with her the most and if i was trapped in Equestria she would be the main one i would be around. But please continue. Your findings are very inthralling.

I'm pretty sure all characters in current media are expected to have a personality disorder of some kind to be somewhat endearing and believable. My first impression of the characters was that they majority of cast fits some transnational analysis or azumanga diaoh archetypes in addition to the corrupted variations of them. Celestia, for one, is a sacred prostitute archetype. Applejack fits the financial victim archetype so well I'm surprised they don't have more than one episode where she looses her farm... although, she certainly looses the barn often enough to make me question what happened to the previous one.

I'm not a person who believes writing should exist exclusively to entertain and/or intellectually stimulate, those should be the side benefits. I kind of think writing should be able to connect a person with their soul and help them build better ego defenses against those that don't share a belief that you should take necessary and reasonable precaution to prevent social, physical, psychological, or spiritual harm. Then again, I'm not particularly fond of the anti-greed and ambition haters, those 'things and ideas' in and of themselves do not corrupt a person's purity and are the basis of almost every creative spark, movement, or change. Because one person's success benefits everyone unless it was obtained illegally.

3691856 please explain the charecter archtypes I'm really enjoying this.

I'll try to write it up sometime tomorrow. Please accept my apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

3692409 everything is cool take your time :twilightsmile:

These are the four archetypes of survival... financial victim should be in there somewhere

Transactional Analysis has a bunch of them but they are in fact segments of either the Parent, Adult, or Child ego states... For instance the Parent ego state within the Child ego state is the pig parent, which is based on a toddler's understanding of the parental injunctions and attributions. An ogre(boogeyman) or witch mother(Nightmare Moon) is the first archetype the child comes to characterize or imbue with magical powers through some type of logical fallacy. There are others like the wounded child(Fluttershy), adapted child (I think Rainbow Dash fits this model), the little professor or natural child (Trixie).

I used to know some archetypes used by skip tracers and bill collectors to categorize the ones who play 'catch me if you can/ now I got you, son of a *itch' loosely based on Ericsonian models in order to more or less dehumanize 'human prey' as game animals, but I didn't keep the magazine... and I didn't really bother to memorize them. Interestingly enough a unicorn is a code for a million dollar start up... that used a quarter of a billion dollars or more to find investors for their MLM thingie. So, I guess money is the greatest superpower since mana from heaven.

Then beyond the psychological there are writing and gaming archetypes that are older than dirt. like the hero with a thousand faces, the woman who runs (or was raised) by wolves, the wizard or strategist, the tank, the medic, the dragon, and I'm sure there's a page for every single one on TV Tropes. I kind of see Twilight Sparkle as an unskilled medic archetype. Spike literally fills the witch's familiar role.

I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner, I was out part of the day looking at houses, I finished reading a strategy guide, my car appears to have electrical problems with the lights (headlamp, braking, and parking). And, I had a wonderful nap this afternoon, even if it ended with a dream about my mother trying to poison me with leftovers she got from a friend, which is unlikely since as an adult I prepare most of my own meals and naturally have the ability to refuse and/or throw away anything I don't want to eat without feeling guilty or having a fight about it. With dreams I've found I have more control over the environment rather than content, so no matter how disturbing I've gotten used to whatever sadistic or unusual content I find presented (especially if there isn't anything sexual involved).

Comment posted by Bumblebee Tuner deleted Jan 18th, 2016

3694351 i do see the wounded or abused child mentality in fluttershy. What i also noticed is that some of the mane 6 can be also be conected to the 7 deadly sins. For example we have Rarity (Vanity) we have Rainbow Dash (Pride) Pinkie (Gluttony) Spike (Lust) since he is always after rarity. I have also noticed some greco-roman aspects to cloudsdale. Signling that because of there roman based society the male Pegasi are seen as being supirior to there female counter part. Which can explain Rainbows constant high opinion of herself. We can also deduce that while equestria has a princees for day and night. The Pegasi could represent the God of weather (forget the name) and we have the earth ponies who symbolize Gaia we can make an exception and add Fluttershy to Gaia considering her loves of nature.

3694351 sorry to get off topic. But anither thing i dont understand is this...fluttershy is the wounded child cause she is shy scared and timid. But midway through season for her and dashie switch personalities. So i believe that both flutters and dashie have dual archetypes...if thats possible.

Technically the adapted child is still a wounded child that has adapted. So, I suppose they could switch off easily.

3694663 the main thing going back to your firat lost that puzzles me. Hiw is celestia megaminical

I said it was possible that she was criminally insane or monomaniacal. 'Fearing' someone is too ambitious or greedy isn't exactly a matter of of humility, if you were over a thousand years old you'd already know that people are motivated by self interest. It's one of the first things they teach in economics, ethics, psychology, and philosophy. For one believe otherwise is arguably delusional; and, pointing something that common out as a behavior flaw you dislike in another person typically opens one up to being seen as a hypocrite if not a dullard regardless of social or political status.

In other words, Celestia would have known Sunset would feel betrayed. Unless, of course, Sunset is part dragon. In which case, we know that particular behavior is part of a growth spurt or growing pangs... she didn't look particularly mature in the human world, being that she had to go through 'junior high' for some-pony that was essentially grown when she went through the mirror. In which case Celestia's actions were still ignorant because "that's what dragons do," or how they behave. And, if she was going to interfere with another creature's natural growth process, she could have handled it a lot differently or better, than abandoning/banishing/punishing/disowning sunset before she did anything wrong. He solution to Sunset's aggressive behavior was to show her what a bitch she was or could become before immediately removing all privileges, telling Sunset she was not a _worthy_ student (or just no darn good), before having her escorted off the castle premises. What she did was kind of like firing someone for having severe emotional or mental problems after confronting them with the knowledge that they could have had a million dollars, were in your opinion an aggressively violent and delusional sociopath, if not an outright retarded piece of horse-pucky, just before behaving completely surprised/shocked when aforementioned employee went postal... an individual more than a 1000 years old, whose seen and done everything 8 million times over, did this to a neurotic adolescent dragon-half (or whatever percentage) who wanted some control over their life. Celestia must have been extremely bored, because that's some Discord level manipulation, if not an outright self fulfilling prophecy right there.

3695538 damn i feel even more for sunset now...poor girl

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