• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 6th, 2013


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Found 3 stories in 9ms

Total Words: 6,604
Estimated Reading: 26 minutes


These fan fictions are fairly short, but I think they're entertaining. I wrote all of them for thirtyminuteponies.tumblr.com, a great site where they give you daily prompts for fan fictions that you must write in 30 minutes. I hope you like them, as I had fun writing them. I'll also add more as I write them.

Chapters (2)

This is the story I wrote for the Iron Author competition at Everfree NW. I haven't edited it, so there'll be a lot of mistakes. Also, as the time limit crept up on me, the ending is a bit lame. I hope you enjoy it anyway! (It also has not yet been named)

When Cadence spots King Sombra preparing for another attack, she calls for help from the Mane 6 and the elements of harmony. However, the elements have been hidden in the Canterlot Vault, a safe under Canterlot only accessible to Princess Celestia. Together with her friends, Twilight Sparkle must retrieve the elements and face her fear of failure.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash discovers the true extend of Twilight Sparkle's book obsession, she convinces the unicorn to go on a vacation with her to Manehattan. But 700 miles and a broken wing later, they've crashed in Saddle Arabian desert due to an unexpected passenger. How will they get back to Ponyville? How will they communicate with the locals? And exactly how soon does the sun set in the desert?

NOTE: Derpy Hooves doesn't come in until chapter 4

Chapters (4)