More Blog Posts44

  • 269 weeks
    Babscon 2019

    Just a reminder that I'll be attending Babscon again this year. I'll also be putting on a panel titled : From Pony to Publishing: How to grow from fanfiction into original publishing. It will be Saturday at 2:45 PM

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  • 281 weeks
    Babscon Panel

    Hello everyone,

    Still alive, and still writing. I just wanted to let my followers know that I'm putting on a panel at Babscon 2019 this year in April. The Official Title is: From Pony to Publishing: How to Grow as a Fanfiction Author into Original Publishing.

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  • 341 weeks
    Character Concept Art for Original Novel

    While I'm waiting for my second manuscript submission to go through, I thought I'd share some of the art I've had commissioned of the main character Katrina so far.

    The first one is the original design done by my close friend Ambris. Due to elements of Katrina's backstory and heritage, I asked for a Conquistador theme for the overall appearance of the armor.

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  • 354 weeks
    First Original Manuscript Sent to Publisher. Fingers Crossed

    As the title suggests, I have recently sent a portion of a fully complete manuscript to a local publisher for my first original novel. The wait is approximately three months to hear a response. Hopefully in that time they'll request the full manuscript and offer a deal, since thats the dream, right?

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  • 377 weeks
    Quillery @ Babscon 2017

    I'll be at Babscon 2017 in April this year. I will most likely be spending most of my time at Ambris' vendor table if anyone wants to say hi.

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Nothing is the Same Anymore · 6:34pm Jul 28th, 2012


So now, with chapter three, it should be mostly clear on where my story is going and what exactly what I'm drawing my history from. I have been waiting a long time to publish this chapter, because it begins to hint the backstory of this particular universe I am trying to build, as well as the overarching plot. I originally intended writing this as a really early Wham Episode, but it ended up falling into the Nothing is the Same Anymore category. TVtropes has ruined my life

Hopefully it is obvious what I meant to infer with this chapter, so I don't have to spell it out for you. My intentions for the Mane Six have only been made slightly clearer, so please don't hate me for unleashing the unknowable evil on them, it is far from the end of their story either.

On a side note, one major problem I have been happening is writing the chapters that take place exclusively on the Normanedy. In the game it was the only chance you really got to learn about your teamates, and here I will be trying to do something similar, though there will be many times outside the ship for character back story exposition and yadda yadda yadda. The problem with a Normanedy chapter is I can only put so much into them without them feeling like over-fluffed and crammed. So they will be the shorter chapters on average. I'll try to limit them as much as I can to keep the story flowing, but they have to move around the galaxy somehow, and I don't want to just just cut those parts out.

/End Chapter Rant.

Now then, first I would like to offer a HUGE Thank You to Loyal2Luna, for her shout-out of my story in her blog post. Since then, The viewers and favorites have doubled! I don't think I could ever really repay her. There is still a long way to go before I hit the spot light, but I haven't run out of steam yet. So thanks again L2L and really all my viewers for your support, eventually I'll get this right.

Now, with this chapter released, another goal has now come into view. With enough of the beginning plot revealed, and with the insistence of my Editors, they claim I should be trying to get this story onto Equestria Daily. It had been something I intended to do, just not this early. I trust my editors, but I would love some comments and feedback from my readers as well to see it now is a good time to at least eat up one of my three strikes for their approval process. I would love any and all comments and criticisms on what I have written so far in regards to grammar, story credibility, story flow, plot, characterization, etc... to see if I can make the cut. I will most likely submit my first attempt by the end of next week, but definitely before I release Chapter four.

Don't make me beg...

Happy Reading


Report Quillery · 336 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Congrats! I would like to say I followed this story from the very beginning... but I didn't, I added this to the read to later list like three weeks ago, and finally read it all (except for the most latest chapter) before I headed home and I gotta say, it really impressed me. Now you got me writing! But honestly I think you are a lot closer to having this story featured then you think. And I can't wait to be there when it is! I am glad Loyal2Luna posted this story, one of my favorite stories EVER! So, congrats!

I agree with Blue Horizon. I really do think that you're closer to the Featured status than you think. You've done the hardest part (setting up the story) already, and the Council trolling is just around the corner! This story isn't a copy/paste type deal, and it doesn't fly off the ME wheels either. Yet you still manage to make me smile, cringe, and sympathize like the game, one I've beaten about five times. If you choose to submit this now, don't feel too antsy about not making the cut. Including the Mane 6, as well as Celestia(?) and Pipsqueak, makes this fic fit in the unique-but-not-too-much-so category. With this narrative style, the more Mass Effect-esque atmosphere (rather than an MLP one) fits perfectly. Writing a story that everyone knows about and retaining their constant interest (me) is harder than most people think. You're obviously one helluva writer with this masterpiece. Everything so far is easily worth five stars. The grammar is excellent, the characters are interesting, and the flow is expertly balanced. My only issue at this point is incorporating the Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn races into the Alicorn's story. If they were present all those years ago, shouldn't they at least get along at this point? Maybe heed Shepard's warning about the Discordians? (I have zero creativity with names, which is why I don't write.) "Those who don't heed history are doomed to repeat it." (I know that's a quote, and I take no credit for it, but I can't remember the author.) I'm sure you have answers for that, but that's going to keep bothering me, not necessarily in a good way.

That minor complaint aside, I will state again that you've got my full support. Despite Band Camp, summer reading, and everything else I keep thinking back to this story and giving a small smile every time. Whatever you do, good luck and happy typing.

Sometimes i just curse the fact that my story was originally published at 2am in the morning. If it were not for that fact, I might have had a bit larger of an early following. Now everytime I offer an update, the front page exposure is limited to an hour at best. I will probably still be trying for different update times and days, but really its word of mouth that seems to be working best for me right now.

I'm glad those who are reading enjoy my story, and I am looking very forward to anyone who can find any way of offering feedback and criticism on what I have so far to make its chance at getting onto EQD as strong as possible. With my next school year approaching, the pressure is on to maintain my schedule without screwing up my education, but with the rate I am producing chapters vs deadlines, there may be a time in the future where i will feel comfortable enough to release weekly.

The sky's the limit.

Took me a little time to get to the latest chapter due to work and a bit of writer's block with my own ME fic, but was glad to see this up.
I meant every word from my blog of course, and now that we have seen a tie into the past that goes off the rails from the Mass Effect Lore and yet still keeps the feel, I have to say you are making me anxiously anticipating what is to come next to see how it varies from the story.
As for Equestria Daily, I have never gotten any of my work up there myself (reasoning is in my comments sections multiple times, not the place to go into it here. I am not into self promotion on other author's pages) but I see no reason at all why they wouldn't gladly except you.
As far as setting up scheduals, my personal opinion, deadlines are good because they give you that goal to aim for, but don't set up an unrealistic time-table, especially when you have School coming back around. I know I have a 2 week time table on one of my stories but that was done specifically to challenge me and is admittedly not in the same category as my 'main' series quality wise.
I guess what I am trying to say is don't sacrifice quality for the sake of speed. Your stories are certainly quality and they are worth waiting between chapters for.

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