• Member Since 19th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 25th

Skeptical Poet

More Blog Posts11

  • 548 weeks
    The Twilight Effect - Chapter 4

    When you try to add an extra 1k words to your chapter the second before publishing it.

    Anyways, enjoy! It's good to be back!

    1 comments · 518 views
  • 549 weeks
    This week...

    No time for clean-looking memes. There are pones to be shipped.

    1 comments · 359 views
  • 574 weeks
    Writing Sucks, So I Should Do It More.

    For those of you still in the fandom since I released my last chapter of "The Twilight Effect", I really don't need to tell you how long I've been putting writing off. Or that I've left little hope to some of you that I'd continue to write at all.

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    4 comments · 416 views
  • 604 weeks
    Christmas is here at last!

    And I still don't have a single chapter ready for any of my stories!

    New Years Eve is close, though. I think I'll start working on my resolution. ^_~

    Happy Holidays!

    5 comments · 392 views
  • 628 weeks
    Tweet tweet...

    So... Twitter!

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    0 comments · 388 views

Tweet tweet... · 5:41pm Jul 13th, 2012

So... Twitter!

I've finally decided to stop keeping readers in the dark, and just opened up a Twitter account! This way, I can keep you all updated on chapter progress in a much more efficient way than with the occasional half-assed blog post. It's just not fair. And hopefully this'll provide an easier way for you to tell me exactly how happy you are with me taking four months to release the upcoming chapter. It just might... motivate me.

You can find me at:


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