• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2015

Professor Piggy

More Blog Posts39

  • 552 weeks
    Places Pieces By Pigs May Be Perused

    People often approach me and say things like 'Piggy, you magnificently handsome and talented swine, I know that all of your equine-related stories can be found on fimfiction, but perchance do you happen to write other delightful tales of whimsy? And if so, where might I partake in them?'

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  • 600 weeks
    Awesome fanart!

    Predhack drew this for me and I'm sharing it with you because it is amazing.

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  • 601 weeks
    In which Piggy clarifies which of his stories are related

    So, someone mentioned that I should make a list of all the stories from A Study In Nonsense that are connected to each other, for reference. And I thought that was a good plan, so I decided to do it. And this is it. And such.

    So, onwards:

    Feats of Daring Do

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  • 615 weeks
    So I have 100 followers now...

    101, actually. That shocks me more than a little bit. I know it's not a lot compared to some folks out there, but when I first wandered into this little corner of the internet I would never have imagined writing anything, let alone people actually enjoying it. Not that I'm complaining you understand. You all have permission to continue enjoying my writing. Rest happily in the knowledge

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    22 comments · 613 views

Do I Dare Do Daring Do? · 8:56am Jun 16th, 2012

So, I wrote a Daring Do short based on a prompt from the magnificent and inspiring Thirty Minute Pony Stories tumblr. Now, I quite like it - it's extremely rushed, and it shows, but it was a blast to write and I quite like the way Daring Do turned out in it. But I didn't post this to brag about my Daring Do.

Well, not entirely to brag about my Daring Do. Because wow, you guys, I gave a no-personality pony a personality - which I swore I would never do because I am terrible at it - and I like what I got. So yeah. Maybe a little bragging. Because Daring Do. I love Daring Do.

Okay! Okay! Stopping now. Sorry. To the point!

Which is this: A couple of people now have mentioned that I should adapt it into a full story as my next...uh...full...story...thing. And I'm not remotely opposed to the idea - it won't be until Twice Shy is all wrapped up in a bundle (which I'm hoping to get about half way to over the next month, as I shall have almost a whole month of nothing but writing time and it will be glorious and please don't kill me for the delay I'm sorry ;_;) and this isn't a 'I'm going to do it' post. It's me being curious:

Would you folks be interested in seeing that lil' snippet as a story, should I one day have the time and inclination? Answer truthfully, now - I shan't be offended.

Thanks for the input, in advance. Unless I don't get any. In which case, thank you for reading. Unless you didn't. In which case I'm talking to myself. Hello, self!

Report Professor Piggy · 492 views ·
Comments ( 49 )

Well, given all the information, taking into consideration all the writing skills of the author and the crazy ideas, adding my personal thoughts on the author, it leaves me with the word, yes.


I love your stories.
But that's a lot of doing of Daring Do
if you know what I mean
I'll stop now

177513 I roll my eyes in your general direction, good sir.


And I watch you with mine
Both of them

177518 I know. I'm quite glad of that. I do like being watched.

What do you think of the story idea?


It's a good idea that hasn't had a lot of doing if you know what I mean
My Immortal has rotted my brain.

177522 I...

All I can offer is my sympathies. I'm so sorry. :pinkiesad2:


Had to go through it twice.
Never quite the same afterwards.
I don't even know if I can write anymore.
I'll never achieve my dreams of getting featured.

177540 Why did you have to do that? :rainbowhuh:


Dares dares and more dares....................................................................
I think I'm going to lose all my watchers one by one :/
Need more to offset

177545 Erm...go read something good! Try thirty minute ponies. They do some amazing stuff.


Those creepy red eyes staring at me are not as creepy as the fimfic eyes of choice
I will not give in...
I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore.
Back to writing


It's going to be horrible, but thanks

You should do it. I have no idea what happened up there ^, but I'm doing the same thing with one of my submissions to TMP, and I'm enjoying it immensely. It should be about you, though- 'an author has a story to tell, while a writer wants to please the fans', if that's how the quote goes. If you have a story, you should write it, even if it doesn't get thirty kajillion votes.

Oh, we won't kill you for the delay! Haha...
*axe is ready*

To be honest your avatar scared my opinion right out of my head. Brrrrrrrr.

I'd totally read an expanded version of the story. :pinkiehappy:

177624 Oh, don't worry - I wouldn't write it if I didn't want to. It's just that I have a million things I want to write; I have trouble sticking on just one. I'm gonna do the Daring Do thing anyway, I hope - it's just a question of whether I do that next or one of my other things. :twilightsmile: Mind if I ask which prompt you're expanding? I'm curious.

177644 I know. That would leave Fluttershy an emotionally broken wreck for eternity, and I know she's your favourite pony so you'd never dream of doing that to her. Right, Akemi? :raritywink:

177709 Yes. I decided if you weren't going to provide me with a substitute hate I'd take matters into my own hands and obtain one. Don't eat this one. It's filled with high explosives and that really disgusting kind of chocolate noone likes!

When you get your opinion back, I'd love to hear it. :pinkiesmile:

178167 I'm glad. It'll be fun to write, I think, if I ever get around to it. I'm worried as to how I'll handle an extended quasi-OC, but I can only give it a whirl. And I'll get to make puns! Glorious, glorious puns! :pinkiehappy:

that really disgusting kind of chocolate noone likes

Does not compute.

Oh- *jumps out of a window*

180905 The prompt in which a pony is caught cheating. It's 'Here's to Hope' on my page.
And oh god I just noticed your avatar, jeebus that's a little scary. Maybe try spoink, from pokemans?
He's a piggy, he's psychic, so he's smart so he's a professor. See? Logic!

For what it's worth, your Gummy and Rocky were basically OCs, and you did fantastic with them. I have utter faith. :twilightsmile:

180915 You know the stuff - that really grainy, hazelnutty tasting stuff implanted with mind control chips by evil Professors? Like the stuff those little solid eggs are made from! Except much more evil.

180974 Sigh. Starfall, could you repair the window please? I'll pay you in delicious chocolate.

181078 As adorable as that is, it doesn't have a hat. And I got growled at, for not having a hat. Still - if my avatar really does bother you, say the word and I'll change it. Don't want to go annoying anybody. :twilightsmile: (Also, that thing is awesome. I wanna get the new Pokemon now so I can use nothing but Spoink.) And your story looks interesting - can't wait to read it. :twilightsmile:

181244 Thanks, DB. I suppose that IS true, and I've no doubt you'll slap me upside the head if I ruin Daring Do, before I make the mistake of publishing it. :twilightsheepish:


*repairs window, for the glory of the Mass*

186153 Oh, damn. I forgot to readjust the speech options. Now you're just going to ramble about that toad all day, aren't you? :ajbemused:

186135 You don't have to get the new one- he's from Sapphire(or Ruby to those heretics) at least. I loved the little guy. And you don't have to change you avatar, either- you can choose to be a slightly demonic looking Darkwing Duck in pig form if you want, I can't stop you. But maybe try this, instead?
It's a guinea pig instead of a real pig(I think), but he sure looks like a professor to me.

186181 That is indeed adorable. Unbelievably so. :pinkiehappy:

And sadly, I would - the oldest game I have is silver, back from...ten years ago, now? :twilightsheepish: Good times.

And I really do want that. I'm a supervillain, you see. And people have been doing the unthinkable, a lot - they've been questioning my evilness.
He is a nice guy! They all say, and it fills my little piggy heart with sadness. Because I'm totally sinister and evil. Even my puppy thinks so.

So I figure looking the part might help, you know? Plus, this hat is awesome. :raritywink:

Truth is lies. Slavery is freedom.

186629 No. That pup looks like Brain, in disguise. Is it Brain?
My puppy is much more adorable!

186994 Yeahhhhhh, we're done here. *Disables mind control chip*

I can see you! :pinkiegasp:

Well, your hat was in the way.

187008 I spent the last month hatless! How did you not see me?

... I was asleep?

187011 What kind of stalker are you? I am deeply hurt, sir.

Hey, I went to Rainbow Dash's school for stalkers!

... which, now that I think about it, explains the nap classes.

187033 ...You know what? That amused me enough that I forgive you.
Good work, Starfall. Keep it up.

Will do, cap'n! :rainbowdetermined2:

186995 Oh, you mean this puppy.
And what's this all about mind control? I thought most villains were above that, man. Unless, of course, it's your stalker. Then it's ok, they can be troublesome sometimes.

Begging for my forgiveness? Excellent. Updating Twice Shy? More excellent.

As to your Daring Do project, well here's the simple answer: Do any of your other projects interest you more? Things the author's personally invested in usually turn out better (and faster) than things they feel they need to churn out, so write Daring Do if it most interests you. Huh, the way that sentence is timed it seemed like a couplet that rhymed. I'm a poet and I didn't know it.

Sorry, once you've noticed it's hard to stop. Must... Resist... Urge... to... write. .. sentence... ending... with... pop...Failed.

187093 Hey, hey! Starfall CHOSE to serve me. I need a way to keep track of him if he's going to be breaking into my house. He could hurt himself! He already ate my hat and poisoned himself. It's for his own good, dang it!

194974 Heh. My problem is that I am never not invested in anything I'm writing. I am currently most invested in Twice Shy, but beyond that all of my ideas get equal billing. And yes. There shall be more Twice Shy. But first I must complete the ApplePie I promised a friend o' mine. Fortunately, holidays about and I can write ALL the things.

And don't be sorry you did it ForSpite. That's the best reason of all. (See? Now THAT needs an apology.)
(Also failed and stop don't rhyme. Tsk. :ajbemused:)

I once started speaking in rhyme accidentally and then continued for over half an hour to the protests of my assorted relatives, which was one of the reasons I kept going).
--- For Spite.

PS: Actually if I really couldn't have stopped myself, the next line would have ended with "Availed".
PPS: I don't know if I've ever seen a good ApplePie, despite the excellent portmanteau.

194986 I do it ALL THE TIME. I once spent the entire day rhyming everything I said or wrote, just cause. I lost many friends that day.

Totally worth it. :moustache:

Typing texts allows alliteration, alternately. Sentences served intensely in sixteen sibilant words once, did dare I indite.

194997 I don't think mine'll be good either, honestly.

Ah, alliteration. An amusing art, ambitious and admirable. Well done.

I did cheat a little and use "sh" at least once, even though it doesn't sound anything like "s" when spoken.

You know, given that one thing you're definitely known to excel at is writing Fluttershy, the Daring Do story in question will at least take advantage of your strengths.

195007 Excel? Hee! Thanks. :pinkiehappy: I feel all special now.

And that's not cheating, it's winning with style. And yeah - it would be almost entirely DD focused, but Shy would be a big part too for obvious reasons.

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