• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2014


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  • 517 weeks
    Totally not dead! (By most standards*)

    So, the thing is, I've had a pretty rough year. I'm talking the kind of year that leaves you with literally no free time at all, and you end up completely forgetting about everything else. But hey! I feel like I came out on top after all that, and I'm in a situation where I'm able to devote my time to one thing or the other. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure what I should do, or more

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  • 574 weeks
    I don't know what I'm doing.

    Really, I don't. It's strange, once I stop and think about it, how much both I, and this site, have changed since I first joined forever ago. (Not actually forever ago) I remember when I first joined, and my English skills were so mediocre that I wasn't quite sure how anybody could find joy in anything I wrote. Yet many of you did, and I thank you all for that. Some of you, somehow found some

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  • 610 weeks
    The Greatest Excerpt Ever

    I looked through the Gideon bible in my motel room for tales of great destruction.The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zo-Ar, I read. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

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  • 614 weeks
    Steps to having no life:

    Step 1: Download Complete Works of Lovecraft
    Step 2: Read the fuck out of Lovecraft
    Step 3: Why are you still here? Read Lovecraft.

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  • 615 weeks

    It's been like...what, almost a month now? Where the fuck have I been, you ask?


    You heard me, your brave, heroic writer pal has been braving the volcanoes of iceland.

    Okay, that's a complete lie. I've been doing stuff. Fun stuff.

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Penny for your thoughts? · 12:31am Jul 6th, 2012

So, I was talking with a friend a little while ago, and we came upon the topic of the infamous character... "Tyrant Celestia" or whatever she is referred to as. We all know who I'm talking about, the version of Celestia that rules over Equestria with an iron hoof committing unimaginable acts of hate and malice. I started thinking... why is Celestia your first choice for this? Is it simply because she was the first one in power, banished her sister to the moon, and presumably maintained the position of primary power after her sister's return? That wouldn't make much sense, as what she did was simply what was necessary, so I'm left puzzled as to why she's portrayed as a tyrant.

Wouldn't the obvious choice for Tyrant be her equally dubious sister, the lovable Princess Luna? After all, she has already tried to rule over Equestria in complete darkness once before. What if the situation allowed her another opportunity, even without the aid of Nightmare Moon? Would she take it? Would she allow her heart to be overtaken by darkness once more and again make an attempt at the land of Equestria? Would she succeed? For some reason I found myself asking these questions, and even went as far as to create a scenario in my head where such a thing could come to fruition. I even added a thrilling romance where the love is sparked by a daring rescue. Who wouldn't love that? But yes, a Tyrant Luna does seem the more logical choice, correct? Now, if for whatever reason I were to write a tyrant Luna story (hint hint) it wouldn't be your typical tyrant princess story. No, such is much to easy, I want to strive for more.

I'm sure your wondering: Where do my thoughts come into this?

Silly followers, it's obvious what I want to know. What do you think of the idea of a tyrant Luna story? A subtle one, not a "to the dungeon, knave, and leave me to my gluttony and lust!!one!" kind of story. A well thought out, interesting tyrant story...

Comments are wonderful, friends. ^_^

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Comments ( 15 )

Interesting ive never quite understood the Celestia thing either but it is intertaining when someone can support the theory:trollestia:. Luna probably isnt used much because supposively all of the evil in her was removed by the elements of harmony but a senerio where that is proven false would be awsome to read! Cant wait to learn what your going to do with it.:yay:

Think of it like this:
I think it's really more about the amount of time she sent Luna to be on the moon for.
Also the vagueness in whether she looked for other options or not (despite the extreme probability that she did).

Luna already learned her mistake.

About the story, though, I don't really have a clue. I'm don't has an brains at currently.

214908 Evil entity that seemed all the more capable of defeating Celestia in standard combat, and thus in term being able to not be held by standard imprisonment? I'd send them to the moon too. Plus, with no way to purify the poor mares heart, how could you bring her back safely? Questions one should ask before jumping to conclusions. ^_^

I would like to see a Tyrant Luna story. I've read plenty of Tyrant Celestia stories and stories of the various incarnations of Celestia including the evil/nefarious versions like Solar Flare, Corona Blaze, Tyrant Celestia, Daymare Sun, Molestia & Trollestia etc. (Yes I'm aware Corona, Daymare and Solar Flare are basically the same. They do have little things about them though that make them seem different.)

I've also read a good number of positive Celestia portrayals including stoic defenders of the kingdom, co-empress/co-queen/co-princess, Diplomatic Celestia's and fun-loving pranksters that don't quite reach trollish. So I'm happy to see a Tyrant Luna story which will hopefully unfold into a spectacular story.:pinkiesmile:

214918 Well, my plotline seems pretty solid, but if you take a gander at my stories... you'll notice something. I have not once written an adventure story, and that holds true for all basis' of my writing. This will be a new experience for me, one that will hopefully prove to not be a total failure.

Why are you accusing me for what I've heard from others?
That's mean...

Oh Its also for how celestia never once seemed to try before the royal wedding episode

215028 It was not directed at you necessarily, rather the people who believe what you said. If that makes any sense. I'm not trying to put you down or anything, that would make me mean... and I like to think I'm not mean. :pinkiesad2:

"why is Celestia your first choice for this?"

Until the end of the pilot she is--and, for the past one thousand years, has been--an absolute monarch (possibly of the entire world), on top of essentially being a solar deity. Even now, she can do anything she wishes to and it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to stop her.

But Celestia would never do something like that, you say. She's an omnibenevolent ruler who wishes only for the happiness and well-being of her subjects, and the state of Equestria (sunshine and rainbows) reflects this mentality. Indeed, she's portrayed as perfect in the show (a certain episode that never happened doesn't count), which means she's an ideal target for everyone and their mother to attach whatever negative traits they please. Hence Tyrant Celestia, Molestia, Nightmare Sun and so on.

Maybe Equestria is sunshine and rainbows because, to paraphrase a common figure of speech, she had to break quite a few eggs while making the omelet.

Yes, all of the above is completely ridiculous and I don't agree with any of it, but it's the answer to your question.

"That wouldn't make much sense, as what she did was simply what was necessary"

Allegedly so. She could have re-written history. For all we know she never intended for Luna to return and now keeps her in a lesser position. Food for thought, regarding your story.

"Wouldn't the obvious choice for Tyrant be her equally dubious sister, the lovable Princess Luna?"

The truth is, both of them are tyrants in canon. A tyrant is a ruler who, instead of rising to power through legal procedure, takes control of a government by force, which is what the sisters did to Discord.

We use the word to refer to something quite different, and as relevant to that usage Luna would indeed be the more obvious choice to be a tyrant, insofar as she could aspire to be given her elder sister is still around.

Regarding your story, I think it's a great idea. It would be interesting to see Luna subtly oust Celestia from power and take over behind the scenes. We already know that there are no depths to which she won't sink to get what she wants, since in the past she was willing to let the world die to get her subjects to love her. Who would support her? Who would oppose her? What would she do about the latter?

"Plus, with no way to purify the poor mares heart, how could you bring her back safely?"

Yet Twilight and the others were able to do it on the first try, without even understanding how the Elements of Harmony functioned. Why wasn't Celestia able to restore Luna?

215178 I think it has something to do with how they work, regarding the elements that is. She used the elements as a make-shift solution because perhaps she didn't have all their respective owners present to purge the evil. Perhaps she didn't have full power. That is at our speculation, and I recognize where that leaves speculation to lead to her being a (evil) tyrant. And yeah, I know a tyrant isn't necessarily evil, but I know people know what I mean when I say that. I was simply saying that I didn't get why Celestia was the majority's first choice in being this evil overlord while Luna had already made an attempt at that. :3

Hmm, as far as the whole Tyrant thing goes, I think it's all just silly. Neither Celestia nor Luna seems like the type to be a solid tyrant. Personally, I'd like to read the story just because it sounds interesting.

Hey how about you take the path less traveled and go with a princess cadence tyrant? I am reminded of Galadriel with the One ring in her possession.
Instead of a Dark Lord you will have a Queen! All shall love me and despair!!! :flutterrage:
The power of love can be twisted into many dark things... it may turn out cloppy but that's ok. I will still read it :T

215540 Cadence is the last person I'd see as a tyrant. I'm just trying to rationalize any of this the best I can. I mean, maybe I would be able to twist her love in a twisted excuse to do something... less than refutable for somebody she loves, but I couldn't see her being an all out dictator type person. She hardly seems the princess that her name holds title as it is, don't you think? I mean, for originality that would be the way to go, but it'd be a lot more work to get that to make sense.

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