• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2494

  • Thursday
    "Hey, you think we can get away with this headline?"

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

    3 comments · 77 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: Tiny Trot

    This week, we're back at the magical theme park... Again... The ponies turn themselves into foals... Again... And we've got a cutie mark poem... Again.

    My inner ageplayer should be squeeing, but we've got another week of meaningless fluff where the overall story goes nowhere.

    But at least it's a little cute, I guess.

    18 comments · 117 views
  • Tuesday
    That's the look I would have, too...

    18 comments · 237 views
  • Sunday
    Happy 10th, Avalice!

    Happy 10th anniversary to one of the best damn indie platformers ever. Of all time.

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    3 comments · 126 views
  • 1 week
    No Man's Sky 5.0

    So, Hello Games, in their typical fashion, stealth-dropped the 5.0 update to No Man's Sky today, and apparently this is just part 1, with more coming later this summer.

    All planets have dynamic wind now, with plants and grass being affected.
    Water is now volumetric, with waves that intensify during storms.
    Asteroid density has increased substantially.
    Clouds look amazing now.

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    2 comments · 152 views

Would anyone be interested in joining a Halo 5 group? · 11:59am Oct 19th, 2015

Today on Halo Waypoint, Spartan Companies were unveiled, a clan feature that will reap in-game rewards for players that group up.

So, I took the initiative and created the Spartans of Equestria.

There's a limit of 100 members, and I highly doubt we'll get that many, but we need at least four members to become an active group.

So if you're planning on getting Halo 5 in 8 days, hit that link and join up, and I look forward to playing with you in the coming weeks and months!

It doesn't look like there's a simple join button, so drop your Gamertag in the comments, and I'll send you an invite ASAP.

Report milesprower06 · 405 views · #halo 5
Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by Doctor Elite deleted Oct 19th, 2015

i will join it i don't have Halo 5 yet

3481857 You don't join in Halo 5, you join via Halo Waypoint.

3482182 i know, I'm just saying i will join the Halo Waypoint group its just that i can't play Halo 5 on the count of no xbone

I would without a doubt or hesitation if I still had an xbox. Perhaps if I get another this coming month with my bonus check

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