If you're ever feeling bad remember this · 8:03pm Jun 20th, 2015
Somewhere out in the multiverse, there's another version of you having a far worse day than you
I give folk what they want, nothing more. And that just happens to be poorly thought out Fanfics with bad updating schedules
Somewhere out in the multiverse, there's another version of you having a far worse day than you
Of course. You could be having a worse day than any other version of you in the multiverse. somebody has to be on bottom. Even if everybody is you.
But what if I don't think the multiverse is real? MUAHHAHAHAHA >:D
You're not a nerd enough
3166435 Yeah I am, the part about the multiverse was a joke. THERE IS ANOTHER UNVIERSE WHEREEVERYONE IS THE OPPOSITE GENDER
And one where were all ponies
3166457 Can we visit dat one?
3166457 I shudder to imagine what chaos you would cause in equestria
I don't have a teleported
Just random hugs