• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
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A 25 year old aspiring fanfiction writer, cosplayer and partner of Cerulean Voice

More Blog Posts72

  • 76 weeks
    Audio Reading - Hearth's Warming Eve In Canterlot

    At the beginning of November, I was asked by TyriusTheVA if it would be alright if he did an audio reading of one of my older stories, Hearth's Warming Eve In Canterlot for Christmas. I said yes, of course, it's been a long time since anyone has ever

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  • 98 weeks
    It Finally Happened

    About six weeks ago, after months of Cerulean Voice telling me to submit my newest story 'What Is Lost, What Is Found' to Equestria Daily I finally caved in and did it. I made a submission and now weeks later after not so patiently waiting I got a response. What's the verdict? Well...

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    3 comments · 191 views
  • 127 weeks

    This will probably come as a surprise to most of you, but in case you haven't already noticed I published a new story late last night. Well, it was late enough for me and Cerulean Voice. He had just spent his entire Saturday going through and thoroughly editing my story. Our deadline was 6.00 pm tonight, so I think it got done just in time.

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  • 216 weeks
    New Story and Youtube Gaming Livestreams

    Hey guys, sorry for the long period of silence. I would like to say I've been busy but since the coronavirus has forced everyone into self-isolation, I've mostly been playing video games (Kingdom Hearts and Animal Crossing New Horizons) and chilling at home.

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  • 223 weeks
    These Heartbreak Times Chapter 3 Out Now!

    I've finally updated These Heartbreak Times, only took me three months to write, rewrite, proofread and have it edited. I'm hoping it won't be this long between updates anymore. Part of the delay has been hiring another editor and the fact that I've had to fly home for my grandfather's funeral.

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I've Been Thinking... · 11:32am Oct 29th, 2014

Which, by the way is a dangerous feat but nevertheless a simple one. As I sit here in the comfort of my bedroom with my gorgeous tabby cat and a sense of pride as I start to wonder about some of the people on this site. I mean, in the two years that I've been here I've learnt a great deal about what it means to be a writer. Now, I'm not talking about popularity, ranking or the amount of views an author may have but rather their dedication and quality of work.

I know what you're all thinking, the person who tops that list is so obviously Pen Stroke. But have you ever stopped and thought about how he, and so many others were just like myself in that they were new and were just starting out their journey? I mean, we've all got to start somewhere right? Come to think of it, The Descendant himself stated such a thing and I even have evidence of it.

As you are now, I once was. It was the altruism of those I considered my betters that helped me grow into who I am today. Just remember, when the time comes, and you are a sought-after writer to do the same. I saw your blog post today... best of luck with everything. God bless.

Yes, The Descendant told me that himself through my public comments feed. So yes, I do agree with his statement but not only that my thoughts have turned to the ever magnificent Absolute Anonymous. Who, in one of her interviews stated that she was working at Walmart when she discovered the show. It was only today that I realised that in real life, she's just a normal girl. Just another teenage Canadian who also so happens to be one of this site's most prolific authors.

When I heard the sad and reluctant news of her retirement something inside of me just sparked. It was then that I realised that someday, I wanted to become as good a writer as she was. I guess there is just one problem and that's...procrastination among other things that get in between my fingers and the keyboard. Allow me to explain.

First of all, I am one of five siblings so this house is almost never quite, second of all I am constantly in a state of utter exhaustion. Believe it or not, analysing films for English isn't that hard. I don't even think about what I'm writing, I just write and I get good grades. But when I sit down to write pony I find myself in a state of self doubt. I feel like nothing I write will ever be good enough. I feel as though I need to prove myself but I already have.

You see, not only have I won competitions on this site, but I have also won a competition or two in real life. For original work too. Also, people have been telling me that I've got a lot of potential and I believe them. I know without a doubt that I've got talent, I know there's a real gem of a story somewhere inside of this curious little brain of my mine and I just need to get it out.

So what's the problem then? You're smart, talented and beautiful what could possibly come between you and your writing? Well, except for the last part.

Well, I realised that I have one disadvantage over most people on this site. And that's my age. I mean, when you're young its hard to stay committed to things and being only fifteen doesn't help either. I mean, most people here are over the age of 18, have moved out and get a bit of uninterrupted free time in the evenings to write. I also understand that most people have jobs, families and social lives to contend to and yet somehow they still manage to make time to write.

Notice that I didn't say 'find' time to write because it doesn't matter how hard you look you won't find any. In this crazy, upside world we live in you have to make time to do the things you love. Sometimes, it all comes down to simple habit. Which is why I've decided to make a habit of writing everyday, preferably in the morning or late evening and even if I only write a few hundred words that's still better than nothing. I mean, I want writing to become part of my daily routine, less of a hobby and more like a part-time job. I mean, I've gotten through this blog post okay.

While my homeschooling is taking up a fair bit of my time I still need to create that habit, maybe even set a deadline or a word goal for each week. Because if I can get assignments done that aren't even due for another month than I can make one simple habit as daily as brushing my hair.

I also need to remember not to doubt myself, to just have faith and try not to think too hard. It doesn't matter if it isn't any good because most people my age don't write that good anyway. I mean, just take a look at the teenage writers on Wattpad, most of their stuff is terrible but do they care? No, because they don't wanna be a published author one day and be the proud owner of a signed edition of 'The Catcher in The Rye' despite the author been dead already. A girl can dream though.

So I guess I'll leave it there for now. Oh? You opened this blog expecting an update about my upcoming story? *giggles* Please, I wasn't gonna sign off without giving you a sneak peak of what's to come. Oh that's right, I'm not just gonna post the cover art this time, I'm giving you the real deal. Let's see....

With a reluctant sigh she carried on, with every step progressing further and further into the grove. The foul stench of the swamp infiltrated her lungs as the toxic fumes filled the air, a loud bubbling sound ringed in her ears as Twilight stood at the edge of the murky lake. From the corner of her she could have sworn she saw something move beneath the surface, glancing around the lake she could only see the hunches of dead trees and the stained soil.

That, is an excerpt from my upcoming story. I will not be answering any questions about it but I will let you know one thing, that a certain unicorn filly will have a rather important role in where this goes next. Who is the unicorn filly you ask? Why, it could be just about anypony.

Until next time...

Somewhere, in the foothills of Canterlot...

P.S. I would like to take this chance right now to remind all of the people on this site that you all could be great someday. You don't need a cult following or a million views to achieve that. You just need to know that deep inside there's is a raw, unexplored artist within you that is screaming to get out. I should know, my little inner artist is a mad, wild creature that lurks within the deepest sanctums of my soul and is named Alice.

Just kidding. But what I'm trying to say is that no matter who you are, where you come or even what age you are, you all have the potential to become something great.

Report Arcelia · 155 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

As a fellow aspiring writer and high schooler, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I find that writing stories for sites such as these to be much more stressful and worrisome than anything I have to write for school, even though it it's ultimately much more rewarding. :raritywink:

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