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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.

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I FUCKING HAD IT WITH THIS BULLSHIT! · 10:38pm Jan 23rd, 2015

First of all, I would like to clarify that this will be the first time I write without auto-censure. If somebody fells offended by this, I'm sorry but the occasion deserves it. We can all hope it doesn't happen again.

Now, overall I'm a writer, so I'll give this a proper introduction:

I was looking around the internet, just the regular thing. Entertainment, research for the fics, some music, the typical. I wanted to listen a Skillet's song, been a while since I heard one, so I put in YouTube Monster, Hero and Not Gonna Die, my three favorites. Then, out of curiosity, I took a look at the comments.

Good Lord.

Okay, I've ranted before, I've given comments on states of exaltation, people who have met my bad side know how mean I can become when not calmed and Team Fortress 2 have managed to get the worst from me.

But it is a really rare moment for me to succumb into the sin itself of showing real wrath. I've never showed that part of me here, out of shame to be honest, but this was the drop that filled the glass and I need to let out some steam.

The reason of all of this? The myriad of cheap shots at religion in general and Christianity in particular.

Please, stop that.

Please, stop saying that religion is evil, stop talking about religious people as fools or malicious. Please, stop attacking us for no good reason.

Maybe it's not a big deal for you, I can get behind that, but it IS a big deal for us. For some people, religion is a source of inspiration. To be a better person, to find strength in front of a crisis. AND YOU DARE TO MOCK THAT?!

Tell me, oh you so illuminated atheist people, what gives you the right?

What gives you the right to mock, attack and criticize something like that? What gives you the right to show no respect for others? You feel better with yourself for doing it? Are you doing a good deed? Is it something that must be done? Is it even the right thing to do?

I don't think so.

I don't buy atheism, but I'm not constantly attacking every atheist I see. I don't mock them or their lifestyles, I don't label them as evil or dumb people for choosing a different path from mine. I respect their decision and look at them as we all should look at each other.

As equals.

In fact, one of my best friends is atheist. We usually joke about it, he calls me out for the Crusades, I call him out for Stalin, but never seriously, because we understand that modern-day Christians are as guilty for the Crusades as modern-day Atheist are for Stalin. He sees some points in Jesus' praying as I can do the same with Nietzsche and we're good friends.

Can you guys do that too? Please.

The truth is, I'm tired. I'm really tired of having to hide my beliefs in forums juts to avoid flamewars. I'm tired of having to look around and see how, not only my beliefs, but others too are viewed as nothing good. Christians, Jews, Atheist, Islamic, etc. We CAN live together, but we need to tolerate each other.

Sorry for bothering you people with this, I just needed to let it out of my system. Don't worry if you don't want to leave a comment, I can understand why.

I'll try to come with a better blogpost to leave this one behind as soon as posible.

Report Magenta Cat · 189 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

I don't know I think you hit the nail on the head

Thanks for the support. I swear I'll soon put something more lighthearted on the blog.

Hey, it's your blog. You write what you want, and people who read it can care or not care as they see fit. Though it's a good call the title set the mood, in case of those more sensitive to that.

Religion is one of those things I tend to stay out of. If you feel the need to have a belief system to better cope with life, fine. If you feel you need to be free of a belief system to better cope with life, also fine. It's when either type starts forcing their model on others or use it to abuse others that I draw the line.

Of course, all sorts of people - believers, atheists, democrats, bronies, vegans, bikers, hockey fans, Zutara shippers, etc - will use their opinions and beliefs to espouse their supposed superiority in any way they can. And internet is oh so very good for that. "I believe this, and therefore I am better than you." (Hint: No, not really.)

I'd say "just ignore them", but I recognize the need to vent and I personally hate when others try to dismiss my feelings that way. So... yeah.

Bueno, yo personalmente soy ateo, no odio a los cristianos, yo odio a lo Creacionistas, su estupides no tiene limites, pero con los cristianos estoy bien

Yeah, but my followers are provably waiting something about my incomplete stories getteing a new chapter or the one on hiatus getting out of development hell or at least something pony related. So, since this is not any of that, I felt I owed my good readers an explanation.

And about the rest... Yeah.

Irónico, considerando que desde Juan Pablo II en adelante la Iglesia Católica acepta El Origen de las Especies como una teoría válida.

Thanks for the support pal, you really are a good friend.

2742992 El Origen de Las Especies tiene muchos errores, no yo sigo el Evolucionismo moderno, que tiene influencia de darwin pero mas de otros aportes
Pero solo odio a los Hipocritas que creen que la tir¿erra tiene 8000 años

¿Ocho mil años? Por favor, la civilización sola es más antigua que eso.

En todo caso, gente aspi no se merece que nos calentemos la vena de esa forma ¿odio? ni siquiera me importa lo suficiente.

2743621 odio porque son ESTUPIDOS, de proporciones monumentales, o sea una creacionista llamada Megan Fox, paso frente a Lucy nuestra ancestra mas antigua encontrada, y dijo que era FALSA!

2743621 hasta pronto Wave, me voy de vacaciones

¡¿Megan Fox existe?!

Cuidate y que te vaya bien.

2743637 no la actriz, otra Megan Fox, o Megan Faux, como los ateos la llaman

heh guess you needed to shout that one out :ajsmug:
sorry i haven't been much present lately , trying to get some stupid stuff out of my mind lately
i've been going crazy for some little things :applejackunsure: the human mind is a strange one :applejackunsure:

Now with all that Religion stuff......meh it's no like you can prevent any flames wars especally when it starting because of a troll ,
it's kind of Stupid because peoples have their own beliefs , for my part i pray Raptor Jesus :ajsmug:
but , hey all those religions are interesting to study a bit and to learn more about it ,
it's helping your imagination to get new ideas in a sense:applejackunsure:

Heh, I was just about to send you a message to see how were you doing.
We all go to that dark path once in a while. The important thing is to no t get lost, and if you do, find the way back.

Now, about the blog. I understand that trolls are, well, trolls, but this one was just the last drop. I've seen so much attacks on religion, not only on internet but also in real life. What angers me is how some times it goes like this:
Person A: God sucks, lol.
Person B: Religion is not realz.
Person C: You all can't think.
Person D: Can we just respect each other?
Every f*cking else: Pff, D is such a fool, A, B and C are right.

But anyways, I'm calm now and ready to let it go.

Also, you know what's the funny part? I usually try to learn as much as I can from my friends with other beliefs, the atheist, the jew, the evangelist. We all try to find a middle ground and even crack jokes on each other.

2747436 heh it's better to laugh together about it than get in a fight , the world isn't what it was when we were still fighting with swords

about me , it's all about stress :applejackunsure: i have a tendency to stress easily , this is why i listen music a lot . but i guess i couldn't have say it in more poetic way than you , just got loss in a dark path and slowly left it .

Wish you're doing better now then.
Take care, my friend.
Damn you EPIC! Rap Battles of History for making me think in rhyme.

2749487 yup i'm doing better thanks for asking , , about you i don't think i need to ask Mr. i'm going to the beach :rainbowlaugh:

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