• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Subject 19

I believe that stories help us to ennoble ourselves, to fix what is broken in us, and to help us become the people we dream of being. Lies that tell a deeper truth.

More Blog Posts436

  • 3 weeks
    Team Fortress 2

    So earlier this week I decided to start playing TF2 again after having never touched it since high school. And hot damn am I hooked again! The only downside is that the game is overwhelmed by bots. It's not so bad that it ruins every game. It's pretty easy to kick the bots thankfully. But I'd say one in ten games is just nothing but bots. Will Valve fix this problem? I wouldn't count on it since

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  • 6 weeks
    May 1st

    Well it's my birthday today and I am old as hell!:rainbowlaugh: 28 years now. Still got a bit until I hit the truly scary 30! Don't really have anything big planned for my birthday. Been playing iRacing and then tonight I'm having dinner with my dad, so that'll be nice.

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  • 10 weeks
    Sweet Jesus, My Back!

    Ok so the other day I wake up. All normal right? WRONG!!!!!! I had the most cutting pain in my lower back I've ever experienced! It was so bad I had to spend, not exaggerating here, 20 minutes figuring out a way to force myself to sit upright and then stand up. Don't know what I did to mess up my back but I have a heat pad and plenty of advil. Apparently that and warm baths are about the best I

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  • 10 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    Hope you're all having a wonderful day! I'm enjoying a nice day off of work playing iRacing. My brain is too smooth for real drivers at the moment, since I haven't played it in over a year, so I'm going up against the AI:twilightsheepish: And also I feel like I should get in the habit of blogging a bit more. It's been a while.

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  • 23 weeks
    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everypony! I spent the night, and day today, just gaming:rainbowlaugh: Playing some Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader, which is absolutely fantastic! If you loved Baldur's Gate 3 and love 40k, Rogue Trader is the perfect RPG to get into. As for my plans in 2024, I do have a story nearly finished. It's a quick one-shot and I'm hoping to upload it before the end of the month. Hopefully you

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No Title · 6:31am Jul 6th, 2015

I can't seem to sleep. And I've been doing some thinking about my future. I have no doubt I'll have a good career, I'm not too worried about that. It's my social life I'm worried about, or obvious lack of one. I only have one friend in real life. I've only had one friend for over six years. I've had opportunities to make more, I never had the courage to capitalize on it. There's one major reason why I can't make friends. Fear. Every time someone tries to chat with me, mostly in college, I just clam up. I never start a conversation and when someone else does, I'm never able to hold it. It took me nearly two years before I got really active on this site aside from reading and writing stories. I keep thinking to myself, that my mom would know exactly how to help me. She always did in situations like this. I owe what little social life I have to her. God, I miss her right now.

I feel like I know exactly how my future will play out. After college, I'll get a good job at a major corporation and move up the food chain. I'll be successful. But I won't make any friends. I'll never experience friendship or love. I'll be miserable, but I will try to ignore by consuming myself in my work. I will live alone and I will die alone. I've dug my grave and it's too late to climb out. All I can do is wait to be buried in it.

I'm sorry. It's just that I get these waves of depression from time to time. I bury my emotions and they just burst out sometimes. I wear a mask. Rarely do I ever take it off. People don't like hearing about others that are depressed. Before I had all these followers, I had about eight people watching me. I was feeling depressed and wanted to get it off my chest. I posted two blogs and shortly after, I lost a follower. What killed me was that it was someone that had commented on my blogs not too long ago at the time. Losing that follower hurt. They were my very first follower ever on this site. I don't blame them for unfollowing me and I hold no ill will against them. In fact, I still think they're a very nice person. I learned that sometimes it's better to just shut up and deal with it alone. People care if someone's having a rough day or maybe even a week. But no one wants to hear about someone that's been depressed for a long time.

I'm sorry, I just needed to let this all out...

Report Subject 19 · 94 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Sure, you lost a follower, but you found out who your real friends were on this site.

It's better to let it out than bottle it up, dude. Believe me.

We're your friends here, bro. Come here, mate. *hugs like a true friend* Let it all out. I had the same situation like this not so long ago. Life is tough, but we'll be here to make it easier for ya. :pinkiesmile: Alright, my main man? You're awesome! :heart:

The fear makes perfect sense. Remember that you have nothing to lose from talking from people. Also, as long as you keep your heart open, you'll definitely make friends.

Thanks guys. Thank you all so much for your kind words.:heart:

3212533 No problem! Anything to help out a good buddy!

No problem, bro.

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