• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2013


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  • 580 weeks
    The State of Affairs

    Yikes. It's been a while, hasn't it? I hate these blogs, but I kinda feel guilty when I don't say anything, so please bear with me.

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  • 588 weeks
    Rant time! Show vs. Tell: Why You Know People who are Doing it Terribly Wrong

    It’s always depressing to see people give bad advice. It’s even more depressing to see people eat that bad advice up and say things like, 'This is really good and totally right!' Now, I don’t like starting arguments on the Internet, so I normally just shake my head and look the other way. But this is something I have seen more than a couple of times from people who have a greater audience than

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    New Chapter and Related Apologies

    New chapter is up! Twilight and Celestia are getting closer to the dragon kingdom now, but they still have a little something to go through before they get there. That little something may or may not include living, giant stone statues.

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  • 593 weeks
    Honest Words

    She holds my hand with all the strength she has left, a bony grasp that shakes like a frightened child. I can hear her breathing, wet and rasping as if her lungs are filled with fluid—until I realise that they probably are. The oxygen machine next to me hisses, and I can hear shrill beeps from the other side of the bed. One and a half every second, a laughable imitation of a heartbeat. To me it

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Soon... Soon... · 1:35pm Aug 1st, 2012

Final round of edits under way. Without complications (which lets face it, now that I have mentioned it, they are inevitable), everything should be ready in less than a week!

And it only sucks a little bit!

I am never experimenting with my style again. Well... at least until my next crazy idea comes along, which should be a couple of months, at least!

Report Mystic · 261 views ·
Comments ( 24 )

The Epics, you haz them right there. :pinkiegasp:

263714 But will it have the story to back it up? Who knows! Hahah.

I knew that you're using MS Word. But also Minecraft?! I mean, c'mon! Burn him! (Or her, or whatever you are)
And y u teaser a battle scene? Bah, I need my breakfast..

Well what do we have here...

I look forward to seeing what type of story this is when it comes out.

Hmm...I now wish that I was able to click on that little Itunes tab on the bottom...

You also have some pretty great bookmarks, too. You have the right mind set, dude.

Oh wait, this is a story teaser? Oh look at that, there is text there! Well then, I guess I should read that, hm?

It looks pretty good so far, in my opinion. The only thing that would come into question from me is the use of the first person view point, but that's a personnel preference I guess. At least I'll have something to read when I get back from vacation (I hope).

Carry on man :pinkiesmile:

263757 What's wrong with Minecraft?! :pinkiegasp: Haha. Minecraft is awesome! It's a marvellous way to waste far too many hours.

264187 I am just hoping it's not too much of a train wreck, haha.

264539 Haha, would you like to know what kind of music I listen to while writing? And a lot of those bookmarks are very old and irrelevant thanks to Chrome's eight 'most visited' pages that appear when you open a new tab. Except for Roosterteeth. Roosterteeth is never irrelevant! However, all the suspect stuff is tucked away in the dark in the drop down bar, haha. :trollestia: I kid, I kid. :pinkiehappy:

First person? Yeah... I have been reading a fair bit of stuff with first person in the last few weeks (getting caught up with Project Horizons and Background Pony), and I got an itch to try it again. Long story short, I have no intention to write first person again anytime soon. Give me third person limited any day! Still, I think it is still worlds better than my previous attempt, so there is that!


What kind of music do you listen to while writing? That'd be interesting. Do you listen to different songs depending on the mood and tone of the story, or do you just random through your itunes? I'd take that as a yes, I do want to know :pinkiesmile: As for Rooster Teeth, I've fallen away from watching the regular updates for Red vs. Blue. I do enjoy watching their drunk tanks every so often, though (Those things are hilarious!).

Hmm, first person perspectives can work, but I honestly prefer them when the characters have a twinge of insanity to them (Or just a quirky personality). It makes it more fun and dynamic when reading their narrations. Without it, the constant repeating of "I" and "Me" just rub me the wrong way. I know it comes with the style, but I just normally can't get over it :applejackunsure:

(On another note entirely, did you come up with those names yourself, or did you have outside help? They seem awfully... ancient.)

Minecraft is the manifistation of pure evil and Notch is a..nvm.
Let me give a tiny advice to ya..to fix dat iTunes-symbol-terror down there, just unbind the old iTunes logo, open iTunes and bind the new one. Voila.
(Maybe you knew that already but laziness is playing its tricks to you, but if not I'm glad to offer some useless help)

264588 What kind of music... ooh boy. Well, it will either come into one of two camps. A) Whatever on earth I feel like listening to at the time which at the moment is mostly progressive house/dubsetp. Or B) Lord of the Rings soundtracks/Two Steps from Hell/stuff by Hans Zimmer, etc. That second camp is normally reserved for the more action-y/epic scenes. Sometimes I'll pick slower, softer stuff depending on the mood, but it depends. I am rarely consistent. Haha.

And oh man, RvB is actually amazing at the moment. I enjoyed seasons 1-7; I adore seasons 8-10. The action scenes... Heaven help me the action scenes might be the coolest things I have seen in all time. And there is a good, engaging story as well!
And I listen to the drunk tank religiously, haha. I love Roosterteeth so much.

I would agree with you mostly with the first person. The inner monologue has to be engaging otherwise the entire story falls apart. Lord knows I have probably failed in that regard, but time will tell, I guess, haha.

As far as the names go, I came up with them myself. Well... myself and my tomes of LoTR world building material (one day I will take a photo of my desk when I am writing. So many books!) A lot of the names stem from a language I have been playing around with. Super nerd powers, activate! :pinkiehappy:

264589 Haha, it's a great way to actually get some social time for me. I Skype with a friend while we play (the piece of crap who claimed the first comment here). And then we go on great endeavours for several hours before descending into mindless trapping and killing of each other.

And there is something wrong with my itunes symbol? :rainbowderp: I have no idea! Haha.


My friend, you have wonderful taste in music :twilightsheepish:

And for the latter half of that list, I'm going to link you this. I stumbled upon this a few days ago and, sufficed to say, it is now bookmarked.

I will admit, the action scenes are what do grab me when I start watching them. My brother pesters me with it whenever a new episode comes out, I'm very ticked with him for awhile, then I watch it. And of course the anger melts away. The freelancers segment of the current story is probably the one I find most interesting (if not most packed with crazy amounts of brilliant action animation). Although, every time I watch it I have to ask my brother whose who again -- freaking states...

I'm sure you'll do just fine in regards to the first person POV, and if you don't, well... live and learn :twilightsmile:

Well... myself and my tomes of LoTR world building material (one day I will take a photo of my desk when I am writing. So many books!)

What...? I have never heard of these things... Like the Lord of The Rings books themselves, or some other thing entirely? I may just be missing out on something here :twilightoops:

And as for your names, I googled Petrisis and came up with this. I have no idea what that is, but... yeah... :rainbowhuh:

264713 Ooh, epic music. something for me to listen to when I drag my sorry self back from uni tonight, haha.

The action scenes make RvB watchable alone. The rest is just bonus!

Live and learn, all I can do with my writing, haha. I think it's not too bad, but I dunno. I have been reading and editing it over and over again to the point of where my eyes have started to bleed, so I am not sure how accurately I can assess my own work at this point. I guess that's why we have editors, haha.

And yeah! I have the appendices, the other obscure works like the Silmarillion, a Tolkien bestiary written about all of the various creatures and populations within Middle Earth. I also have some other pieces that just expand the world and the cultures, etc. I also have various other fantasy works on hand for reference. Namely A Song of Fire and Ice at the moment.

Man, no name is ever truly original in fantasy any more =/ Haha.

:facehoof: And suddenly, I regret that last comment. No need to make new problems where everything is just fine :twilightsheepish:
Great, now I have this odd feeling to write anything story, or at least writing related..Nope. There's nothing of this kind in my head.
Have some (more) awesome music instead. Oh, a link! *Klick*
And btw, you shall build a ship of obsidian, just to keelhaul that .. acquaintance of yours.

So yea..stay awesome and stuff! :pinkiesmile:


Uni? As in University? As in school? You've gone back already? Hmm...

You know, I used to watch Red vs. Blue because it was hilarious. There were always jokes (even if they did tend to be ridiculous slapstick) that made me laugh, and the characters were fun. When was it exactly that the show started pushing more towards the dramedy category? There are still jokes -- used jokes, honestly -- but now it's driven right into drama and seriousness. Well... yeah... this has been a brief Red vs. Blue analysis from yours truly. Please, come again :scootangel:

Bleeding eyes, huh? Yep, I've seen this before, you may want to get away from your computer as soon as possible and proceed to stare outside for a few minutes. The burning may not go away, but at least you have a nice view and you have once again confirmed that the world has not eaten itself.
(Or you could just sleep and come back later, that works too).

Wow, dude, you certainly do love your Lord of The Rings, don't you? The closest thing I have that comes to that is the Halo encyclopedia and then the Halo 3 game guide (and most of the written books of the series, if you count those). And just what is A Song of Fire and Ice? I've stumbled upon some good music with it's name in the title, so I kind of assumed it was a television series or something, but you refer to it as a kind of book. Hmm... :trixieshiftright:

And hey, at least I didn't find anything on the name Acchreon -- Although, Accreon is apparently some sort of consulting business... Watcha gonna do? :applejackunsure:

264807 I had no idea there was a second itunes symbol! Well there you go! Haha. I am gonna have to try and find it now.

264845 Yeah, our holidays work a little differently here in Australia. Our big break happens over summer here as well, but of course that puts it from the end of November to the end of Feburary. What I just had a couple weeks ago was my between semester break, so about three weeks long.

Go and sleep? Sleep...? Oh yeah, I remember when I wasn't completely sleep deprived. That was before studying law and trying to write novel length fics at the same time, haha. My caffeine addiction is nearing hospitalization levels! :facehoof:

And yeah, man! LoTR is my favourite thing ever! I adore it. As for A Song of Fire and Ice, you might know it by the name the TV show goes by... A Game of Thrones


Ooh, you live in Australia? This makes sense now... Why do I think I should have known that? Anyway, yeah, you guys are in the Southern hemisphere, aren't you. You know, I've often wondered what it would be like if we had breaks in November through February up here... I think I'd prefer it, actually. I'd much rather have free time to spend out in the cold than the sweltering heat we have instead. It doesn't help that our local pool is ridiculously packed all the time.

You're studying Law? I am now going to ask you questions that are most likely stupid: The first thing that comes to my mind is lawyer, so is that what you're going in for? My next question is: if not lawyer, just what other occupations fall under the law field? And finally, is the work and subject as difficult as I assume it is?

...Say, you wouldn't happen to have any ideas for conflicts in a frozen, post apocalyptic-esque environment, would you? And while you're at it, got any ideas for currency, aside from a barter system?

(And yes this is off topic, but damn it, I'm tired and I don't want to put forth the effort to plan my story right now :fluttershysad:)

264978 Oh man, breaks in the middle of the summer can be brutal. When it hits 40 degrees celsius +, you stay inside no matter what. Haha. Super airconditioners down here that's for sure!

And yeah, studying law at the moment. Oddly enough, I don't actually want to go on and practice. I am doing it because I am a political creature. I have combined it with international studies, so while I'm not sure where I will be heading, the places I could go sound pretty exciting to me!

As for the work... well all I'll say is that before law (in fairness, this was pre-MLP/writing as well) I got plenty of sleep, had a social life, etc etc. Now I have none of that, and I think I would read a minimum of about 500k words a week!

As for story ideas, I am in a lecture right now, but inbox me with any details and I will take a look at it all with you! Freezing post apocalyptic sounds like a heck of a lot of fun!

You... you use Internet Explorer?! I respected you!
Hey... so does this mean you'll be floating around at Ponycon in Sydney next year?

265246 Hahahahahaha. I was waiting for someone to call me out on that! I actually don't use Internet Explorer, but I haven't deleted the icon. Why? Because I am incredibly lazy, and I can't stand having any less than four icons down there because I click on things without having to look at them now. Nixing one throws the order out of whack, and I am too lazy to arrange it so there is something else in its place! Hahaha.
As for Ponycon, honestly, I hope so. I don't know how feasible that will be considering it's not the cheapest thing in the world to fly to Sydney, but I am sure going to try!

264589 Advice; Never try and tell Mystic something even slightly to do with technology.

He would set the ocean on fire before he figured out how to do what you're telling him.

265259 That's not true! I mean, this one time... I...

Holy crap my computer is melting! MELTING! How is that even possible?!


Funny, I'm also trying to read through Background Pony and Project Horizons at this moment. Are you feeling like you are falling into a bottomless pit of despair, depression, and doom with seeming false moments of hope, or is that just me? :unsuresweetie:

265879 The world definitely seems like a much darker place, that's for sure. :raritydespair:

It's so... cold...

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