• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2017


I ask only that you would forgive me, should I ever truly go hollow, that you would not hate me for falling asunder to the insanity.

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  • 461 weeks

    So, you know the feeling where it's like you woke up with a hangover after charging headlong into a parked truck? Yeah, me either, by I'm pretty sure it's similar to what i feel like right now. Also, finally actually got around to coming back-ish, I suppose. Idk, boredom does weird things to people. thought for a bit my account was removed or something until an old bud helped me out a bit.

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  • 484 weeks

    Short, simple, sweet, to the point. About damned time I tried for that. Anyways, this is me telling anyone who doesn't think I'm dead or something that I have a story that should be up soon-ish. Time isn't reliant on writing it up(for once), but because I feel like actually spending some time cleaning it up a little. Also maybe another if things go well as far as writing, time, and such goes.

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    Rrglblghurklbleh... What...?

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  • 519 weeks
    You have GOT to be kidding me!

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  • 520 weeks
    Another Rant

    I have been stricken by a need to release some frustration, and then shortly after by the golden opportunity to do just that. For those reading who are yet unaware: I am not Christian. Far from it. In fact, for sake of attempting brevity, we'll say I'm the polar opposite. Okay, that's said and done and whatever.

    Onto the rant!

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Another Awesome Mission · 6:53am Apr 14th, 2014

So, I've been ranting, like, a lot. I know some of you follow me for those rants and shiz, but I also have moments of awesome in my roleplaying group. Well, we had one of those moments again tonight. I would like to thank Mondai Shunketsu, Awkward Taco(Coltitus), and Lord Ershwin Wholewheat(The perfect balance of chase and taco). This was awesome as fuck, especially since I actually tried here... I need to do that more. This got tense in a few places, but it was fucking awesome.

Well, enough of that, enjoy: The Botched Hijacking of The Eye of the Panda

[12:39:11 AM] Coltitus: (I am stealing this ship
[12:39:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you don't have mondai's activation rune
[12:39:44 AM] Coltitus: (I will bypass the activation rune
[12:40:38 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Admiral," Mondai begins, fighting off the lurch in his stomach, "I take it that your success has not come without some sort of interesting technique. Now, I'm not asking for a tip or anything like that, I'm just congratdulating you on your success, and that your profits inspire people like me to venture out into the void and risk their lives for fame and wealth."

Mondai chuckles. "It's funny, you'd do just about anything for that kind of recognition... everything just short of dying... and I'd rather not die. Know of any good survival tips about keeping alive while treasure hunting? I'm sure you do."
[12:42:25 AM] Reaps: Chase looks to the drunken trader near him and smiles. "Oi! Great food out. I don't believe we've met." (In case you haven't noticed. I'm not good at socializing.
[12:43:21 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: in order now
[12:43:31 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (taco by-passed the rune
[12:45:47 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "I will share with you one secret, information. that is the key, as long as they don't know about the obsidian emporial I'll be fine." The admiral looks a but drunk from washing down all that shard-egg with amasec and doesn't quite know what he's saying
[12:46:58 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "Ah, no, don't think we have. Names Blitz mate. Jeremiah Blitz." he sticks out his hand for you to shake
[12:47:50 AM] Coltitus: (Have fun with Jeremiah
[12:48:52 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Of course they won't, why would they?" Mondai asks, blowing it off like a confident sailor.
[12:49:47 AM] Coltitus: (I am prepping the ship for take off
[12:50:01 AM] Reaps: Chase shakes Jeremiah's hand heartily. "Well, Jeremiah, if ya don't mind me callin' ya by that, ya wouldn't happen ta know about all this crazy talk of witches and fortunes, wouldya? Sounds like a buncha voodoo ta me, but I'm sure a seasoned man like you would know better."
[12:50:53 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: The admiral nods. "You should come tommorow, they have something for everyone there."
[12:51:05 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (the crew are waiting for mondai's orders
[12:51:34 AM] Reaps: (Admiral talking to who?)
[12:51:41 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: mondai
[12:51:46 AM] Reaps: (Ah)
[12:52:39 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "That'd be great. Of course I'll be there. I'll only need the updated address, because I know it's on such a hush-hush basis."
[12:52:54 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "Ah yea mate I know 'bout that, gonna be bidding over that at the emporial tommara, only the top ten bidders can make it."
[12:53:04 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Might be this drink... for the life of me I can't recall it..."
[12:53:22 AM] Coltitus: (Wait, was the whole crew thing directed to me?
[12:53:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (ye
[12:53:50 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (shouldn't Chase be geting an alert on his datathingy?)
[12:54:28 AM | Edited 12:54:37 AM] Coltitus: "The Captain's in a tight spot. The entire dinner was a set up. He's unconcious up here with me and we need to leave now."
[12:54:49 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (21
[12:55:17 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you were able to convince 20 crew
[12:55:31 AM] Coltitus: (Out of how many
[12:55:33 AM] Reaps: "Really now? So it's not just some babble? Well, I may just see if I can make it to the emporial. I doubt I could make the bid, but it ain't like I can't try."
[12:55:36 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (22,000
[12:55:38 AM] Reaps: (22,000)
[12:55:45 AM] Coltitus: (How...
[12:55:52 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (wait
[12:56:14 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (do you have command or air of authority
[12:56:40 AM] Coltitus: Air of authority
[12:57:38 AM] Coltitus: (I'm surprised that since I managed to get the ship running, they don't believe I have the captain's blessing.
[12:58:01 AM] Coltitus: I also have decieve
[12:58:21 AM] Coltitus: Which sounds like it should count
[12:58:29 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you convinced 200 then
[12:58:43 AM] Coltitus: Even with both air of authority and decieve?
[12:58:52 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yes
[12:58:56 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: it was 20 without
[12:59:08 AM] Coltitus: (Why don't they believe me...
[12:59:21 AM] Reaps: (Why haven't they contacted me on the dataslate?)
[12:59:30 AM] Coltitus: (Because I'm jamming you
[12:59:42 AM] Coltitus: (Shit, I haven't declared that move yet
[12:59:47 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: they do
[12:59:59 AM] Reaps: (I have the message, then?)
[1:00:00 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: your fellowship is just too low to make them all believe you at once
[1:00:12 AM] Coltitus: (Oh, I got you
[1:00:18 AM] Coltitus: (Chase, he was talking to me
[1:00:23 AM] Reaps: (Damn)
[1:00:31 AM] Reaps: (Wheats, why haven't they contacted me?)
[1:00:42 AM] Coltitus: (Because I'm fucking jamming your comms
[1:00:53 AM] Reaps: (Move was never declared.)
[1:00:58 AM] Reaps: (You even said so.)
[1:01:02 AM] Coltitus: (I'm declaring it now
[1:01:24 AM] Reaps: (Still doesn't answer why our crew was suddenly incompetent for a moment.)
[1:01:33 AM] Coltitus: (Because Taco
[1:01:47 AM] Reaps: (Also, why are you stealing our ship?)
[1:01:55 AM] Coltitus: (Because I need one.
[1:02:11 AM] Reaps: (Fair enough.)
[1:02:23 AM] Coltitus: (Damn straight
[1:04:22 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (It's all right, we're done here anyway.)
"On second thought, it'd be best not to reveal tha info. Thank you for the time, Admiral. I hope you have a pleasant rest of the evening." Mondai politely excuses himself and motions over to Chase. "I'm satisfied, are you?"
[1:04:39 AM] Coltitus: (I'm not done here.
[1:05:14 AM] Reaps: "Aye, I'm quite sated. We should be off to let the crew know we ain't dead."
[1:05:41 AM] Coltitus: (Close all hatches and jam all communications
[1:06:01 AM] Coltitus: (If possible, lead all shady characters to Mondai and Chase
[1:07:06 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you do so
[1:07:47 AM] Reaps: (I'm just saying, it may be a good idea to not go through with this, Taco. Flying a ship ain't easy.)
[1:08:17 AM] Coltitus: (I will do as I so desire
[1:08:30 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (and we cant exactly build another one if you manage to survive the wreckage of that one)
[1:08:53 AM] Coltitus: (I won't crash MY ship
[1:08:58 AM] Reaps: (We know.)
[1:09:14 AM | Removed 1:09:21 AM] Reaps: This message has been removed.
[1:09:27 AM] Reaps: (Sorry, ignore that.)
[1:10:47 AM] Coltitus: (I want to see if I can piece together bits of Mondai's conversation together to make it seem like he says "Trust this guy, men." or something like that
[1:12:01 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (13
[1:13:14 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (ye
[1:13:18 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you're able to do it
[1:13:25 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "How much you wanna bet that guy made off with our ship?" Mondai asks Chase. He chuckles a little. "Let's hope he makes it out. I'd like to talk to him personally."
(activate ship with rune)(allow gunnery crews to open fire once they get a signature of Taco)
[1:13:52 AM] Coltitus: (Huzzah, broadcast that across the ship
[1:14:04 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: it did
[1:14:11 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: also an explosion rocks the ship
[1:14:17 AM] Coltitus: (Ego te provoco, Mondai.
[1:14:28 AM] Coltitus: (I will not be fucked with
[1:14:44 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "“This is what you get for not paying
your dues to the adeptus, Rogue Trader. Now leave, while you still can, and
don’t come back this way again until you can pay!”
[1:14:51 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: plays over the comms
[1:15:05 AM] Reaps: "Most likely did. I don't think we'll be seeing him again, though. You really pissed those guys off."
[1:15:24 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "I'm going to miss that ship..."
[1:15:49 AM] Coltitus: (My jamming blocked Mondai's rune from activating the gun crews, right?
[1:16:02 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: the ship takes 4 damage
[1:16:04 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (no
[1:16:07 AM] Coltitus: (Hm
[1:16:13 AM] Reaps: Chase pats Mondai consolingly. "I know, mate. I know the feeling of losing a ship."
[1:16:13 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (the station is attacking the ship
[1:16:19 AM] Coltitus: (Time to get the fuck out of dodge
[1:16:27 AM] Reaps: (gud luck)
[1:16:31 AM] Coltitus: (Pilot the ship out
[1:16:46 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (a part of me actually hopes he makes it)
[1:16:57 AM] Reaps: (That would be a bad ship to lose.)
[1:17:39 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (76
[1:17:58 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you can't understand the controls
[1:18:18 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you need a 19 or lower to be able to do anything with the ship
[1:18:44 AM] Coltitus: (But I have all these skills...
[1:19:08 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you don't have the ability to pilot spacecraft
[1:19:21 AM] Coltitus: (Shit
[1:20:02 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you take 5 damage
[1:20:05 AM] Reaps: (Do I need a perc check to hear the explosions?)
[1:20:18 AM] Coltitus: (How much damage can this thing take?
[1:20:19 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (ye
[1:20:23 AM] Reaps: (Perc check)
[1:20:29 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: has 23 health left
[1:20:37 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: and the engines failed
[1:20:39 AM] Reaps: (Ouch)
[1:20:59 AM] Coltitus: (Get repair crews on that. Also, does anyone in the crew know how to pilot
[1:21:15 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: sort of
[1:21:15 AM] Reaps: (Wheats. You got the check right?)
[1:21:34 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (14
[1:21:37 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you hear them
[1:21:49 AM] Reaps: (Also, Taco, I would be one of the best choices for repairs. And nice, Wheats.)
[1:22:04 AM] Reaps: Chase hears fiant explosions and sighs. "Well, there goes our ship."
[1:22:19 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (not gonna try and salvage?
[1:22:24 AM] Reaps: (We are.)
[1:22:29 AM] Reaps: (We definitely are.)
[1:23:02 AM] Coltitus: (So can I get anyone to pilot this thing?
[1:23:14 AM] Reaps: (I'm wondering why you never questioned our utter contentedness with you stealing our ship.)
[1:23:47 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (ye
[1:23:47 AM] Coltitus: (I assumed you had just given up. I also didn't know that you had people ready to destroy your ship
[1:23:53 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (they need a 30 though
[1:23:58 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Well... I was concerned. More so for the safety of the ship)
[1:23:59 AM] Coltitus: (Fine by me
[1:24:08 AM] Reaps: (Yeah. It's a nice ship.)
[1:24:25 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Wheats, take us as close to the hanger as we can get to view our ship)
[1:24:30 AM] Reaps: (Dude, I make enemies everywhere.)
[1:24:54 AM] Coltitus: (Also, I'm going to tell the attackers that there are Port Security teams inside making a sweep of the ship and to stop firing
[1:25:10 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: when you guys get out it's the stations version of night
[1:25:37 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Taco, you're dealing with thugs, not legit flight personnel)
[1:26:11 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you make your way to the hanger and nottice how deathly quiet it is
[1:26:14 AM] Coltitus: (Tell them there's an fusion bomb on board and that they are going to kill themselves if I blow up
[1:26:21 AM] Reaps: (And, just to be clear, they want nothing more than to make sure Mondai and me are dead.)
[1:26:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: when walking two mutants block your path
[1:26:35 AM] Coltitus: (HUZZAH
[1:26:36 AM] Reaps: (Oh god...)
[1:26:45 AM] Reaps: (I'm gunna die)
[1:27:11 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: one of them says "Hear you've been asking alot of questions"
[1:27:20 AM] Coltitus: (kekekekek
[1:27:24 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "our boss don't like questions"
[1:28:05 AM] Reaps: (So, game over.)
[1:28:21 AM] Reaps: (GG, everyone, GG)
[1:28:34 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Evening, gentlemen," Mondai says. He kind of leans on Chase. "We've been askin' questions all right... like how come this place aint got a decent place to wet our throats?! Or how come we gotta walk for miles to come back to ur ship!? Questions all around..."
(Bluff our way through this)
[1:29:02 AM] Reaps: (It's literally our only hope.)
[1:29:06 AM] Coltitus: (I'm still trying to get these guns off me with my lies
[1:29:11 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "these guys seem to be paid to hurt you
[1:29:21 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: taco
[1:29:58 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: the moment they opened up they knew the outcome that would happen if they hit your warp drives
[1:30:28 AM] Reaps: (I have literally no option but my poweraxe. My BS is my lowest stat. If I have to fight, I'm swinging for the goddamned fences.)
[1:31:10 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (1
[1:31:12 AM] Coltitus: (Then why are they firing. Are they dumb
[1:31:27 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: before they can even finsih threatening you, you hack threw them
[1:31:32 AM] Reaps: (Taco. They want us dead.)
[1:31:35 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you hear running from behind
[1:31:38 AM] Reaps: (Holy balls.)
[1:31:44 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: obviously their ambush wasn't ready yet
[1:32:08 AM] Reaps: (Mondai, help. My turn is done.)
[1:32:29 AM] Reaps: (Also, I have God Luck right now, so we have to be quick.)
[1:32:45 AM] Coltitus: (Where is that guy I need with the 30 roll?!
[1:32:55 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: [1:20 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco:

<<< and the engines failed
[1:33:02 AM] Coltitus: (MOTHERFUCKER
[1:33:02 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Well fuckfuckittyfuckfuckmyfuckfuckersonfuckfest," Mondai says, drawing his bolter pistol. "I wanted to just have a good time."
(Fire at the ambushers)
[1:33:14 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: semi auto?
[1:33:31 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (can i aim for more than 1 if i do a single?)
[1:33:45 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you can take to un-aimed single shots
[1:33:59 AM] Reaps: (Aimed semi-auto is best.)
[1:34:06 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yeah
[1:34:11 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: i'll do an aimed semi-auto
[1:34:20 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: ajsiofhauighauhfu
[1:34:21 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: uisdahbguahguash
[1:34:22 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: ausihguiahguahg
[1:34:23 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: gasuihuoaihuhgs8ia
[1:34:24 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: ugasdhouighaohgsi
[1:34:26 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (1
[1:34:41 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you take down 2 of the 3 ambushers
[1:34:57 AM] Coltitus: (I need repair crews on that engine now
[1:35:03 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: there's also another mutant on spindely legs jumping roof from roof towards you
[1:35:09 AM | Edited 1:35:12 AM] Reaps: (I am the repair crew, Taco)
[1:35:22 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Fuck this, we need to get out of here..."
[1:35:31 AM] Coltitus: (I'm not getting captured by you bastards
[1:35:39 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Chase, whats your Perc?)
[1:35:51 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (repair crews need a 10
[1:35:55 AM] Reaps: 47, why?)
[1:35:56 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you need a 1
[1:36:08 AM] Reaps: (What would I need?)
[1:36:17 AM] Reaps: (Just curious.)
[1:36:17 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (should do a check for a vehicle since I can drive one)
[1:36:41 AM] Reaps: (I can drive a ground vehicle, too. You can fire better, though.)
[1:36:41 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: 77 or under
[1:36:51 AM] Reaps: (Told you I was the repair crew.)
[1:37:07 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (57 if you wanted to doubletime it
[1:37:13 AM] Coltitus: (I'm taking the identity of one of the crew members
[1:37:21 AM] Coltitus: (Sanitation
[1:37:25 AM] Coltitus: (That'll work
[1:37:50 AM] Reaps: (Okay, perc check for a small ship out to ours.)
[1:38:04 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: there are no ships
[1:38:10 AM] Reaps: (Damnit.)
[1:38:12 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: hatches are still closed and coms still jammed
[1:38:23 AM] Reaps: (So, we have no way to get to our ship?)
[1:38:25 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: still being chased by 2 bastards
[1:38:31 AM] Reaps: (Fuck)
[1:38:35 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: chase can hack his way in with servo skull
[1:38:51 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (I'll have to fend off the bastards)
[1:38:56 AM] Reaps: (Gonna do that. Mondai, you have to cover me.)
[1:39:17 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: but their's no airlocks so you're gonna have to low-g jump to a hatch
[1:39:30 AM] Reaps: (Okay.)
[1:39:34 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: also
[1:39:43 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: ship takes 7 damage
[1:39:49 AM] Reaps: OUch
[1:39:54 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Chase, you almost died the last time we low-g jumped)
[1:40:14 AM] Reaps: (I will die and we'll lose a ship if I don't try.)
[1:40:17 AM] Coltitus: (Are we at 16 health?
[1:40:21 AM] Reaps: (Yes)
[1:40:23 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yes
[1:40:24 AM] Reaps: (I'm keeping track)
[1:40:27 AM] Coltitus: (Gud
[1:40:36 AM] Reaps: (I want to save our ship.)
[1:40:45 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Taco... I still kinda dont want that ship totalled)
[1:41:23 AM] Reaps: (Whose turn?)
[1:41:28 AM] Coltitus: (Also, locking down all bridge systems and deleting footage. Opening hatches but leaving comms jammed
[1:42:18 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: so just a low g jump
[1:42:20 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: no hacking
[1:42:35 AM] Reaps: (Great. The easy part for me is what I don't have to do.)
[1:42:41 AM] Coltitus: (I just said I'm opening the hatches
[1:42:52 AM] Reaps: (I still have to get to the ship.)
[1:43:09 AM] Coltitus: (Oh, right. Sorry, I'm planning things out on my end
[1:43:23 AM] Reaps: (I'm aware.)
[1:43:33 AM] Reaps: (I have to take this jump.)
[1:44:00 AM] Reaps: (I have no options left. It's literally my highest chance of survival.)
[1:44:16 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: chase jumps first
[1:44:20 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: then mondai to save him
[1:44:32 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (36
[1:44:37 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you slip but barely
[1:44:39 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: hanging on
[1:44:48 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: need to use your second turn to pull up
[1:44:55 AM] Reaps: (Going to do that.)
[1:45:00 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (39
[1:45:01 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you do
[1:45:09 AM] Reaps: (So, on the ship?)
[1:45:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yes
[1:45:35 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: mondai
[1:45:39 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you still have 2 turns
[1:45:45 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: 2 moves
[1:45:54 AM | Edited 1:45:56 AM] Reaps: If only he could carry me to the engine room.)
[1:46:09 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: he cna
[1:46:33 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: "Chase... what if we paid those guys now?" Mondai asks over the micro-beads. "I'd like to keep our ship..."
[1:46:47 AM] Reaps: (Do that. You /really/ want to get me there ASAP, then get to the wheel.)
[1:46:51 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Jump)
[1:46:57 AM | Edited 1:46:59 AM] Reaps: "Do you seriously think they're going to stop?"
[1:47:20 AM] Coltitus: (I'm away from the bridge, correct?
[1:47:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (yes
[1:47:31 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you moved lower
[1:47:41 AM] Coltitus: Gud
[1:47:42 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (95
[1:47:45 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: mondai slips
[1:47:50 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: needs to pull himself up
[1:47:52 AM] Reaps: (I like how Taco is trying to save face)
[1:48:01 AM] Reaps: (I can't help, can I?)
[1:48:10 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you can
[1:48:13 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (pull myself up)
[1:48:15 AM] Reaps: (I help)
[1:48:24 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: it's a free action to help a teammate perform things like this
[1:48:30 AM] Reaps: (I help)
[1:48:31 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (kiss)
[1:48:38 AM] Reaps: (That's beautiful)
[1:48:38 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (and i mean that)
[1:48:40 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: pulled up
[1:48:52 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (so I still have another turn?)
[1:49:19 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: no
[1:49:38 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (welp)
[1:49:51 AM] Reaps: (Damn. That means we take damage now. I can't repair the ship itself, can I?)
[1:50:14 AM] Coltitus: (Just get the engines under control
[1:50:19 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you'll need a repair station
[1:50:34 AM] Reaps: (Then the Engine room and getting out of dodge is our only chance.)
[1:50:46 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (Contact the guys on your dataslate and negotiate a price)
[1:50:54 AM] Reaps: (So dash for the helm and I'll make for the engines.)
[1:51:05 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: there are other ports in station where you can hire some help no questions asked
[1:51:14 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: for repairs
[1:51:23 AM] Reaps: (Doing that ASAP)
[1:52:09 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (the hell is going on... where is everyone?)
[1:52:37 AM] Reaps: (What do you mean?)
[1:52:40 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: everyone is in the ship
[1:53:21 AM] Reaps: (I doubt they are going to calmly talk over a payment, Mondai)
[1:53:52 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (then we'll negotiate with the macro cannons)
[1:54:29 AM] Reaps: (How about we try getting the fuck out of here, instead?)
[1:54:41 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (whatever, fix the engine)
[1:54:52 AM] Reaps: (I have to get there first.
[1:54:56 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (I'm going to try and find Taco)
[1:55:09 AM] Reaps: (You would be better off getting to the controls.)
[1:55:21 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (or that, since we're spiraling out of control)
[1:55:35 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (more or less)
[1:56:01 AM] Reaps: (We are. And, just so we're all aware, since our DM just became so, we can all legitimately game over right here.)
[1:56:44 AM] Coltitus: (I locked down the controls, just as a reminder
[1:56:55 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (just for the bridge
[1:57:18 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (I wanna try and regain full control of the ship in its current state)
[1:57:42 AM] Reaps: (That shouldn't be any issue. Your rune should do that.)
[1:57:43 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (shouldn't concern number one be guns
[1:58:00 AM] Reaps: (Until the engine is fixed, absolutely.)
[1:58:38 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (I just suggested that... and you told me to pilot the ship)
[1:58:49 AM] Coltitus: (I'm awaiting an opportunity for my benefit
[1:59:01 AM] Reaps: (We have to have a pilotable one first. Get the crew on guns.)
[1:59:16 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: 9 ship health left before every hit becomes a critical
[1:59:42 AM] Reaps: (We still at 16?)
[2:00:03 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: nope
[2:00:07 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: 9 ship health
[2:00:11 AM] Reaps: (WOW)
[2:00:25 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: it's your turns
[2:00:39 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (throw crew on guns and regain control. IfI can contact Taco, do so.)
[2:00:52 AM] Reaps: (Fuck Taco. I'm locking him in with the servo skull.
[2:00:56 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (still jammed
[2:01:07 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (you gotta get to the bridge and deal with that
[2:01:22 AM] Reaps: Can I send the skull with Mondai?)
[2:02:04 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yes
[2:02:07 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: wait
[2:02:10 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: where is mondai going
[2:02:24 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (I'm going to the bridge to regain control of the ship)
[2:02:27 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: remember
[2:02:35 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: servo skull has chase's int -20
[2:02:52 AM] Reaps: (Which is still a /very/ solid 73)
[2:03:17 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (the crew should be put on guns to hold the other guys at bay)
[2:03:23 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: so les do everything
[2:03:24 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: chase
[2:03:39 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: double time repairs or normal
[2:04:07 AM] Reaps: Still 57 for double?)
[2:04:20 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: yes
[2:04:49 AM] Reaps: (What's the benefit of double-time?
[2:05:00 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: it will be repaired instantly
[2:05:16 AM] Reaps: (Do that.)
[2:05:28 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (64
[2:05:30 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: nope
[2:05:49 AM] Reaps: (Goddamnit! No chance of another roll.)
[2:05:57 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: use an action pint
[2:06:13 AM] Reaps: (YEah, doing that.)
[2:06:17 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: alright
[2:06:20 AM] Reaps: (Fuck missing this shit.)
[2:06:21 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: repaired
[2:06:26 AM] Reaps: (Gud)
[2:06:30 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: next
[2:06:31 AM] Reaps: (GEt us the FUCK out
[2:06:36 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: crew man gunnery stations
[2:06:42 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: opening fire on station defences
[2:07:06 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you send out a volley of ordance and crush a few gun positions
[2:07:16 AM] Reaps: (Good)
[2:07:34 AM] Reaps: (Working engines, less projectiles coming at us... I like this.)
[2:07:41 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (can I pilot us out of here?)
[2:07:51 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: gotta fix the bridge
[2:07:58 AM] Reaps: (My skull)
[2:08:58 AM] Mondai Shunketsu: (use Chase's skull to fix the bridge)
[2:09:07 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: (70
[2:09:09 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: fixed
[2:09:16 AM] Reaps: (Good)
[2:09:25 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: imagine if you put a pistol on that thing
[2:09:39 AM] Reaps: (This would have been bad.)
[2:10:04 AM] Coltitus: (I would've gotten away with this had I known of other factors
[2:10:11 AM] Reaps: (We know.)
[2:10:15 AM] Reaps: (I do, at least.)
[2:10:24 AM] Reaps: (I saw this coming from the get-go.)
[2:10:29 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: the comms go on
[2:11:09 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: "Cease, cease!" you hear. "We surrender, we weren't paid enough to shoot someone that would fight back."
[2:11:32 AM] Reaps: (Checkmate.)
[2:11:51 AM] The perfect balance of chase and taco: you hear yells and coffing along with the sound of burning coming through their comms
[2:11:58 AM] Coltitus: (Upside is, I'm on your ship

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Comments ( 4 )

This was intense:twilightangry2:

I literally had music blaring the whole time. It was stressful.

2008793 I bet. Also, have to love how Taco thought he was actually going to get away with the ship. :trollestia:

2008805 I am Grand Panda Reaps. When I decide to play my cards. Things go my way. End of story.

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