TheToxicMuffin's Advent Calendar! Day 8 · 1:21pm Dec 8th, 2013
Snow be here, snow be there, snow be everywhere. That sums up how bad the snowing was yesterday. It reaches half way to my knee and is an overall pain in the ass...
I'm bored. I should probably do something else with this advent calendar day that doesn't involve talking about the uninteresting aspects of European snow. Meh, I should probably try and write a story or something since I have nothing better to do. Even better idea, does anybody have a Play Station Network account? If you do, we could play Uncharted 3 or something. I beg of you to join me, I'm bored beyond imagination.
Not here in Australia.
Alas, Xbox 360.
Give me a call during the next gen. I'll have a PS4 in a year or two.
Same here. I've run my PS3 into the ground and it hardly turns on at all. It's a risk to even try and start a game up, let alone play multiplayer. Australians have it lucky being in the land down under since it rarely snows there at all.
It snows in some places over east. But Western Australia is pretty much devoid of snow. It's all desert and bush over here.
Desert and bush must be like a safe haven compared to Europe.
If you don't go out at night, sure.