• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2015


Just a dude from Austria who likes MLP

More Blog Posts17

  • 473 weeks
    If youre Longboarding...

    Rule number 1 NEVER go Longboarding when it looks stormy and it starts to rain :facehoof:

    4 comments · 228 views
  • 474 weeks
    Im done...

    Don't even dare talk to me for now.... im done... im feeling betrayed from everypony... even here at school... even in my whole life..

    Sorry to everypony who i annoyed with my stupid pointless blogs who nopony cares about...
    sorry that I even excist...
    If somepony wants to talk then feel free but tomorrow i will be offline till 8th july ...
    bye bye ....

    7 comments · 291 views
  • 474 weeks

    does god like to see me suffering....

    Ich nehm mir immer wieder vor ich fass das Koks nicht mehr an
    und nur so zu handeln wie's die Religion will und dann
    zieh ichs zwar ne Zeit lang durch ohne Drogen und Schlampen,
    doch lass es dann schleifen wie'n Rohdiamant.
    Yeah und ich hatte den Wohnzimmerschrank

    Read More

    4 comments · 271 views
  • 475 weeks
    i dunno

    uhh just something i listen to calm down...

    0 comments · 288 views
  • 475 weeks

    ... and again i lost 2 friends... because im annoying and pointless.. i will never search for a girlfriend or even try that because i just annoy them ... love is just a pointless thing guys one time you will see that believe me ... one time you will know what i mean with that... :fluttercry:

    48 comments · 331 views

I will delete my account... · 10:37am Jun 8th, 2015

Because of reasons

Report Austrian-Fluttershy · 238 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Wait what. Why? I will miss you. Flutter will miss you

3131921 if i start anytime a new account, i will contact you both instantly :) i will be fine im just mentally damaged and i need some off time right now. i will keep you both in my heart :fluttercry::heart:

3131979 *hugs tight* please at least wait till Flutter is online :fluttercry:

WHAT?!?!?!?! NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!???????????!?!?!!?!?! You are so awesome and cool, you have friends here!!!! Don't leave us!!!!!!:fluttershbad:

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