• Member Since 20th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2015


I poni. I poni all over the place.

More Blog Posts5

  • 542 weeks
    Tabletop Roleplaying game

    Hey folks, for those of you looking for more content from me and might be interested in something outside the pony flavor, please go check out my kickstarter.


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  • 548 weeks
    Sev and Syncronicity related TSSSF cards!

    Those of you who haven't played this marvelously entertaining game can download its entire line from its website: http://tsssf-tcg.tumblr.com/
    Those of you who have, and are fans of Stories from the Front or Synchronicity, you can downlad cards I made for it here!: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c7uwu9z2ah2gaqk/AAB5-XJApUMVcF6udYg_wFj4a

    4 comments · 486 views
  • 593 weeks
    New art uploaded to Syncronicity

    Recent pics over at my tumblr blog have given form to some of the objects in Synchronicity. Ive updated some of the later chapters with new artwork, hope you enjoy

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  • 597 weeks
    Synchronicity, now with PROOFREADING!

    Thanks to the efforts of Scystorm, Synchronicity has been edited and proofread! Any of you who were holding off on downloads due to its admittedly copious grammatical errors can now enjoy it with limited typo interruption! Those of you who read it before and enjoyed it, I'd love it if you could let people know it exists! Thank you everyone who stuck around long enough to see this story through

    1 comments · 470 views
  • 652 weeks
    Where the hell have I BEEN?!

    Its a valid question. Busy, is the general answer, mostly with my tumblr blog. for those of you who'd like to see what I've been up to since Synchronicity stopped updating, go check out storiesfromthefront.tumblr.com . WARNING: very NSFW. drawing takes a lot of free time, and unfortunately I just haven't had enough to tackle my story here and the blog there. BUT FEAR NOT! I still like the

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    7 comments · 697 views

Where the hell have I BEEN?! · 9:32am Aug 13th, 2012

Its a valid question. Busy, is the general answer, mostly with my tumblr blog. for those of you who'd like to see what I've been up to since Synchronicity stopped updating, go check out storiesfromthefront.tumblr.com . WARNING: very NSFW. drawing takes a lot of free time, and unfortunately I just haven't had enough to tackle my story here and the blog there. BUT FEAR NOT! I still like the synchronicity story, and I still want to see it completed. Im going to do my best to squeak out a new chapter or two for it soon, so for those of you who've bared with me, thank you!

Report Sev · 697 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

you've certainly been gone for quite a while, i was thinking you were permanently gone or something.
good to have you back, and looking forward to seeing synchronicity continued

I always get unnerved when authors go away for a long time. You never know if they've simply just shifted focus or if something much more serious has happened to them :twilightoops:

At any rate, I'm glad to hear from you. Echoing the one above me, looking forward to that update :pinkiehappy:

I was talking about you just last night! Absolutely love Stormy, but I miss Windswept's stories. Glad to see it!

Ooh, more Synchronicity in the future?

So. Awesome! :rainbowkiss:

as a person ( or is it pony here?) that fallows both your tumblers, your FA and your stories here i just got too say the next part was will worth the wait! I'll comment on it shortly. i like what you are doing on all fronts so far and i for 1 am looking forward to more


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