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My brother blocked the port to my IP, just to be an ass. So I planned revenge. · 5:17am Mar 18th, 2015

So I was playing WARFRAME, and suddenly, I was kicked out of a game, and was notified that my ports had been blocked. I go to ask my (asshole) brother, who says he blocked them for me just for fun and that it was easy to fix.

Now, if any of you knew, he has done this before, and I had no idea how to fix it. I actually had someone else do it. But now, he did it just to be an ass, and told me "it is an easy fix, I won't help you, go figure it out yourself."

Here is where the fun starts.

So, I stole his phone for 5 minutes. I know his password, so I got in easily. I downloaded an app called "where's my droid" and set it with a personal password that doesn't match any of my current password in any way. Because of this, he can't turn off the phone to stop it, and he can't get into the app to disable it. My plan is to blare the "missing phone" alarm in the middle of one of his classes. He has no idea, and I think it's about time he stopped calling me a lying, autistic dumbass. (Literally)

This is what you get for stealing my shit, disabling my internet, and lying to me so you can leave me at the house, you sack of shit.

Oh, and the best part? It is an easy fix. All he has to do is enable my ports again. But he has no idea how to do that. So he is in the same boat I am, and I get to laugh at his suffering. He fucking deserves it.

Edit: oh, and he will probably get his phone taken away.

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