• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
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I'm not much of a writer, but if you need information on the many weapons of war that humanity has fielded over the centuries, I'm the guy to ask.

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Offical Unit Reference Guide. · 6:31pm Sep 14th, 2012

Offical Unit Reference Guide.

Regular units:


Earth ponies:
Earth ponies serve as your basic infantry units. They are particulary effective against Unicorns, provided they can close the distance. They are also responisible for protecting freindly Unicorn units against enemy Earth Ponies. Against Pegasi they have practicaly no defense; they rely on freindly Pegasi units to keep the skies clear.
Pegasi serve as your airbourne units. Their primary use is to protect the ground-based units from air attack. The ranged attacks of Unicorns can prove moderatley effective against Pegasi.
Unicorns provide you with ranged attacks. They are primarily used to bombard other ground-based units, and to shield themselves and their allies from enemy ranged attacks. They can also be used in an anti-air role if needed. In close combat, they are at a particular disavantage.


Greater Human Empire

Musketeers: These men are armed with Muskets, a device that   uses gunpowder to fire a heavy lead ball at incredible speeds. The muskets are fairly inaccurate, so they are fired in massed ranks to compensate. These weapons can decimate charging infantry, and are reasonably effective against flying targets. They are slow to reload, and the men carrying them are exposed while doing so. They can use bayonets to defend themselves effectivley in close-quater-combat.

Sword and Buckler men: Carrying a short sword and a small shield, these troops are used to protect the musketeers during the reloading process. They are effective against infantry, but they are completely exposed to air and ranged attacks.

Pikemen: Carrying pikes in massed ranks, these men form highly effective defensive units. Positioned on a bridge, or in a gateway, they can hold off a small army. However, if they are caught in the open, or attacked from behind or to the sides, they can be easily slain. They are also completely exposed to air and ranged attacks. 

The Democratic Republic of Man

DRM Riflemen - The ranged infantrymen. They are armed with Martini-Henry breach-loading rifles that are very similiar to muskets, except with twice the accuracy, twice the range, and twice the loading time.

Shredders - The close combat infantrymen. They are armed with everything from spears, to swords, to axes, and even machetes. They are very uselful for both offensive and defensive purposes, but are vulnerable to ranged and air attacks.

The Commonwealth

Combat Engineers - Combat engineers are important supports to the Commonwealth army. They are able to build defensive positions such as small walls using timber, tremches, etc. Wielding pickaxes, shovels, axes, and other such tools, their strength can also be used effectively in up close melee combat. However, as a primarily support and defensive unit, they cannot be sent into an attack, instead staying within the proximity of their constructed structures.

TC Riflemen - Frontiersmen in service, they carry lever action rifles. They have generally good aim and are most effective in medium range, with effectiveness lowering at closer ranges, at a rate relative to how many enemy units remain. They have somewhat decent effectiveness against air units.


Gryphon Heavy Infantry:
Despite having wings, some Gryphons choose to fight on foot. Carrying an array of clubs, spears, swords and axes, they are particulary effective against ranged units, provided they can close the distance.

Hippogriff Light Infantry:
Hippogriffs are the offspring of a Gryphon and a mare. They are looked down upon by all true Gryphons as a lower class of life. Because of this, they are not given any weapons other than the ones they are born with: Beaks, talons and hooves. They are primarily used as cannon-fodder, as they are fairly ineffective in any kind of combat. Because of this fact, most are forced into the role. Many will flee if given the chance, so they must be accompanied at all times by Gryphon Enforcers to prevent this.

Gryphon Enforcers:
Armed with vicious cat-o-nine-tails whips, Gryphon Enforcers ensure that any of the other units do not break and flee from the battle. And the whips can be used just as effectively against the enemy too, although they rely more on their reputation of brutality than combat skill, as the whips are rarely fatal.


Zebra Warriors:
Less powerful than Earth ponies, but more nimble. They can cover ground more easily. They are armed with long spears.

Zebra Shamans:

They can't manage a fight directly, but they can help turn the tide of battle in the Zebras' favor. They have potions that boast the physical capacity of their fellow zebras in different ways for short periods of time. They can also create illusions to distract, frighten, for confuse the enemy. However, despite this, they are rather weak in up close combat.


Changeling Drones - The core of the Changeling Hive. They use their fangs and jagged hooves as sharp weapons. They can take on the form of their enemies, however it will only fool them at a distance. They are hive minded allowing them to work perfectly as one. Their primary attack strategy is to swarm their enemies from the ground and air and cut them up. However, they don't work well on the defensive side and have low endurance.

Hatchlings - When Changelings mature, they develope the ability to feed off of magic. When they are premature, however, they must feed off of food, as they have no magical ability yet. They are generally mindless, the only real signals they can recognize are from the Queen. They are small, have thin exoskeletons, and no wings, but their teeth are razor sharp. On their own, they are totally weak, but in large numbers they will swarm enemies and eat them alive. They are mostly used as cannon fodder.

Changeling Warriors - Because the regular Drones are not useful for defense, Hades Drones are hatched for that exact purpose. Their exoskeletons are much thicker and less jagged and they are heavier. Their main combat ability is conjuring powerful green fire. Because of their weight, they are slow moving but it also gives them much bucking power. Also, because of their weight, they can barely maneuver or go fast when flying and mainly use their wings to hover. However, this also gives them a helicopter-like personna, allowing them to shoot fire from above. They can also use their weight for fast, airborne dives.

The Grand Pack

Battle Hounds - Dogs who are highly trained in the arts of riping the enemy up and are armed with deadly strap-on claw blades. When in combat, they always go straight for their enemies' weak points, as is their training. They always watch each others backs in battle, but aren't to smart, however. They can also defend themselves from air attacks fairly well, although ranged attacks are a danger.

Guard Dogs - Dogs who are specifically trained to defend an area. They watch their backs, just like Battle Hounds, but are not as headstrong. They will defend the assigned position with their lives and will not stray from it unless absolutely necessary. They only thing that can break their lines besides extreme attacks are extrem bombardments. They are armed with spears and shields,

Naval Units:

Naval units are separated by race rather than individual factions, although there are a few exceptions to this rule. The Zebrican Tribes do not posses any warships, as their country is entirely landlocked. Equestrian and Gryphon vessels do not carry cannon, as neither race has discovered gunpowder. Instead, they rely on various siege weapons mounted on ships. Only human ships carry cannons.

Gryphon Vessels:

Raider Class:
Raider class ships are fast, light and agile. They are easy to sail and can be operated with a small crew. They are extremely seaworthy and can stay at sea in bad weather, when larger ships often have to remain in port. However, these ships are not designed for prolonged combat. They rely on speed and surprise to get in close to targets and fire flaming ballista shots into the sails and hull, aiming to set enemy vessels alight.

Basic Info: Raider Class
Crew: 15
Armament: 8 Ballista
Range: Short

Interceptor Class:
Interceptor class ships are mainly used for hunting down large, well-armed, but slow moving ships. The catapults onboard these ships are used to hole enemy boats below the waterline and sink them. While not as fast as Raider class ships, they have at least twice the firepower. Sometimes these vessels are also used to escort larger warships.

Basic Info: Interceptor Class
Crew: 35
Armament: 4 catapults, 16 ballista
Range: Short to medium

Siege Class:
Siege class ships are the best warships available to the Gryphon Navy. These ships are used for bombarding shore fortifications, and for destroying other warships. Armed with trebuchets for long range combat, they are formidable vessels indeed. However, they are fairly slow, and can easily be caught by faster, more agile ships. Getting as close as possible to these ships is a good tactic for smaller vessels, as it puts them out of the field of fire of the trebuchets and catapults.

Basic Info: Siege Class
Crew: 65
Armament: 2 Trebuchets, 4 catapults, 12 ballista
Range: Long to medium

Special units:
Elite Royal Guard:
Their training in close combat allows them to hold their own, and in some cases overpower Earth pony and other infantry units. Secondly, their experience in magic also allows them to be used more effectively in an anti-air role.
Pegasi Royal Guard units are trained in close-combat, alowing them to hold their own against Earth pony and other infantry units. This means that, as well as attacking from the air, they can also land and seize strategic positions behind enemy lines.

Solar/Lunar Knights:
The elite soilders of the Royal Guard, they use their magic to dual wield deadly type of short sword known as the Gladius. On the battlefield, the Solar/Lunar Knights serve as the Princesses's personal bodyguard.

Royal Assasins:
Every Monarchy needs a team of good assasins. These Unicorns are experts in illusion spells, meaning that they can make themselves invisible to the naked eye. In battle, they wield long daggers, and are primarily used to attack officers and other important figures. However, they must un-cloak before they can attack.

Zebra Chieftans:
The officers. They're physically superior to Earth Ponies and very tactically minded. They can mark objectives for friendly units to attack and can rally units to them.

Zebra Hunters:
The scouts. They rely on stealth and guerilla tactics to defeat foes. They are much faster than all other Zebra units but also weaker than Warriors. They can scout enemy positions using stealth. They are highly useful for ambushes and can draw enemies into traps. They are also armed with short spears, known as iklwa, and can track enemies long distances.

Carrying barrels full of explosive gunpowder, these brave men can make quick work of all but the strongest fortifications. Carrying a heavy barrel makes them exposed to virtually all kinds of attack, but infantry are the biggest threat. They are a one-time-use-only unit: Once they have attacked and detonated the gunpowder, they cannot attack again. Gunpowder is a dangerous and unpredictable thing, so saboteurs are often killed in premature explosions.

Fanatical in their devotion to the God-Emperor of mankind, these men are highly dangerous. Wielding heavy maces, these men will fight to the death. They will follow even the most insane orders, so great is their devotion.

Trappers - Perhaps the weakest of the Republican soldiers. They are experts at setting all kinds of deadly booby traps, which are very difficult to detect and disarm. They are armed with tomahawks at close range, but can't defend themselves forever. It also takes them a while to set their traps, making them vulnerable when doing so. They should always be protected when setting traps.

Troopers - The most elite Republican soldiers. They are armed with a mix of lever-action shotguns, that can hold five rounds at a time, or lever-action rifles that hold an astonishing 15 rounds, but have to be reloaded by pushing one bullet in at a time, slowing the reloading proccess. They carry short-handled axes for close combat. They focuse purely on unconventional warfare, inlcuding, flanking, ambushing, and guerilla tactics, as well as most kinds of covert operations.

Huntsmen (Elite unit)
They are they skilled trackers of the Commonwealth, armed with bows and arrows and large hunting knives. As skilled trackers and with quiet weapons, they make good short to short-medium range stealth units. They also have the ability to set up traps.

Gryphon Mercenaries:
They function in the same way that the Pegasi Royal Guard units do, except that they carry crossbows, so they can fire at targets on the ground from the air. However, they are brave, arrogant and headstrong soilders, so they cannot be tacticaly withdrawn from combat: Once they are committed to an attack, you can't send them to attack something else. It also means that attempting to draw the enemy in with these troops is also imposible.

The King's Bodyguard:
These Gryphons are the personal bodyguard of the Gryphon King. They are responsible for protecting the King from his enemies, both on and off the battlefield. They are heavily armoured, and are armed with deadly Zweihänder swords. They are a force to be reckoned with, but they have one weakness: Due to the large size of the weapons they carry, they cannot use them in flight, nor can they be used in small areas, where there is no room to swing them.

Deceiver Drones - While most Changelings only copy the form of their enemies, Deceiver Drones are powerful enough to copy their form and personality. As their name inplies, they are deceivers. Their main purpose to infiltrate the enemy and break them apart from the inside. However, staying in the enemy form drains their power and they must eventually change back to recharge.

Blood Hounds - If Dogs are the best hunters in the world, Blood Hounds are the best hunters of Dogkind. They can follow the trail of the enemy with just the slightest scent. There is almost no way to evade their detection; their barks and growls are a clear sign that they know you're close. However, they do not use stealth, but create terrible howls to strike fear into their prey. In the end, no one can escape or hide from them, you best take them head on. Besides their claws and teeth, their weapons are crossbows with are effective at medium to close range.

Other units:
Medium to short-range artillery. Usefull against infantry, provided they are shielded from said enemy infantry by freindly infantry units. Slow to move, exposed to attacks from the air.
Battering ram:
Can break down gates or sections of wall. While being slow to move, any units using this item are protected from ranged attacks. Exposed to infantry attack.
Medium to long-range artillery. Useful for smashing towers and breaking down walls. Slow to move. Exposed to infantry and air attack.
Siege Tower:
Allows infantry access to the walls. Once it is in place, multiple units can move through it up onto the walls. Exposed to air attack, and ranged attacks to some degree.
A ranged missile weapon that fires large spears. Particulary useful against airbourne units, athough it can also be used against ground troops with moderate effectiveness. Slow to move.

Princess Celestia:
While some other rulers falsely claim to be gods, Celestia certainly has the grounds to make such a claim. With increadible magical power, control of the sun, and immortality to boot, she is a being of immense power.
In battle, asides from her magic, she wields an elegant sabre, wreathed in magical flames.
Although she is immortal, she is not invincible. A sword, an arrow or a spell could still her life.

Princess Luna:
Freed from her torment by the soul of a demon that possessed her body and turned her into Night Mare Moon, Princess Luna feels intense remorse over her actions. What she wants more than anything is to take her rightful place beside her sister once more. And, like her sister, she wields increadible magical power, possesses immortality and the ability to control the moon. In battle, she wields a sabre identical to her sister's, except hers is engulfed in a freezing blue mist.

Shining Armour:
The current Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armour will do anything for his troops, making him a likeable and charismatic leader. He can also cast advanced magical shields to protect a large area from projectile attack. Aside from his magic he also uses a short-sword in battle.

Twilight Sparkle:
Personal student of Princess Celestia, Twilight is also the element of magic. Asides from her great magical prowess, she wields an elegant dagger, given to her as a present by her teacher.

A dressmaker by trade, rarity is an expert at manipulating objects through magic. Aside from this, she also uses an expensive rapier, handed down to her by her father, a now retired Guard Captian.

Timid by name and nature, Fluttershy possesses the unusual ability to control animals through direct eye contact. While she is horrified at the idea of warfare, she can summon various animals to defend her and her friends.

Rainbow dash:
Rainbow dash's incredible speed and unswerving loyalty to her friends makes fighting her a intimidating prospect. Her cocky bravado emboldens those around her to fight harder, but also to take greater risks.

Years of hard work on the farm has given Applejack increased strength, stamina and endurance, making her good in a fight.

Pinkie Pie:
So far the only earth pony known to able to teleport, Pinkie Pie also possesses the strange ability to predict the near future, making her impossible to hit with all but the fastest projectiles. Her incessant joking and general silliness also gives everyone around her a morale boost. However, is suspicion that she is mentally unstable, and may break if exposed to prolonged combat.

King Razorbeak:

A charismatic and powerful leader, King Razorbeak is well-known for his cunning intellect. Like most other Gryphons, he is rather fond of war. In battle, he uses a vicious axe, along with a rounded wooden shield with a spike in the centre.

Ivan, The Great and Terrible God-Emperor of Mankind:

Ivan is the self-proclaimed God-Emperor of mankind. He rules his empire with an iron fist, eliminating any and all who get in his way. While he is not actualy a god, he likes to think he is. However, he does posses great physical strength. In battle, he wields a pair of multi-barrelled turret pistols, as well as a cutlass. Physicaly and psychologically intimidating, he commands both fear and respect from his men.

Brobding the giant

Whilst Brobding is not actually a giant, he is an unusually tall man, standing just over 7 foot high. Possesing almost insane strength, he serves as Ivan's personal bodyguard. Though he may look dumb, he possesses great cunning. This makes him a dangerous enemy. In battle he sometimes weilds an Elgin Cutlass pistol: essentialy a flintlock pistol with a bowie knife on the end. However, he prefers to use his fists, or a huge, double-bladed axe.

Prime Minister Viktor

The younger brother of Emperor Ivan, and just as big and strong. However, despite that, he is unlike his brother is almost every way in terms of personality. He is charismatic, he cares about his men, and doesn't fancy himself as a god. He weilds a lever action shotgun, as well as a chainsword, a weapon of his own invention.. He wears spiked gloves on his hands for more deadly punching power.


One of the best engineers of the Republic and Viktor's closest friend. He weilds a double-barreled shotgun, more powerful than a lever action shotgun, but it carries less shots. He also uses a katana in battle

Weponised Robotic Lifeform ( W.R.L )

No-one knows who created W.R.L, or even where he came from. He was found inside a sealed chamber, deep underground, by a team of Commonwealth engineers who had simply been searching a cave system for useful mineral deposits. When approached, W.R.L woke from what he refers to as "Stasis mode". The engineers discovered that he could follow advanced commands, and so put him to use on the battlefield as their ulitmate defensive weapon. W.R.L has a humanoid form, although he stands at about 315 feet, or about 96 meters. W.R.L's full loadout is as follows: Six fully automatic miniguns with a lazer-guided aiming system, four shoulder-mounted, multi-barreled rocket launchers, and, of course, his huge fists and feet. W.R.L is able to replace his own ammunition, as long as he is provided the nessercary materials. Whilst being virtualy indestructible thanks to his super-hard armour, W.R.L must return to the chamber in which he was found, in order to re-charge, thus limiting his range somewhat.

Night Mare Moon:

With the civil war going badly, Luna has been seeking out new sources of power. Finding a strange black necklace containing the soul of a demon, she puts it on, thinking that she can control it. The demon soul instantly overpowers her, possessing her body and transforming her into Night Mare Moon. In addition to physical changes, such as enhanced strength and stamina, she can also use powerful dark magic. In battle, she uses a pair of long daggers, wreathed in a dark fire that causes even the smallest cut from these blades to be extremely painful.

Queen Chrysalis - She is powerful enough to drain love from an enemy and spread it around to energize her Changelings. She can also comunicate with all Changelings through thought and can dictate strategy to all units. She can usually be found at some kind of vantage point where she can observe the battle and direct her Changelings.

A powerful zebra shaman, her potions are unusually powerfull. She is also the only one who knows how to create a potion that, when thrown at the enemy, causes them to attack any nearby units, be they freind or foe.

Rex - In a pack, the overall leader is the Pack Alpha. In which case, Rex is the Pack Alpha of The Grand Pack, calm, calculating, and intelligent. He is old, even by Human standards, but is still in good fighting shape. His weapons are fighting gloves covered in gem shards.

Ace - Ace is the Alpha (overall leader) of the Blood Hounds. Is has en extremely keen sense of smell and is said to smell enemies miles away. He is a bit stubborn, but no stupid, and won't just rush into a fight. He uses a crossbow that fires barbed bolts, that can only be removed from a victim by physicaly cutting the bolt out of the flesh.

Yankee - The rough and tough First Alpha of the Battle Hounds. He's rather short and not as strong as most dogs, but that is no reason to underestimate him. He's a very skilled fighter and not afraid to go up against the toughest of enemies and is not easily intimidated. His weapon is a Mace.


Common dragon: Known to most through their ability to breathe fire and their love of treasure, these dragons are the most common in the equestrian world. Able to speak in multiple languages, they shed their skins once every three years.
Lair: A mountain or sea cave in an isolated area.
Dimensions (Adult) 45 feet long; 13 to 17 feet high.
Coloration: Red, green, black, purple, yellow or occasionally gold.
Forms of attack: Flame, tail, claws, teeth.
Average life span: 500 years

Frost dragon: These dragons spend most of their time in dark, winter climates. They are excellent fliers, able to dodge all but the fastest projectiles. They can also speak multiple languages.
Lair: A sea-facing cave hollowed out from a glacier or iceberg.
Dimensions (Adult): 40 feet long; 12 to 15 feet high.
Coloration: White, light blue or grey.
Forms of attack: "Ice breath", tail, claws, teeth.
Average life span: 350 years

Knucker: Found in damp, swampy or boggy locations, these creatures are serpentine in appearance. They only have vestigial wings and cannot fly.
Lair: A deep pond, well or cave.
Dimensions (Adult): 30 feet long; 3 to 6 feet high.
Coloration: Leathery brown, dull red, greenish blue.
Forms of attack: Venomous bite, constriction.
Average life span: 150 years

Wyvern: Unlike most other dragons, the wyvern only has two legs. It is also the largest form of dragon.
Lair: A rocky crag, sand dunes or grass.
Dimensions (Adult) 60 feet long; 20 feet high.
Coloration: Lime green to muddy brown.
Forms of attack: Flame, teeth, claws, tail, dropping from great heights.
Average life span: 600 years

Unit statistics and abilities liable to change. Common sense must be used when determining the strengths and weaknesses of units. A Player-vs-Player thread will be posted at some point, along with a list of rules for PvP battles.

Suggestions are welcome, athough there are a few rules:
When suggesting new factions, all units used by that faction must also be included with the suggestion.
When suggesting new units, they must be assigned to an existing faction or factions.
Any suggested unit must have at least one weakness that can be exploited.
Scenarios and Battlegrounds can also be suggested. These do not need to be sent to the author. You can post your own Scenario threads, but they can only involve the unit types mentioned here.
Suggested equipment or siege weapons cannot be faction-specific, although an exception may be made for human weapons.

Please be patient when submiting suggestions. I cannot be online all the time, and it may take me a while to get back to you.
All suggestions must be sent via private messages to the author, Bloodpool.

~United Equestrian Empire- (After Luna's return)
[Solar Empire- Ponies]
[New Lunar Republic- Ponies]

~Gryphon Kingdom- Gryphons
[Gryphon Loyalists- Gryphons]
[Gryphon Sepratists- Gryphons]

United Zebrican Tribes- Zebras
Changeling Hive- Changelings
~Greater Human Empire- Humans
[The Democratic Republic of Man]
[The Commonwealth]

The Grand Pack - Dogs

Factions in square brackets [] are splinter groups of the above faction marked with the ~ symbol, and therefore have accsess to the same, if not simmilar unit types.

Report Bloodpool · 460 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Changeling hive:
What I think of.

And you got to think of a better name for the humans. It's a tad weird.

293662 I'll change it when I get a better name for them.

Changelings going in, as well as heroes.

So basically, the hero of the humans is a pseudo-Russian with the ideas I gave. Okay then.

Also, 'The King's Bodyguards' needs a better ring to it as well.

Here's one thing I wonder, how exactly know what each class looks like? I mean, I gave the description for the DRM and we all know what the Royal Guards and Changeling Drones look like, but how do we know what all other units look like? Do we just make up an appearence in our minds, or do we have official descriptions?

351234 Physical descriptions aren't really needed, they just add another level of detail.

Thanks for adding The Grand Pack to the list. :twilightsmile: And I also see we have dragons. :pinkiehappy: Now, if only we could find a place for them in the collab. :applejackconfused:

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