• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 28th, 2015

A. Tuesday

More Blog Posts45

  • 595 weeks
    1/13/13 There's too much/ Samurai Applejack Concerns

    First thing is WHY IS THERE SO MUCH CLOP IN THE FEATURED BOX? I understand its been this way for a while, but it just seems to pile up and up and up. While I don't hate cloppers or have any real bias against them, the whole concept is just.... no. For me, anyway. Seeing this kinda stuff on the front page is... it's a little too much. There's like three stories that aren't clop. And, the whole

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    1 comments · 509 views
  • 597 weeks
    1/1/13 Happy New Year + Bye Week

    Well, it's finally 2013. How about that.

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  • 598 weeks
    12/27/12 Merry Christmahanukwanzadan!

    Or what have you. Hope you're all having great holidays!

    On another note, have some music, because who doesn't love Metallica done by a professional choir?

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  • 599 weeks
    12/17/12 Crossover Validity Question

    Apocalypse on Friday! Who's ready?!

    But, besides that, I have a question concerning the story that I want all of your take on, that I thought of initially when I began this story, but I was reminded of again by a comment on the latest update:

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  • 600 weeks
    12/14/12 Title Revert, Back to Thursdays

    While I did mention in the last blog post the reasons for the title change, I noticed that the more vocal readers of the story didn't understand/like the change or feel it necessary. In hindsight, I see where they came from. Plus, I always referred to the story as Samurai Applejack anyway, so we might as well keep the original title, right?

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7/15/12 How about an update on everything? DISCUSSION TIME · 6:06am Jul 15th, 2012

So, that oneshot I was talking about in my last update got approved a couple days ago. I'm very proud of its success. I also hate it.

So, It's got 30 something upvotes, zero down (woo!) and about 28 favorites. A 7k oneshot that I started writing at 5am Monday and finished 4:30 pm the same day has not only more upvotes, but less downvotes, more ratings in general, and more favorites than my 45k Civil War crossover. The f*ck?

Is it bad that I saw this coming? Northern Aggression really isn't that "popular", so to speak. Believe it or not, this community does know how to pick favorites.

Everyone's getting included in this update! Let's roll 'em out!

My Little Pony: Northern Aggression - As for my Northern Aggression people, I'm sorry about the lack of update. This one might take a while to put out, but soon I am going to the beach at my family's, so I should actually have plenty of down-time to type. I plan on making good use of it to write more Northern Aggression, but that's not for another week and a half. And yet...I don't know. I feel like I'm at a bit of a roadblock with Northern Aggression. I kinda feel like it's going nowhere. I've considered Hiatusing it and even Cancelling it, recently. Oneshot's tend to be better for me, cause of the whole one-and-done thing. Minus, of course, Fire and the Flutter (which was already typed out [see below]). What do you guys think about this? I'm on the fence about Northern Aggression, and I kind of want people's feedback on what course of action should be taken. Comment!

Rainbow Dash's Number One Fan - For the people who enjoyed Rainbow Dash's Number One Fan, I have to say I love the comments. Makes me feel so special inside :) so thanks for all of that. I've considered writing more random oneshots - though, they'd all be slice-of-life with some sort of life lesson/proverb type thingy, like how in RDNOF it was about forgetting memories. Maybe not as sad, but still aiming for some feels, maybe even nostalgia. What do you guys think of that? Discuss in this post's comments.

The Fire and the Flutter - I included The Fire and The Flutter people in this update too, because, well, my memory was recalled to the fact that I started a sequel months ago, and was a good 7 pages into it already. I'm considering writing more, different things (writing NA all the time gets boring, I'm sorry - I take breaks often and whatnot) and lately I've considered picking up the sequel and writing more of it, but setting it up so that you can read it as a sequel and by itself. Thoughts?

High Violet - Got nothin' for you. Also up for possible cancellation, due to inability to get back into it. Thoughts? (from the three people or so who fav'd it?)

Annie Mae - lol this thing still exists, doesn't it? I don't know what was running through my head when I wrote this. Believe me, there WON'T be a sequel or anything - so, just calm down.

Anyways, that's about it. Also, I finally finished my entry to the High Society Romance Contest a couple hours ago. A little over the min. word count of 10k, Big Max X Celestia ship. Not my best work, but I'm glad I did it. IN THREE DAYS. Deadline is later today. Gosh, I love procrastination. This story was transeferred to Google Docs - I'm a bit wary about putting it up on FiMFic. Nothing bad about it, just, I don't know - i don't have an immediate desire to share it. Comments?

As you can tell, I never get blog comments, so, I'd really like some.

I should really go to sleep. I have to get up in four hours.

American Tuesday

Report A. Tuesday · 142 views ·
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I'm intrigued by the idea of a continuation of The Fire and the Flutter. You sort of did leave them for dead and it felt like a sequel hook. Although the way you left them, you probably will have to have some back story on why Fluttershy is stuck outside of the Equestiran border with an OC and a really unhelpful map in a desert.

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