New Gaming PC · 4:20pm Oct 14th, 2015
Intel Core 2 Quad Overclocked to 3.20GHZ
6GB RAM (I'm getting more, just lazy and freshly built.)
Windows 7 Ultimate
nVidia GeForce GTS 240
250GB HDD (Going to add like 7 more hard drives cause this mobo has built in RAID storage.)
NZXT Gaming case.
5 ultra quiet low speed exhaust fans.
Runs Minecraft @ 60FPS while watching an HD youtube video.
Runs CS:GO @ 60FPS while watching the same video.
Gigabyte Motherboard with Japanese capacitors rated at 50,000 hours use time. (Not sure of the model number)
4K Resolution @ 60HZ
I thought you were a Linux gamer?
3469684 Used to be, plus this motherboard comes with windows optimizations and doesn't run linux very well.
Not bad for a first machine, how much did you pay?
I can't imagine many games running that well at 4k, much less 1080p with that old GPU.
Also be sure to invest into an SSD and have a good enough power supply if you are going to throw in that many hard drives.
3482524 All parts were found in trash. Also, most games run great with it.
My last GPU was a Radeon 6670 which had comparable performance so I have an idea, considering how you got your parts though dumpster diving it's still a pretty nice build.
No dont get more ram, 6gb is enough for anything that machine can do there are far more pressing issues, as in pretty much everything except the ram.
And dont bother with raid, its pretty much pointless once you can afford it buy a 1 or 2tb hdd and pair it wwith any small 120gb or whatever SSD for a boot drive that isnt a Kingston V300 because they bait and switched it.
Lets put it this way - I have a 980ti, 4790k, MSI Gaming 7 mobo, XFX PS Black Edtion 850w PSU etc etc...
And i have 8gb of ram, and its easily enough. I barely use over 6 ever, and if you dont really know about pc parts ill put it into context - the 980ti is roughly 2500% (25x) faster than the gts240. And I still dont need more than 8gb of ram for anything ive come across, bf4 max settings supersampled to 8k resolution didnt use anywhere near 8gb, and 8k is an inssne figure which shows games really dont need a whole lot of ram (it did use 5.5gb of vram however lol)
And also i bave a habit of like 20 chrome tabs opened, again, no ram issues - what im saying basically is the money is better spent elsewhere in the system.
you should simply save for a new gpu as the core 2 quad is still reasonable.
Whats your psu brand and model and output in that system?
fyi running 4k on that is honestly quite crazy, i use 1080p on my system lol. Its a 1080p 144hz panel.
typing on a phone is a real drag
You found a core 2 quad in the trash??? Shit thats lucky that cpu can rival the entry level amd fx chips still!
3482524 i know why - it aint running at 4k, the gts 240 im pretty sure was an oem card put in dells etc and thus there are no non references models of it, the card shipped with 2x dvi and a hdmi port according to the nvidia spec sheet and maxes at 2560x1600
So basically there isnt any possible way of running anything at 4k using that gpu, i assume he has it at the max available res and though that was 4k which this gou cant actually run - which probably explains why its getting playable frame rates
Furthermore his screenshot isnt 4k, im on my phone so i cant say for sure what it is but its not 4k.
Edit : its running at 1080
why'd you need a monitor for $80 if you already have a 4k one anyway...? I would ask in thread but i was banned from the lgbt group
also on a completely unrealted note (sorry for hijacking your blog post for this) Im almost certain lady froey has me blocked so they probably wont even see what i wrote below but if they do see that and happen to scroll their eyes up to this post - I'm sorry.
And if youre wondering who i am, i was topkek - and if you dont remember who that is and what i did, thats great because other than commenting on the main page and making a blog post about something i dont remember, nor do i.
the comment may or may not have been related to some religious freedom thing... or something, genuinely dont know, whatever, no idea why im speculating because i have no idea.
Probably should have tagged them actually but i dont know how blocking really works on fimfic
There, no idea if tagging them after works but i guess ill see
also same applies to the transgender group i got banned intentionally there because i saw you ran in in response to the not unbanning to unsubscribe from feed posts in lgbt (and i fucked up in thst becuse i didnt unsubscribe from posts innthst either and you cant change it wighout being unbanned)
Just for im not in any way against lgbt or any kind of gender or whatever my original post in lgbt was genuine although probably abrassive
And no im not for the so called "religious freedom" it was something very specific aif i even wrote anything about it at all i am thinking more andnmore thatbim amking this ul in my head again i think the post is gone and i dont remember what it was about but whatever im just rambling at this point and phone typing sucks
i maintain my first comment was genuine (whatever it was) and didnt intend for it blow up into an argument with proper noun, but whatever i wrote in the blog post and the rest of it was stupid and i could have dealt with it a lot better and i feel pretty bad about that alright?
And now ive seriously spammed up this blog post mb but it seemed as good of a time as any to say this
Inb4 nobody ever reads this
3486314 I tried.