I Yet live! · 10:04pm May 30th, 2015
Okay. So I sort of vanished for a couple months. I'm really sorry about that one, guys.
To make a long story short... I dunno if I've mentioned it, but I have a grab bag of psychological issues that can often interfere with my life on a broad level. Basically I've spent the last couple months battling (and slowly losing to) my worsening depression and other forms of mild psychosis. Which is a real bear when I'm not in, to quote the psyche specialist at the emergency room, 'clear and immediate need of assistance'. I'm not cutting myself, I'm not homeless, and I'm not being abused by my family, so no matter how mentally and emotionally unbalanced I am, I have to go through the waiting process like everyone else.
It's at least another 2 months until I can see a trained therapist, and 6 until I can see a psychiatrist.
So yes. That is a thing. I'm not dead. I'll try to get back to some form of schedule, but expect things to be erratic for awhile.
In general, I'm sorry.
In unrelated news, my birthday is coming up soon. If I had been updating regularly, I'd make a thing of it and all, make a small request, and faff about. As it is, I don't think I've quite earned that. So I'll just say that it's coming up soon. I may make brief mention of it when it happens. Beyond that, huzzah, I'll have made it another year without dying. Progress!
Welcome to Spring/Summer of 2015, when EVERYTHING GOES FUCKING WRONG. Seriously, I don't follow many people, but virtually everyone who's active is in a bad way. Myself included. Fuck this year, for real.
3110426 Meh. Frankly, I'm more surprised this didn't happen much sooner. I've not gotten professional help in years, and until these past couple months, I held up...
Well. I held up.
3110451 Then this is something you're just going to go and deal with. Not much else to be said. On the bright side - at least you didn't get bit enough for your absence to be a large issue. Look at the positives, even if the fact that these are the positives is depressing.
Sorry, I know how much depression sucks. I've uhmm... dealt with it pretty severely in the past if the pure amount of psychological torture I inflict on my characters isn't a massive indicator. It stinks, hope you get to feeling better soon, but beyond that, I'll spare you the usual platitudes because you already fucking know them, I'm sure. Still, if you want to talk, let me know and I'll PM you my Skype stuff.