• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Zap Transfer

Good vibes? Good vibes.

More Blog Posts15

  • 260 weeks
    Heading to BronyCon

    Alright, dudes and dudettes, if anyone be listenin...

    As the title said above, I'll be at the final BronyCon this year with two other buddies of mine.

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  • 597 weeks
    Updates regarding A Great Surprise Gone Sour...

    A bit of motivation to write has hit me tonight... And while I don't know if it will last, I'm going to try to make this one count. I'm going to attempt to continue A Great Surprise Gone Sour with Jaiden. I believe we had something fun going there, and I want to see if we can make somethin' fun to read out of it!

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  • 606 weeks
    Horror Game Recording Uploaded

    Hey everyone! Long time, no see! Apologize for the inactivity, but a lot of things have been on my mind/plate lately, and I haven't gotten around to working on much of the stories in a while. For now, however, I have uploaded a Let's Play recording on my youtube channel of a Pixelated game called "I'm Scared"

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  • 619 weeks
    Updates, Updates, Updates!

    I must apologize heavily for the delays on the next chapter, but I tell you now that it will be soon! (As in this week most likely)

    Things have been stressful these few weeks with school and all. MechaCon was a great stress reliever, plus awesome to meet some of my awesome friends from the Facebook Brony Group!

    Who else was there? :D

    1 comments · 442 views
  • 620 weeks
    Just noticed this...

    Anyone know what the heck happened to Madgodpim? I just checked his profile page on here, and it says his user does not exist... ;_;

    What happened? D:

    4 comments · 434 views

Updates regarding A Great Surprise Gone Sour... · 5:17am Feb 13th, 2013

A bit of motivation to write has hit me tonight... And while I don't know if it will last, I'm going to try to make this one count. I'm going to attempt to continue A Great Surprise Gone Sour with Jaiden. I believe we had something fun going there, and I want to see if we can make somethin' fun to read out of it!

I'm thinking of marking A Great Surprise Gone Sour as complete, and starting a new story as as sequel to that one. Filled with shenanigans between the Mane Six plus the two human protagonists. Yes, I know, it's not original, but it's something that shall be fun to write if we get around to it.

I don't know what will become of Something Epic however... That future seems... Bleak, I'm afraid. Most of the group is either not available to write anymore, or just do not have the motivation to continue it. It was a Summer Project for all of us, and it ended pretty much when school began, sadly. I suppose school is the devil to us all in some regards. You'll be happy to know that we're doing pretty well, with some life problems to boot. Nothing we shouldn't be able to tackle, hopefully.

Still, I'd like to thank everyone who followed, read, criticized, and enjoyed that story. We had tons of fun with the collab while it lasted, and you never know. We might just make a come back to that. :)

A little off-topic now: I've heard of a spin-off show being in the works for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It will apparently be called 'Equestria Girls', and it will feature the Mane Six being transported into the world of humans, and being transformed into humans themselves, with them only keeping their original skin color. Their cutie marks, I believe, are on their clothes. The post is on Equestria Daily, so it shouldn't be too hard to find if you're more curious. I'm not entirely too sure how to feel about this. But, one of my friends gave a valid theory as to why this might be happening.

Since the show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was generally directed towards the family to enjoy, not just little girls. And since us bronies enjoy it, we believe that they may be making Equestria Girls as a show that will target little girls. I don't know who will be directing it. I'm curious to see if the original VAers will be used or not, same goes to Daniel Ingram. I'm more or less interested in Season 4, especially since there shall be 26 episodes. At the same time, I'm a bit apprehensive, as Hasbro seems to be interfering more and more with the show and the fandom themselves. Just take a look at Fighting is Magic and MLP: Online. Both have been taken down by Cease & Desist letters, sadly. Not to mention, parody shows like My Little Pony: Witchcraft is Magic have been taken down in the same method as well. I just hope these interferences stop soon, else things may just get ugly.

Ah well, I'm generally an optimist, with some realist in me. I think we can pull through, aye fellow bronies? We're strong and proud, and I think we can do this just fine.

Welp, thanks for listening to my little updates/rants. XD I'll try to lessen up on the rants, and increase the updates. :)

Toodles for now!

Report Zap Transfer · 527 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

So yeah

Story updates ahoy and mudkips

Freaking mudkips everywhere

I've mainly been waiting on uploading it until I can make coverart for it, or find a suitable picture for it. :derpyderp2:

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