Everfree NW, hear i come! · 12:34am Jul 31st, 2012
Today, I looked on the Everfree NW convention site and clicked on the registration link and registration is OPEN AGAIN! It had sold out completely of tickets before, but I guess some people must have cancelled! Needless to say, i bought one immediately. So yeah, I was just so excited that i had to do a blog post. By the way, If you also want some, I recommend you stop reading this and go and get one for yourself. By the way, you might be wondering about why i haven't posted chapter 5 of 20% Warmer than Usual lately. That's because i'm just lazy. But i promise to try and get it up this week.
On a completely unrelated note, there's quite a lot of twilight sparkle fics up on the site today
She's a popular character, and easy to work with. I'm not surprised.
1193034 yeah. she's my favorite character, and there's so much stuff recently with her that there's a lot to write about