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  • 581 weeks
    What's up with the peaches?

    Can someone tell me what's up with the peaches? Is it something from the show,(I don't watch the show), or just something else?

    5 comments · 920 views
  • 583 weeks
    Help please

    I need some help with the science/math in the series, can't say more than that without potential spoilers. If you'd like to help, PM me.

    5 comments · 639 views
  • 584 weeks
    [no title]

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  • 589 weeks
    A little something

    Just wanted to tell you all, the next chapter of The Dark Soul will be out soon. Also a little thing on my updates. I will from now on alternate between The Dark Soul and Of Things Amiss in terms of updates, just thought you'd like to know.

    Side note, to all my Dark Souls players I have a question. How do you mess with people ?

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    1 comments · 640 views
  • 591 weeks
    Poll for new 'Humans' story.

    Hello my rather voracious fans, I'd like to ask a question.
    Would you all like a new story set within the 'Humans' genre, one of a more serious tone?
    I've had this idea kicking around in my head for a while now and I'd like your opinion.

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    6 comments · 638 views

What's up with the peaches? · 3:15pm Dec 19th, 2013

Can someone tell me what's up with the peaches? Is it something from the show,(I don't watch the show), or just something else?

Report Nightwatcher · 920 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Obselescence used the hypothetical story Twilight Sparkle Eats Peaches in this blog post. It caught on and now there's yet another instance of the [pony] [verb] [thing]-type stories. Interestingly though, everyone that usually hates it when stories like that get featured (because it keeps stuff that's actually good from getting popular) seems to be entirely on-board with this one.

Comment posted by Nightwatcher deleted Dec 19th, 2013

1624068>>1624067 Oh, thanks for the info..... I love this fandom lol.

This reminds me of Rarity fighting giant crabs. 'Cause to this day I have yet to figure out where the hell that came from.

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