• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2023


Ohai! Extantdread here, available for some of your needs! Aviator, avid reader, occasional writer!

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Apparently I've been "tagged". I won't tag anyone else. · 5:41am Jun 3rd, 2012

You can blame this guy for this pointless blog of nothingness.
Sine Wave


1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people

-------- Five Things About Myself -------

2. Everyone in my family has gotten some sort of serious injury in their lifetimes. I have not. Haven't even broken a bone. One of my brothers doesn't have half his pinkie. ('Twas cut off by a lawn mower. Seriously.)
3. Dogs are best pets IMO.
4. I plan to be a Air Transport pilot. I'll start taking lessons and I'll be flying (With an instructor of course) within the next year or so. THAT'S RIGHT. THERE ARE 13 YEAR OLDS FLYING. DEAL WITH IT. One more thing. I've been into airplanes since I was four. I flew around the world in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 when I was... Eight? Yeah, I think I was eight. Took three days.
5. I friggin' love going to amusement parks, in case you can't tell from my avatar.

-------- Eleven Answers --------

1. Who is best pony? (Had to ask)

Best pony? Everypony. But my FAVORITE (There's a difference.) pony is Twilight, if that's what you mean.

2. What is the story of how you became a brony (if you consider yourself a brony)?

Actually, I've known about ponies (Just ponies. I had no idea what bronies were.) since the summer of last year. I was browsing around the Minecraft Forums (That's actually a pretty good place if you know where to look) on Jan. 4 (Yeah, I remember the date.) and as usual saw many pony avatars. So, I just randomly went "OK, what is up with the My Little Pony stuff?" and without looking ANYTHING up, decided to watch it. On the whim. I started from the beginning (Yeah, I know.), and at the end of the two-parter, I was going "meh" and decided to watch a bit more. By the 5th episode, I was hooked. Also, for some strange reason, I skipped the 6th episode (The Trixie episode). And I had no idea for a month. I know, right? Anyway, that's my story.

3. How do you stand on the great brony/pegasister debate for female members of the fandom?
I think they should be called what they want. I'd rather just call us all bronies. Easier, ya know?

4. What do you currently do for a living?

I'm a student in Junior High. I'll be a Freshmen next year.

5. Do you think chain letters started as a USPS conspiracy to boost revenue?

6. Do you believe that Pinkie Pie is Spike's mother?

I wish I knew about these theory's before I get asked about them. Anyway, nope.

7. Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Learning to fly and riding roller coasters, and watching My Little Pony. Yeah, I'd call that interesting.

8. What is your dream job and what steps have you taken to get it?

I've sorta already stated this multiple times, but what the heck. Air Transport Pilot, getting flying lessons within the next year or so. I've read plenty of books on the matter and I have a ton of time on the Flight Simulators you can have at home.

9. Look above your monitor, what is the first thing you see?

A window with the shutters closed.

10. Batman vs. Superman in a fight. Both sides have a day to prepare. Who wins and why?

To the death? Dear God I don't like this question. Meh. I'm going with Batman because he can make stuff like that *snaps fingers*.

11. Fight club question. If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be?
Wat. Uh. I dunno. I really don't. Hitler, I guess?

ANYWAY. I'm not tagging anyone. Hope this'll end soon. Just did this because I had time to kill and it sounded fun. There you go. :P.

Report Extantdread · 189 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Hitler. Good answer.

Thanks for playing!

Got my private pilots license when I was 17, worth every penny and every minute. Best of luck to you with the written.

Oh, and I'll just leave this here.....


151606 I know right?

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