• Member Since 17th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2023

Canicus Palentine

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Character Changes · 2:23pm Jun 25th, 2014

Hello again. I've said before in the comments section of my story that I'm unsure of what to do with Sparx. As a game mechanic in the original games he worked as a health bar whilst occasionally getting small adventures of his own in the 3rd game, and in Legend of Spyro he provided comic relief (if admit-tingly little else).

However I want him to take a more active role in the story, as Spyro's closest friend it doesn't sit well with me that he should be assigned one or two roles and that's it. However as a Dragonfly, I can't think of many situations where he could be useful or where he isn't constant danger of getting killed. Sure he can be a spy or scout, but in other situations like combat or even normal every day life, there's a constant danger he would be killed and not having the strength to be any more than a nuisance to enemies. What should I do with this character? Do I make him a different species? Do I give him stronger abilities? and most importantly, how do you view Sparx? Is he a character you love, like, indifferent to, or hate? Will the story ultimately be better off without him?

And as for Spyro, how do you view him as a character? I have my own vision of him, but I'd like input from the rest of you. A wise cracker? A sly, cocky little rascal? A serious and determined hero? Will fight for what's right no matter the odds? Just in it for fun? What is your personal view of the purple dragon?

Report Canicus Palentine · 298 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Before I make a comment, which game are we continuing from in the story?

Its a combination of the best elements of all the Spyro games (the good ones), mixed in with a plot that loosely follows the legend series but with improvements, as well as some elements from other stories. For instance I'm mixing in a bit of Avatar: The last Airbender (the series, not that awful movie adaptation) into the story for in the Legend series Spyro could master 4 elements, Fire, Ice, Earth and Electricity. It makes sense therefore to translate this into mastery of the natural elements, the Dragons once being masters of the weather, not just controlling it like the Pegasai but once having the power to bend it to their will.

So the game a new Beginning basically. (A new beginning of a new beginning, funny how it works sometimes)


Right. At that time, he was still somewhat naive to the war happening outside of his home. But he was still driven by ambition to find out what really lay in store for his future.

He is self driven but not independent, as he seems to struggle without the help of others, eg; Sparx, Ignitus, Cynder, Hunter. The point being that he is an excellent fighter but lacks some creativity that other characters posses, often taking strategic advice from companions. This doesn't mean he's dum, though. Keep that in mind.

As for his personality, he is quite the nice guy and the Samaritan . He seems to have a 'take no prisoners' attitude to fighting, but when he's not tearing Malefor's minions to shreds, he likes to help others out wherever he can.

So basically he's the perfect protagonist, minus some creativity.

Comment posted by Canicus Palentine deleted Jun 25th, 2014

2233587 Thank you for your tips again, I definitely want his good side personality to shine through, but not enough that he seems like a messiah, and still have some of his cocky arrogance from the original series. Though still I'm wondering what to do with a certain dragonfly! What do I do with him!


The only thing Sparx is good for; Jokes! Crack jokes, make innuendos and snarky, funny comments, that Dragonfly lives for the lols!

Oh, and he's small and lights up too. That may be useful at times.

2233953 True he's comic relief, but other characters that are comic relief have more to them than laughs. Look at Pinkie Pie, or Saka from Avatar: The Last Airbender (the series). They're useful in more ways then comedy, not to mention they have their own story arcs and character development. Sorry if I sound like a stick in the mud. But I suppose a Dragonfly scout, spy and guide could be pretty useful, just have to keep him out of combat, and minimize the risks of being swatted, squashed or otherwise meeting the fate of many insects when around bigger creatures. Maybe I can make him the smart one of the group, what do you think?

Sounds like it would work.

Just a note: The first chapter is still being written, and may take a little bit of time, I'd rather not rush the story, and I'm occupied at the moment practicing for a small concert, which is a part of a course I'm taking to improve my singing. So a little teaser for what's in stall for Chapter 1.

Introduction of Spyro, Sparx, and a Griffin companion, Ratchet. I'm also a fan of Ratchet and Clank, who also made the original Spyro games. Spyro is brave, good hearted, and somewhat intelligent, but also cocky and learns more from experience and taking risks rather than preparing a plan before hand.
Sparx on the other hand is very intelligent, well educated, snarky and very finally balanced between lighthearted and cynical, depending on the situation.
Ratchet is the no nonsense character, dedicated to a task and the defense and well being of his friends. He's also very militaristic, coming from a family of elite Griffon Praetors. (Yes, the Griffon Kingdom shares some cultural affinities to the Roman Empire in this story.)

During one of Spyro's more daring and dangerous stunts, the group stumble upon a group of well armed soldiers from overseas, whose intentions are unknown. Do they intend peace, or war?

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