• Member Since 11th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2017


I still check this website for some reason. I might post a blog about music every now and then, and sometimes update the Youtube link below for good music I've recently discovered.

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    Quick album reviews 2016*

    骨架的 - Holograms

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    “New” favourite works of Classical Music

    I put new in quotes because, firstly, they're now all decades old and, secondly, because I discovered them all quite a while ago but have had yet to mention them. (It's been ages since I updated this blog.) All are repetitive to varying degrees. Here they are, with links, descriptions and reasons why they're favourites of mine:

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    日本映画 & Deutsche Filme

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    A collection of obscure tunes I've come across recently:

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    A whole bunch of anime films

    I've been watching so many of these recently that I thought I may as well just give a short, spoiler-free impression of each one, instead of going into too much depth. If you haven't seen these, then let's just say that you should have.

    Night on the Galactic Railroad

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Reactions to Doctor Who, MLP and Salad Fingers · 11:27pm Nov 25th, 2013

So, three popular shows got an anniversary/new season episode on Saturday: Doctor Who (which was hyped up like god-knows-what), MLP:FIM (obviously I'm gonna talk about it, given the subject of this site), and Salad Fingers (which caught me rather by surprise, since I wasn't exactly expecting it). Here's what I thought of them all, in order of viewing. (Warning: spoilers.)

Doctor Who - 50th Anniversary Special

Before watching this special, I hadn't watched Doctor Who for years. I really liked it back when the show got rebooted in 2005, and I have quite a few fond memories of that time, but I eventually got bored of it in about 2008 or so and stopped watching it altogether. Seeing this special somewhat reminded me why I stopped watching it, but it also reminded me of what I liked about the show in the first place. One thing I don't like about the show, or one reason why I find it hard to take it seriously, is the recurring presence of the Daleks. They're just silly; their weapons are obviously just modelled on a hand whisk and a toilet plunger, and they hardly sound threatening when they yell "EXTERMINATE" at the top of their robotic voices (which has a dampened effect because they always speak at the top of their voices anyway).

The plot had its strong points, but also a few gaping holes in it. Those alien enemies called the Zaigon (I'm guessing that's how it's spelled) were hardly very scary, and the potential impact of their ability to change into people and assume their identity was rather wasted (the Slitheen aliens in the 2005 season did this idea better). Also, their plot line seemed to simply vanish when the nuke under London was disarmed, and there was no clear indication as to why they wanted to invade Earth in the first place. Elizabeth the First's role in the story was pretty minimal as well. She simply had the Doctors locked away and then sort-of released, and then we never heard from her again either. And as for the attack on Gallifrey, I was never that concerned by it. And that weapon at the beginning, the one that was locked in a box, what happened to that?

Let's talk about the characters now. It was an interesting character study to show the different personas of The Doctor and to see how they interacted. I liked the old man Doctor the best, personally, since he never felt the need to show off like David Tennant and Matt Smith's incarnations. His outrage at the way the other two used the sonic screwdrivers was a good example of this. The pretty-young-woman assistant was rather forgettable, especially considering that I actually forgot her name. Bad Wolf was alright as a spiritual guide to the older Doctor, but I think she should've been played by someone else. Billie Piper played Rose Tyler well because her character was a sassy girl from London, but she didn't seem right for the more spiritual role. Oh, and here's one character who I actively disliked, that nerdy girl who wore hipster glasses and a scarf. She was obviously just a shout out to the Doctor Who fandom in the USA, mostly nerdy girls who go on Tumblr a lot (or at least that's the stereotype). I'm sure hardcore Whovians would've loved her, but I just thought she was annoying.

So, I'm on the fence as to whether I'll watch any more of the show. The only reason I'm considering doing so is because the next incarnation of The Doctor will be played by Peter Capaldi (who played Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It, a fantastic character in a hilarious show). To put things into perspective, I was more excited by recognising that the time-hole thing had the same sound effects applied to it as the deep-sea jellyfish in The Blue Planet. But still, it wasn't a bad watch, just not so great either.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 4, Episodes 1 & 2

Similar to Doctor Who, I hadn't watched MLP for months until watching this episode. Season 3 was rather disappointing to me, considering that it had two big changes that I didn't like (Discord being reformed and Alicorn Twilight), but I thought that I may as well still watch the start of the new season (to see if I still even liked the show, if nothing else). I'm glad to say that, despite a slightly shaky start, I did enjoy this double-parter episode. One thing about the show that kinda bugs me is how the writers feel the need to have an epic "let's-fight-some-new-evil-enemy" episode at the beginning and end of each season. And The Elements of Harmony had pretty much become a convenient plot device rather than a feature of a magical world; notice how I said "had". This episode not only got rid of The Elements as a writer's crutch, but it also made the details clear about two of Equestria's key historical events. Of course, it now means that all the fanon theories about them have now been nuked, but that doesn't bother me too much. Also, Discord still seemed to retain the fun side to him that made him such a good character in the first place, so I guess that him now being "good" wasn't too much of a bad decision after all (even if Keep Calm and Flutter On was a really stupid episode).

However, the episode did have its flaws. All of the Mane 6 except for Twilight had their characters completely flattened, as-per-usual with these episodes. Pinkie Pie was especially embarrassing and unfunny, and Rarity and Fluttershy were almost not there at all. Only Applejack and Rainbow Dash did any important things, and even then AJ only made her utterly ridiculous "plan". Really, the idea of Twilight just going home without the rest of them made no sense whatsoever, and the only stupider thing was how all the others agreed with it. Without her element then the plan they made wouldn't even work. That was clearly just a cheap shot at getting the viewer more emotionally invested. Rainbow Dash did at least do some helpful things like teaching Twilight how to fly, though. But on the point of Twilight flying, why did she have to fly to Ponyville from Canterlot when she could teleport instead?

But all those criticisms aside, I did like this episode more than I was expecting to. With The Elements of Harmony out of the way but those 6 keys that have yet to be found, then it seems like the inevitable grand season finale episode will have more to it than just another villain to vanquish. It also leaves the opportunity for an overarching plot to occur throughout the season alongside the usual character-driven episodes. That's something that has my interest, and indeed I think I will be watching Season 4 of MLP. I'm hardly a brony any more, but I at least admit that I still like this little girls' animated show and that I'm optimistic for its future. (I'm still not sure about whether I want to watch Equestria Girls, though.)

Salad Fingers - Episode 10

As I said earlier, I was surprised to find that there was a new Salad Fingers out. The last one was made about a year or two ago, so it sure has been a long time. There's not really a lot to say about this episode, since it has the same elements of every other episode in the whole series (except for the Boards of Canada intro music). It makes hardly any sense, but it's all the more disturbing for that. One thing I really like about Salad Fingers as a character is his very old sayings and manner of speaking, all combined in a gentle Yorkshire accent. As an Englishman, and having lived in North Yorkshire for most of my life, I can say that there's something very creepy about that to me. It's as if he has the voice of my Grandmother in his bizarre green body. Anyway, this episode was especially scary compared to some of the earlier ones, but it doesn't quite top the quality of episode 9; that one really creeped me the hell out. I'm practically nitpicking here, though, it was a great episode. The only thing that broke the mood for me was when Fingers made his teeth move by rotating his arm like a music box, it reminded me too much of Conrad Poohs and his Dancing Teeth from Monty Python's Flying Circus for me to not find it funny. I enjoyed this one the most out of all the episodes of the shows I've listed here, but it's a shame that we'll probably have to wait another year or so for the next episode.

Report Nosnibormada · 375 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I saw you post this but I didn't reply cos I hadn't watched the episode until just yesterday (and the leaked 3rd episode which I have to say is one of my favorite episodes of MLP...definately top 5). I really didn't like season 3 that much either but I was a-ok with Alicorn Twilight (she's my favorite pony c'mon) because I thought it would be really interesting new and refreshing change to the show that was honestly getting REALLY stale in s3, I'm in total agreement that Keep Calm and Flutter on was...like...well...the worst MLP episode they've ever made. I'm pretty okay with reformed Discord but man that episode was awful. Anyway enough about season 3.

I really did like the season 4 two-parter and I too am glad that they did away with the elements of Harmony. I can't say this with any confidence but I'd like to think that Lauren Faust's original intent had been to get rid of the elements or at least never have a need for them past episode 1 and 2. Much like how you were saying about not really needing a villain every first and last episode of the season. That being said this episode was pretty good...I hadn't really noticed any of those plot holes until you pointed them out since I was kinda just enjoying having ponies again. You are right though...those are some pretty glaring plot holes. At least they didn't really detract from the experience of watching it for the first time (at least in my case).

Anyway I'm not sure if you noticed in the first two episodes but when you watch the third you'll really notice that they've really increased the quality of art and animation this season.

Unfortunately I don't have any comment on Doctor Who or Salad Fingers. Though if I do remember Salad Fingers was something from...like...the 90's...early 2000's...that's pretty surprising so I'll probably watch it at some point. Probably Doctor Who as well...I like Doctor Who but like...not as much as most people who watch Doctor Who. I don't watch it on my own but I'm sure my friends will sit me down and make me watch it with them (and it'll probably be awesome like it always is haha)


Sorry for the late reply, I've had quite a bit of work to do recently.

I think Season 3 did have some good episodes in it, but it really did feel like it was getting tired as a show at that point. Season 4 should actually be pretty good, judging by the quality so far. I've seen episode 3 now, and I thought it was great! There were some real laugh-out-loud moments and the way the light hearted tension built up towards the end was very effective. I didn't notice too much of an increase in art and animation quality, but it is better than, say, Season 1 standard.

I think Salad Fingers is at least from the early 00's, since it regularly has one of the songs from Geogaddi on it. I'm sure you'd love the music on it, since Boards of Canada and Aphex Twin regularly get used. It's sort of a psychological horror that barely makes any sense, but it's like that on purpose and it's well worth watching (if you ask me).

You could probably tell that I was kinda "meh" on Doctor Who. I guess I'd recommend it a little bit, but you could just as easily watch something better in that same amount of time. That's just my opinion, though. If you're actually a fan of the show then I'm sure you'll love it.


heh, I understand...I've been pretty bogged down myself (I just was able to reply to this quick cos I happened to be on my weekend)

I do agree that season 3 had some pretty good episodes but I'd still say it's probably the worst season of MLP so far. With Alicorn Twilight at the end of the season, season 4 was pretty much the make it or break it point for me...if they didn't do something good with alicorn twilight (or worse reverted her back for some weird reason, which I did hear rumors about) I'd...well probably still watch the show but probably with half a heart. I dunno...I think most of what's bringing MLP down for me is...bronies :T

ARGH! Man! I know I've seen at least the first Salad Fingers and if he was using stuff as BOC and Aphex Twin as background music than that means I was exposed to that stuff when I was in like...middle school/high school...and I had such awful music taste back then (it could have been so good!). Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I had a copy of "Music" back in 1996 and what my taste in music would be like today if I had all this time develop it with stuff like that instead of stuff that I ultimately ended up abandoning (and am a bit embarassed to admit to have listened to...*cough*linkinpark*cough*). ANYWAY...I got way off topic there. I think I'll give the rest of them watch, it can't be too long of a watch and it does really seem like something I'd enjoy.

I'm pretty much with you on Doctor Who...like I said I like it well enough but I, in no way, love it as much as my friends (or tumblr...or any other part of that fandom) love it. I watch it pretty casually and only when I'm with my friends.

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