• Member Since 5th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2019


Death has claimed this account

More Blog Posts19

  • 459 weeks
    It's back!

    No one wanted it. no one needed it. the world was a better place without it, but it's back! part 1 of the naan trilogy after some issues has returned and has been 'revisioned' as in we took care of what removed it to begin with.

    Totally needed link

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    0 comments · 309 views
  • 467 weeks
    This site needs some CPR

    if anyone feels like talking, hit me up. it's so quiet here.

    11 comments · 362 views
  • 468 weeks
    It has been a quiet couple of weeks...

    the past few weeks nothing much has happend here and now to join in on this little trend I'll be going away for a whole week. not that anyone will really care but there you go *shrugs*

    9 comments · 281 views
  • 470 weeks
    The end is close.. oh wait IT'S RIGHT HERE! *dies*

    You have been disappointed, questioned your life, possibly considered wandering forever, but for those of you who made it through somehow. here is your reward!


    you thought it was over after 3 part? well my friend.......... you were correct.

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    0 comments · 306 views
  • 471 weeks
    Naan II (Revenge of the naan bread) now has it's own reading!

    Continuing the trend of Naan I, Naan II now has it's own reading.
    featuring the lovely voice of Lesbian Adagio dazzle and Fluttercord forever.
    (and an ear rending scream by Vital Spark)
    so enjoy. Naan III isn't far away now~

    No. i do not blame you for questioning our mental state.

    1 comments · 287 views

It has been a quiet couple of weeks... · 6:14pm Aug 3rd, 2015

the past few weeks nothing much has happend here and now to join in on this little trend I'll be going away for a whole week. not that anyone will really care but there you go *shrugs*

Report Temmie · 281 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Oke, u still be on Skype? I might join in the group chat again :P

Of course we care!

He told me he'd pop in from time to time, but his monthly data allowance on his mobile has nearly reached its limit.

Any news on operation rejoin-Pones?

Have to send contact request first.

3300327 do it, invite me, then I'll delete u from contacts.

I did about 10 mins ago.

Of if you still have KJ on your list, ask her. (Though she's offline right now.)

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