• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2015


Just a dude from Austria who likes MLP

More Blog Posts17

  • 473 weeks
    If youre Longboarding...

    Rule number 1 NEVER go Longboarding when it looks stormy and it starts to rain :facehoof:

    4 comments · 228 views
  • 474 weeks
    Im done...

    Don't even dare talk to me for now.... im done... im feeling betrayed from everypony... even here at school... even in my whole life..

    Sorry to everypony who i annoyed with my stupid pointless blogs who nopony cares about...
    sorry that I even excist...
    If somepony wants to talk then feel free but tomorrow i will be offline till 8th july ...
    bye bye ....

    7 comments · 292 views
  • 474 weeks

    does god like to see me suffering....

    Ich nehm mir immer wieder vor ich fass das Koks nicht mehr an
    und nur so zu handeln wie's die Religion will und dann
    zieh ichs zwar ne Zeit lang durch ohne Drogen und Schlampen,
    doch lass es dann schleifen wie'n Rohdiamant.
    Yeah und ich hatte den Wohnzimmerschrank

    Read More

    4 comments · 272 views
  • 475 weeks
    i dunno

    uhh just something i listen to calm down...

    0 comments · 289 views
  • 475 weeks

    ... and again i lost 2 friends... because im annoying and pointless.. i will never search for a girlfriend or even try that because i just annoy them ... love is just a pointless thing guys one time you will see that believe me ... one time you will know what i mean with that... :fluttercry:

    48 comments · 332 views

Annoying · 5:34pm Jun 18th, 2015

... and again i lost 2 friends... because im annoying and pointless.. i will never search for a girlfriend or even try that because i just annoy them ... love is just a pointless thing guys one time you will see that believe me ... one time you will know what i mean with that... :fluttercry:

Report Austrian-Fluttershy · 332 views ·
Comments ( 48 )

*hugs tight and rubs your back* it's ok

It's not true

3160333 I don't believe it

Do you, perchance, know of his alternate account?

3429295 I'm not telling you :ajbemused: Don't even try Matt

I wanted to apologise to him.

3429332 the answers no I'm not telling you

Ryan, for God's sake, I want to apologise to the lad. I want to tell him that I am perfectly fine that he and Sarah are together, and that I would rather be his friend as before.

3429335 NO! What don't you understand about that word Matt?

Primarily the latter "N", and "O". (That was a joke)

All right, Ryan. I wanted to set things right between AF and I, but you seem to want perpetual hatred between us. My, such loving consideration.

Ryan, I only want to tell him that I am sorry.

3429348 Sorry but I don't trust you.

Ryan, I want to say sorry to him. I have already apologised to Sarah, and now I want to finalise things, set them right. Don't you want that?

3429353 Then get her to tell you his account.

And I'm 85% certain that the word sorry isn't part of your vocabulary

Topping idea.

It has been for an incredibly long time, only I have chosen not to use it with conviction, until now.

Did you know his real name? AF?

But, it is a useful stimulant in conversation, Ryan.

. . .

It would seem, of late, our topical attitudes have switched places; You are now an incessant Scrooge, and I am far more benevolent that I usually am.

Precisely my point.

C'mon, you virtually marched into that one. :ajsmug:

Oh, what? What? I'm trying to not be miserable. Would you rather me be the old Scrooge again?

3429386 And I'm trying to be as polite as possible

*Sigh* What am I dong wrong, Ryan? You are the one user - the one user - who I do not assume superiority over immediately, and yet you show more distain for me than any of the other insects. What is it that I do to upset you?

3429394 Matt look at yourself,answer honestly do you think you would be were you are without me?

Ah, so that blog post was for me, then.

I do believe I would be pushing up the daisies.

You do realise, of course, that you were one of the primary and central reasons for my potential suicide? In face, you were very nearly the sole factor of it. You almost led me to end myself, but then you were't so useless, and you pulled you thumb out and did something.

3429411 :rainbowlaugh: I'm not even on about that I'm on about your 386 followers

Ah. Well, I would be much the same as I am now, only with an approximate 80 less followers.

3429418 Oh really? You think you would have gotten were you are without me? Cause I don't think you would have.

(Phones dying so if I don't respond that's why)

Not at all. Hence, I just said this:

I would be much the same as I am now, only with an approximate 80 less followers.

Do cotton on, Ryan. :ajsmug:

3429424 I think I've contributed more than 80



3429436 I was the catalyst for your success

Nonsense. I was.

Still, that is not to say that you weren't a significant contributing factor, Ryan. I am sure I thanked you for it.

3429454 you had what 30 followers before you met me

Still, that is not to say that you weren't a significant contributing factor, Ryan. I am sure I thanked you for it.

Oh, oh I see what is is. I see now. You do not like that I revel in my followers, whilst I don't give you enough credit. That's it, isn't it? You're jealous, Ryan. You think you deserve more for it. And you're damned right you do.

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