• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Zap Transfer

Good vibes? Good vibes.

More Blog Posts15

  • 260 weeks
    Heading to BronyCon

    Alright, dudes and dudettes, if anyone be listenin...

    As the title said above, I'll be at the final BronyCon this year with two other buddies of mine.

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  • 597 weeks
    Updates regarding A Great Surprise Gone Sour...

    A bit of motivation to write has hit me tonight... And while I don't know if it will last, I'm going to try to make this one count. I'm going to attempt to continue A Great Surprise Gone Sour with Jaiden. I believe we had something fun going there, and I want to see if we can make somethin' fun to read out of it!

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  • 606 weeks
    Horror Game Recording Uploaded

    Hey everyone! Long time, no see! Apologize for the inactivity, but a lot of things have been on my mind/plate lately, and I haven't gotten around to working on much of the stories in a while. For now, however, I have uploaded a Let's Play recording on my youtube channel of a Pixelated game called "I'm Scared"

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  • 619 weeks
    Updates, Updates, Updates!

    I must apologize heavily for the delays on the next chapter, but I tell you now that it will be soon! (As in this week most likely)

    Things have been stressful these few weeks with school and all. MechaCon was a great stress reliever, plus awesome to meet some of my awesome friends from the Facebook Brony Group!

    Who else was there? :D

    1 comments · 442 views
  • 620 weeks
    Just noticed this...

    Anyone know what the heck happened to Madgodpim? I just checked his profile page on here, and it says his user does not exist... ;_;

    What happened? D:

    4 comments · 434 views

Finally Getting around to my Story... · 8:38am Jun 1st, 2012

Yup... Finally continuing my story... I've become very rusty with all of this... So expect some bad stuff most likely. As usual, any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated! It appears things will be getting slightly more grim dark for now... :O

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