• Member Since 19th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2023

heavy weapons brony

was born, which was cool, then stuff got weird

More Blog Posts10

  • 449 weeks
    okay never mind (fallout 4 challenge)

    I regret to inform you that due to a recent scheduled conflict i will not be participating in the fallout 4 challenge.

    however i was presented with a exiting opportunity that i will explain about this video.

    0 comments · 489 views
  • 449 weeks
    The Fallout 4 challange 4.

    Hello my followers, this is just to let you know the perimeters of a little challenge i have set up for myself.

    i will post all videos to individual blogs so my Fim followers can be updated as well.

    see you all when the bombs fall!

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    0 comments · 279 views
  • 459 weeks
    whats been going on.

    hey guys, i've still been getting alot of questions on why my content comes and goes so i made a video describing my current situation in my life. just so you guys get a better idea on how my life is going and hopefully dispel any more rumors.

    also so i could plug in my gaming channel.


    3 comments · 301 views
  • 462 weeks
    I'm i back?

    hey guys HWB here and i just wanted to clear up some question (I presume) some ppl have for me.

    Am i back?

    the answer is,....maybe. true i did get internet but things havent improved here money wise. so i have no idea for how long.

    im still waiting (after 2 whole years) on the army, got what should be the last of my paper work done today and sent it up so, we'll see how it goes.

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    0 comments · 311 views
  • 471 weeks
    HWB finally tells everyone what the hells the freaking hold up.

    My dear bronys

    it has come to my attention that following my sudden hiatus that many are spreading rumors that i have either run out of ideas or given up writing.

    let me dispel these rumors right now,

    whats happening is life has taken a lot of unexpected turns for me and i really wanted to wait until i knew what was happening before i came on here and explained everything.

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    1 comments · 328 views

whats your fav tf2 class/pony and why? · 5:28pm Dec 13th, 2013

what is you favorite tf2 class and why? now i know i know thats not really mlp related so to add to that which pony do you thinks best represents your favorite tf2 class? mine is the soldier, i always get mvp and triple my death to kill ratio when i play as him its because his only strength his his lack of weakness, he is very useful everywhere on the map and has good preformance at both close range and long range. and the pony i think represents him is derpy because think about it, if derpys thing was being patriotic instead of cute, and had a passion for killing maggots instead of muffins i think she would be a carbon copy of sgt jane doe.

Report heavy weapons brony · 360 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

My favorite class would have to be the Engineer. When I play TF2, I've developed a reputation for multiple kills and for some reason suits my playing style. I'm primarily a defensive player, but at the same time end up being gibbed/stabbed/sniped to death whenever I play as other classes (I think I might be a horrible Heavy, though). But as Engi, I can just stay in the corner and kill any tresspassers while occasionally spy-checking with my trusty Southern Hospitality for spies or shooting down stragglers with my Frontier Justice incase the sentry's destroyed. Have I mentioned that I have almost 150 kills in mvm? :twistnerd:

Applejack is best engi because they both have southern accents (despite being from different states) and they are both practical and down-to-earth hard workers. If AJ went to college and obtained a Ph.D in engineering instead of being a simple farmer, she might as well fit the role. Alternately, Applebloom can obtain an engineering cutie mark if she went this way. :pinkiehappy:

yes the engie is a very good class and i agree that applejack is represented best by the n.g more that u think.
lets analize the classes domonation quotes
we see a diffrent pattern with the n.g then any other class, mosy quotes done by other classes are mean, racist or just cut right to the bone (spy/scout) but engie seems to give advice in most of his quotes, mmmm, i guess es just a little more "honest"then most classes.

any way he is a bit of a comparison

spy:Oh, fat man, please! This is getting awkward!"
well thats not very helpful, and kinda mean lets try somone else

scout:I am owning you, you fat, bald bastard!"

engie:"Didn't yer momma teach ya not to play with matches?"
well thats a bit nice, you see the n.g is a little bit more down to earth
then most classes and i think is a bit more sane then most and that down to earth sanity i feel is a good represntation for a down to equestria apple buckin pony

i love being the engie is my secound fav class easy ever since i got the gunslinger, yea i love that weapon, the true embodyment to the phrase, "screw you i'll get a new one."

and lastly yes i do just sit around and think of this stuff all day due to my complete lack of a life

"glad you liked my story."-HWB

Comment posted by heavy weapons brony deleted Jan 31st, 2014

1777345 Well, to be fair, The Engineer is a "Good Ol Boy" from Texas, and has that Southern Hospitality going for him. Kind of like the Spy this makes him more of a gentleman compared to some of the other clases.

Soldier is fairly good, but he's held back by the fact that his primary weapon holds just four rounds, making his capability very limited, especially when rocket jumping.

My favorite class is ultimately The Heavy seeing as he may be slow, but he packs a real punch, has a lot of health, and has arguably the best taunt kill in the game. And it's hillarious to hear some of the random nonsense he spits out. As for who best represents him, that's kind of a tie. Some say Pinkie Pie because she talks all the time, some say Fluttershy because of "Never, NEVER, make me angry" and "Oh my god! Who touched Sasha?!", and some say Big Macintosh simply because he's big and he's a male. I ultimately say Fluttershy, seeing as The Heavy's insults aren't as hard hitting as some of the other classes, but have a sharp sting to your pride. (Examples: "I think someone soiled diaper." "Hide coward! I will find you!" "I was told, we would be fighting MEN!" "Did you think you could beat me? Next time pick on somone your own tiny baby size!" "What sick man sends babies to fight me?")

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