More Blog Posts316

  • 412 weeks
    This is Music the Looping Traceu...signing off for the last time...

    I will love you all always. You have my email and I hope you all contact me. You were my biggest supporters for those who stuck around. And in the end, I'm glad you did. I will remember you all for days to come.
    Hi World
    Shakespearicles (God I hope I spelled it right...)
    Tentacle Slaphappy (you were banned towards the end but you were still there)

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    7 comments · 617 views
  • 412 weeks
    Guys, it's too late. there is no stopping me.

    I've already asked the famous moderator Meeester to ban me.

    Don't believe me? Ask him yourself.

    I will not be returning to this site for the rest of my days alive. I was born 1999. Do the math.

    Today and tomorrow are your last days to get my contact info should this be dampening your day and you want to keep in touch.

    3 comments · 474 views
  • 412 weeks
    You know what? Fuck it. Good bye.

    Let's be honest. Nobody gives a fuck about my stories, about me as a person, they just follow me for followbacks. Fuck Fanfiction, it hurts to write because it takes so much shit just to get a story approved. Fuck being addicted to this shitty ass site, in which there are rules nobody follows. Fuck the fandom butt-hurt. Fuck EVERYTHING!!!

    If you want to contact me, leave a comment.

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    42 comments · 684 views
  • 412 weeks
    I'm thinking of making an alternate account on this site for stories

    One that will tell me who is still alive out of all my followers on here. When and if I make it, I will leave a link.

    2 comments · 451 views
  • 412 weeks me weird, see if I care! :3

    Just tried - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV)

    7 comments · 404 views

The cursed 50 questions... · 10:07pm Apr 13th, 2014

1. What is your first name:
2. How old are you:
3. What country are you from:
4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:
When I finally figure out how to put pictures without it being put up through a link, you'll find out that way. In the meantime, deal with this description; 5'9'', male, dark brown hair and eyes. I have slight freckles across my nose bridge, slightly big ears, scar under my chin from a very young age. I have my mother's hips and ass for some reason, but my dad's toothpick-like skinniness (I think that bit was kinda unnecessary). I wear size 10 and 1/2 sneakers.
5. What do you wish you looked like:
Are pics acceptable for this one? Because I'm fine with what I look like, but if I had a choice, I'd most likely wanna look like this guy;

6. How did you come across My Little Pony:
I had two friends who were Bronies. They constantly talked to me about it, and I would think to myself, 'What is so interesting about this show that even guys will watch it?' I decided finally to go on Netflix and watch it to find out. I told myself, 'You don't know if you'll like it for sure, so only watch one episode.' :rainbowlaugh: I ended finishing all the two seasons on Netflix in just two short nights.
7. What is your favorite ship in My Little Pony and why:
8. What is your least favorite ship and why:
Like I said, depends. I don't have a favorite ship. So long as the story keeps me interested, I love it. If the story doesn't keep me interested, I don't like it.
9. Have you admitted to anyone outside of Fimfiction that you love MLP:
10. Were they a family member:
Double :eeyup:. I also told some friends in school about it. One of them was being a jerk by calling me gay until I kicked his nuts. :twilightsmile:
11. Favorite MLP Episode:
ALL OF THEM!!! :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:
12. Who is your favorite superhero:
The web-head Spider-man.
13. Who is your favorite anti-hero:
14. Favorite supervillain:
Don't have any.
15. Favorite anti-villain?
Again; Don't have any.
16. What was the last book you read:
'Gathering Blue' by Lois Lowry.
17. Last movie you watched:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
18. What is your favorite song at the moment:
There's this one dub-step made by a guy who calls himself DJPon3Official on soundcloud. It's called Trick or FREAK
19. What song do you always come back to:
...Trick or FREAK...
20. What is your current job:
...*boops your nose.*...
21. If this is not your final job what job do you want in the future:
...*boops your nose again.*...
22. What is your dream job:
23. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest achievement:
I have two, actually. One is reaching a 40+ milestone, the other is writing two stories that appear to be my best work yet.
24. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest failure:
...At the moment; none! :pinkiehappy:
25. Do you have any pets:
...Let me answer you like as if I was in Team Fortress 2; Nope. *neck stretches.*
26. What is your dream pet:
Woona...What!?! You look at these pics and tell me you wouldn't want this;

27. Do you own any weapons:
28. Is there a gun you really want:
29. What Religion are you:
Well, I'm Catholic, but I never practiced it. I'm being given no choice but to go on Easter, though.
30. If you could hang out with one person in all of history who would it be:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
31. If you could bring back one person from the dead for one day who would it be:
A family member on my Puerto-rican side who died of cancer. My reason for this was that I regretted not knowing her well.
32. Are you political:
Depends on what you mean for this question when you say 'political.'
33. Are you married:
...maybe... :ajsmug:
34. Do you have a special somepony:
35. Have a crush on anyone:
36. Care to explain:
Nope. *neck stretches.*
37. Do you consider yourself attractive:
...I consider myself to be under the category of 'meh...'
38. If you could spend one day with someone still alive who would it be:
My followers, who have stuck with me to the end...even though 'the end' hasn't exactly come yet...
39. Who is your favorite pony:

40. Any embarrassing secrets you would like to share:
No...and don't ask me again, either...
41. If you have done any stories/art what is your favorite piece(s):
How I Met Derpy, and its sequel My Dear filly Snow Cloud.
42. Are you a virgin:
There ain't no way in HELL THAT I'M GONNA ANSWER THAT!!!
43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have no regrets about:
Sacking someone in the face for throwing a basketball at my head.
44. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have regrets about:
Not beating the shit out of that person to the point they bled through their eye sockets...
45. Do you have a fetish of any kind:
I like watching DIY videos of people making a hidden blade.
46. Do you regret saying this fetish:
Nope. *neck stretches.*
47. What are some of your favorite FIM stories:
I have so many, I can't name them all... :ajconfused:
48. Favorite Quote:
No one will ever be a better you than you are at being you.
49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them:
Nope. *neck stretches.*
50. Did you answer these questions honestly:

Comments ( 25 )

This was cool. But Spidey isn't a anti-hero. Anti-heroes are heroes who act neutrally, even if that means killing a true hero. A solid example? Deadpool. Same goes for anti-villains.

2007424 Really? I was told that an Anti-hero is a hero who got their powers, and weren't born with them.

2007428 I looked up on Urban Dictionary. And it's quite confusing

2007434 Well, I changed it to say Kratos, now.

This reminds me of another users 50 answers, only theres were way more sarcastic. :rainbowlaugh:

2007428 Well, from what I got, MY favorite anti-villain works fine. :rainbowlaugh:

2007444 Just out of curiosity: who is it?

2007448 Jane the Killer :trollestia:
Who else?

2007450 Jane the Killer? in a rule 63 version of Jeff?

2007453 NOT THE RULE 63 VERSION! :facehoof:
People always think that! Geez, do I need to link her story? :ajbemused:

2007450 Now there's a person who knows about creepypastas! Have my follow, mostly because I like following people.

Sorry for filling your inbox, Music...

2007457 Awesome. I'm also gonna follow you, just cuz I like what it says in their message. :rainbowlaugh:

2007457 Nah, it's fine. Just don't do it too much.

With an understanding of complex quantum physics both scientific and philosophical, I have recently found the ability to acquire memories of different versions of my self. The truth is everything exists either imaginable unimaginable.:ajsmug:

2008317 ...Dat Assassin's Creed reference tho...

2008321 Its similar... for instance I remember breaking my leg while rock climbing, the pain and everything. But it never happened in this reality.

2008343 everything is connected. once one learns to feel consciousness at a base level. every reality seems to fall in place like a library of memories, skills and knowlage.

2008362 You know something? I posted a new story, and I'd like to know your opinion on it. It's called The Assassin's Legacy. It's not a crossover, but it is inspired by Assassin's Creed.

2008371 Wanna know something? Ditzy is a good hugger.:rainbowwild:

2008383 Derpy: Thank you! *holds out her forelegs.* Hug?

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