• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A 25 year old aspiring fanfiction writer, cosplayer and partner of Cerulean Voice

More Blog Posts72

  • 76 weeks
    Audio Reading - Hearth's Warming Eve In Canterlot

    At the beginning of November, I was asked by TyriusTheVA if it would be alright if he did an audio reading of one of my older stories, Hearth's Warming Eve In Canterlot for Christmas. I said yes, of course, it's been a long time since anyone has ever

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  • 98 weeks
    It Finally Happened

    About six weeks ago, after months of Cerulean Voice telling me to submit my newest story 'What Is Lost, What Is Found' to Equestria Daily I finally caved in and did it. I made a submission and now weeks later after not so patiently waiting I got a response. What's the verdict? Well...

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    3 comments · 191 views
  • 127 weeks

    This will probably come as a surprise to most of you, but in case you haven't already noticed I published a new story late last night. Well, it was late enough for me and Cerulean Voice. He had just spent his entire Saturday going through and thoroughly editing my story. Our deadline was 6.00 pm tonight, so I think it got done just in time.

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  • 216 weeks
    New Story and Youtube Gaming Livestreams

    Hey guys, sorry for the long period of silence. I would like to say I've been busy but since the coronavirus has forced everyone into self-isolation, I've mostly been playing video games (Kingdom Hearts and Animal Crossing New Horizons) and chilling at home.

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  • 223 weeks
    These Heartbreak Times Chapter 3 Out Now!

    I've finally updated These Heartbreak Times, only took me three months to write, rewrite, proofread and have it edited. I'm hoping it won't be this long between updates anymore. Part of the delay has been hiring another editor and the fact that I've had to fly home for my grandfather's funeral.

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Why There STILL Is No New Story · 5:08am Dec 17th, 2014

Well...that''s awkward. It appears that it has been quite awhile since my last blog and even longer since my last story. So what's the hold up? I guess the easiest way to explain is that I've been through a lot this year and since my fallout with my editor I just haven't been motivated to write anything that's worthy of submission.

The thing is, I used to be really self-confident and just wrote regardless of how the story turned out. I posted it, was proud of myself and learnt from the criticism of others. But for a long time now I feel uninspired and I lack all and any motivation to write. Which is partly why I made the huge mistake of resigning back in August. But I shouldn't let one bad review or one little criticism from editor stop me from writing entirely. I guess, now more than ever I feel like I should write to an almost perfectionist standard. Which is something no one can reach.

I used to believe in the words of praise people told me. But I look back on those stories from two years and ago and realise how bad they are compared to some of the work I have produced in the last year. Its then that I realise that for the time, that was the very best work I could do and since then my writing has grown and developed as I have grown.

So what's stopping me from writing some great story and posting it now?

Well, it just seems that no matter what I write or who I write about it never seems to meet the high expectations that I believe it should. I'm trying to just have faith in my own abilities but I guess my mind is not in a very good place of late. For one thing I am homesick, mildly depressed and my life as of right now is very interesting therefore I don't have much to really write about.

I try just writing. Just writing the first thing that pops into my head. I do this for about thirty minutes and read it back to myself. Its terrible, there are plot holes and the whole thing feels flat. I do this three or four times each time ending the same way.

I know for a fact that somewhere inside of me is a really great story and for months and months all I've been doing is trying to get it out. Yet, no matter how hard I try nothing seems to work. So I try reading other people's work, I read books, pony-fiction and even start reading AbsoluteAnonymous's The Games We Play. And by doing all this reading I realise that there is no need to describe every scene, every minuate detail of a story. I learnt how to use prose and even when not to use it. I learnt that dialogue could be much more than just a conversation between two people, it could be funny, philosophical, silly or serious.

I learnt all this and much more. I'm also planning on spending the summer just reading. Not writing. Just reading. I think I just need to learn from the best. (Well, no one can really be the best but you know what I mean.)

Sorry for the long pointless rant. I just needed to get this off my chest.

- BB

Report Arcelia · 122 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

well dont worry about it.relaxe a bit calm yourself with listen to music and wait till it comes as you write down your idea.


Thanks Fluttercord, I was hoping someone would reply with some support. :pinkiesmile:

2658805 no problem. If you need any ideas come and talk to me. Ill be happy to help you

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