Looking for a Proof-reader. · 12:27pm Dec 31st, 2013
I am finally starting another story, but since I tend to be bad at finishing novels, this is going to be a one-shot of about 5000-10000 words. I'm just looking for someone to help it look good when it's published. It's going to be my usual fare. Dark, horrifying and Not safe for Woona.
Please PM me if you are interested.
When will it be published?
any progress on that story?
I wrote about a 3rd of it while I was inspired but it fizzled out :(.
So I have no idea when. I have generally decided not to write any more and just read other people's stories, more fun way to spend my time honestly.
I won't want my effort so far to go to waste so I will finish it eventually.
2033779 well what was the idea anyway?