• Member Since 19th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2022


We grow 'em big!

More Blog Posts24

  • 418 weeks
    Orange update 10: GUESS WHO'S BACK...


    Apologies to all, those who have left and those who have remained loyal in hoping I would return. I had a ton of stuff going on, and still do! So it really knocked me out of the inspiration curve. There were times I was staring at a blank new document unable to type a thing!

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    6 comments · 487 views
  • 521 weeks
    Orange update 9


    Am I still at it? Yes I am! So for those who have still stuck around, stay tuned for some new smut coming your way! Is that all? Yes for now.

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    4 comments · 570 views
  • 535 weeks
    Orange update 8 HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALIVE

    As the title suggests, my insane brain has returned from a fictional slumber. I remember when I used to get fics pumping out by the week almost literally. Sadly times changed and things simmered down, and the passion started to die etc.

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    5 comments · 587 views
  • 566 weeks
    Orange squishy update 7

    Greetings dear fans. Indeed it has been a long while, but I'm ready to dust off the creative sector of my brain, and get back to writing again, so keep posted! And remember, big mares need love, too!

    Let's just hope I don't get too distracted and actually get to writing it.

    4 comments · 692 views
  • 585 weeks
    Orange update 6 (and then some!)

    Yes, I'm still alive and brainstorming as I go along, but first a probably not so important message.

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    12 comments · 800 views

Orange update 8 HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALIVE · 9:33pm Apr 21st, 2014

As the title suggests, my insane brain has returned from a fictional slumber. I remember when I used to get fics pumping out by the week almost literally. Sadly times changed and things simmered down, and the passion started to die etc.

But lo' and behold I've managed to whip myself (mentally, not physically!) into getting something different done. I know I haven't tangled (slight maneiac reference) much with any of the newer characters, and am giving season 4 a miss (Those of you who remember in one of my earlier blogs that I dropped the title of brony) but I'm not dead yet (which may be unfortunate for the more innocent minded) so somehow, I manage to bring to you another upcoming fic (just as soon as I can get ShimmeringStallion yes, this magnificent guy) to double check for me what I often miss.

So sit tight (you must be getting fed up of the parenthesis talk) and be ready to read another of my bizarrely, satisfying works. It's gonna be sweet!

Hopefully I won't take another long ass break again. I really love how I moved up so much in such a short space of time with this place! I've gained 600 followers despite not having put out a clopfic for months. Am I really that loved? (they just want stories, not you!)

Report Theorangefox · 587 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

2032564 It? Hey, that hurts you know? ;_;

I've gained 600 followers despite not having put out a clopfic for months.

You make it sound like Size Matters is what made EVERYONE start following you! :derpytongue2:

Also, minor thing: "Shimmeringstallion" (what you wrote" should actually have the second "s" capitalized, as "ShimmeringStallion". *scratches head sheepishly*

Regardless, I sure hope we have you back for a while! :pinkiehappy:

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