• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.

More Blog Posts500

  • Tuesday
    Do you have a character you headcanon as trans?

    And that no amount of canon evidence will convince you otherwise?

    Source: https://twitter.com/ekdsc/status/1797680437609062511

    1 comments · 31 views
  • Sunday
    Happy Pride Month!

    Aight, first pride out of the trans closet. I should probably add some serious words. Maybe share my own experience coming out twice in my 30's, and overall try and reach people either on a similar situation, or open the space for each one to talk about their experience too.

    But honestly, it's been a low energy day, so enjoy this meme and if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears:

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  • 4 weeks
    Looking back...

    Maybe there were signs about being trans I should have paid attention to.

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  • 7 weeks
    Sylveon being a trans icon since the beginning

    Today I learned that Sylveon's type was a debate before it was revealed they were the new fairy type. And in a way, that feels like the most trans way to reveal the little gender 'mon.

    Sylveon literally went through an speculation phase before coming out.

    3 comments · 98 views
  • 7 weeks
    Maybe I really should buy Helldivers 2

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Well, the contest is over. What now? · 7:17am Mar 2nd, 2015

I don't know.

I think I just lost a nemesis. Pulling out that fic for the contest was a very good reason to sit down at the keyboard and type. But now that the fic is done and I'm waiting for the results, what could I do?

Here's the list (there's always a list):

#5 Lightspeed Rescue

Yeah, it's a bad sign when something is at the bottom of the list. True is, that I don't know what to do with LSR right now. The main problem is that it was too ambitious for a single fic, and too big for me. Any other writer, more experienced and with less ADD, could do it, but only as his main focus. This story and I lack all of those.

I'm not talented or focused enough to write Lightspeed as I wanted it to be. Again, it is too big for me. I'll always remember it as my biggest failure and my old shame. The worst part in all of this is all the people I'm disappointing to death with this. Power Rangers, Team Fortress 2 and Transformers fans that looked at the description and two chapters and thought "hey, this has potential" I'm sorry but, not gonna happen anytime soon.

I'm cancelling the story? Not sure yet, but I'm not even near to write anything about it yet. I only have a messy sketch book and nothing else. If someone out there is willing to take it from where it's left on the last chapter, send me a PM and I'll give you the sketchbook and we'll see what happens next.

#4 Ponies and Robots Wars

Oh boy, this is getting depressing. I'm fairly proud of the chapter one, it ended even better than I expected. That can't be said for the other ones. Although the sketchbook was never meant to be taken seriously, War Drums was. And it's a caffeine fueled lot of bad presentations, character sheets and a rushed clusterf*ck that definitely marks a low point in my history as a writer.

This means that PaRW will suffer as LSR? God, no. But the prologue is definitely going down. I'll rewrite it? Maybe, but LSR will have its continuation before that happens.

About the next chapter. Well, you saw some advances in my first entries of the Contest project logs. I'll tell you that those advances will be ignored. I'm sorry, but they go to a place too close to Evangelion. I respect NGE as anyone else, but I don't like it. I don't like its depression filled style and I don't like how close to that was my own fic going.

But, on the bright side of things, I actually have a direction here and a good outline for the next chapter. Not too many details, but it includes Flash Sentry and the Tallgeese as you've never seen them before. Coming soon.

The Conversion Bureau: Judgement Day

One year, even more, and I'm not even close to the conclusion. But I have clear how I want to make it and where I want to get. In other words i have a plan for this, a good plan. I'm working on it, and I can promise that this is not going to sink into obscurity, even if I had to hickjack a pirate server to do it, I WILL finish TCB: JD.

The next chapter is completely planed, it has Odin, it has Celestia and it has an actually interesting juxtaposition between objectivity and subjectivity, but it'll take time.

#2 The Doom Patrol: A Midwinter's Nightmare with Mare-Do-Well Strikes!

Alongside with Lightspeed Rescue these two are part of my first try to do something big, the Waveverse (yes, I have some ego too). Still, these too are my pet projects. In fact, these two compose one single pet project that I'm assembling.

TDP:AMN's next three chapters will be released together. This is because they are basically the same chapter, with different points of view, so they have to be read as a whole. I don't want to give up too many details, but it'll address the psychological effect that is becoming 'monsters' for the CMC's as also retake Eclipso's arc from the previous volume.

MDWS! is getting close to the end of its first mayor arc. The purpose of it is to introduce MDW as Ponyville's local protector. The next chapter (issue #4) will be the last one with a shifting POV and the last one with clues about MDW's identity. I'm actually exited about it because it will set the ground for more traditional superhero stories.

#1 One-shots. One-shots everywhere

As I said above, TDP:AMN and MDWS! are the main entries of a verse I'm trying to pull. But two years and a half since I entered here and there's little to no way to tell this is a joint universe. Or a universe for what matters. I'll take a vow, right here and now, that I'm going to take this seriously and do that same thing I intended that cold night of July (winter in Chile for those wondering).

Over Jack Kirby's Fourth World, Mark Millar's Millar-verse, Warren Ellis' Planetary and all those worlds created by the sole power of inspiration and sheer willpower I will create a world for my stories to exist. I'll dare to dream the dream and bring its subjective figure into the objective reality. I will write this thing to hell and back if I have to.

So, in the following month, just as I did with the contest, I'll write the first one-shots and I'll report their progress here in the blog to keep myself focused:

The Atomic Knight

Yep, another very obscure DC concept from the Silver Age that I like a lot. Although I'm not too partial about the 'post-apocalyptic' scenario, I rally loved the idea of a modern-day errant knight. The idea here is a short Secret Origins issue (boy, I love those ones) of Prince Blueblood seeking notoriety as Canterlot's new superhero, accidentally discovering his own bravery and even idealism, in a world where everyone expects him to fail.

Pinkie/Pinkamena: Year one

Remember how Pinkie has a dual personality in TDP? And how I haven't explain it yet? Well, this is the one-shot for those still wondering how in hell does it even works. It will explore Pinks childhood and her struggling to cope with her mind battling against itself. This is definietly more character ridden than anything, but it will help to make some world-building too by exploring Pinks' relation with all the sci-fi that appears in TDP.

I'll start tomorrow... *looks the clock, 4:16 am*

...today afternoon.

Report Magenta Cat · 127 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

I have the same feeling...

The thrill is gone. Goodbye Hazard. You made a worthy adversary.

you shouldn't give up on Lightspeed,i know you can make something great with it later, just put it in a corner somewhere and you'll see later.
it would be a waste to cancel it or to never finish it

I always wondered, if the Justice League suddenly lose all their Rogues Gallery, what happens next? What's the point of being Batman if there's no one in Blackgate nor Arkham to wreck chaos? Why would the world need a Superman if Luthor, Brainiac and Zod are not a menace to be stopped?

Heck, even in MLP, the best episodes are the ones with clear antagonist in them. Slice of life is good in certain amounts, but is the conflict of an opposing character what makes a story worth reading.

Yeah I'm aware of how much of a waste it would be to cancell it. That's wjy I just put the 'on hiatus' tag on it. But as I said, the concept is way too big (three storylines) to keep it simple or flowing. Right now I have already enough things running, and Lightspeed is way to demanding to retake it till I finish something first.

2843813 That's one of the reasons why Magic Duel is my favorite episode. Trixie and the amulet here is an actual threat. An actual threat. Best part is that it's not a season opener/finale.

Naturally, since Trixie's existence is a Crowning Moment of AWESOME! everytime she's on camera, something AWESOME! will happen.

2844353 Basically I really liked the creativity of all the things Trixie did with the amulet. From turning Spike into a "dragon ball", to taking Pinkie's lips away completely.

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